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PVD and rock the vote... this is veeird... jah??


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wow get off PVD's lameass music and his lameass attempt to get crackheads to vote for Kerry...funny how all u ppl r sooo against Bush cuz he makes us safer by doin things noone else has the balls 2, so u guys wanna elect Kerry who cant make his mind up on nething, has 10 different positions on Iraq, picks the one that is most convenient..wants to give power back to the UN, which is prolly the most power abusive corrupt organization in the world. example: oil for food scandal, I dont want the UN protecting America, I want America protecting America...and also a comment was made about Reagan and Bush being alike.....ummm look in history and read about wut ppl sed of Ronald Reagan SAMEEEEEEEE as they say about Bush...and Islamic radicalism is much more dangerous to America than communism, so stop being Bush haters for the sake of saying u hate Bush, and pretend ur a polling professional and say that most young ppl are against the war, bc look at the REAL polls, its alot closer than u think..but go ahead listen to PVD lmaooooo u fcukin ppl..funny how Fox News is soooooo biased to u ppl, lol, but ummmm CNN and CBS arent ooooookkk guyyyy

hey mongo learn how to form a coherent paragraph and then we can talk ok... with bush there's a greater chance of war... with war there's a greater chance of america instituting the draft.. with implementation of the draft there's a chance of my ass being shipped overseas to protect a bunch of people i dont know, who dont want me there... with kerry i think there is less of a chance of this happeneing.. so my vote is going to kerry

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PvD is not lame so stfu and as far as voting for Kerry, I never said who I am voting for.. and also not everyone that goes out for PvD is a crackhead.. I think maybe all of the drugs have gotten to you

Even tho i go to spirit and crobar, im sXe not in the sense that i go aroudn bragging, but i dont drink or do drugs so there that response...and hes a wackass talking head who is like every other foreigner who is anti bush, anti america, bla bla bla...they want Kerry in office so he will give all our power back to the UN....i just hope ppl do there own research not listen to Hollywood and lol umm PVD

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hey mongo learn how to form a coherent paragraph and then we can talk ok... with bush there's a greater chance of war... with war there's a greater chance of america instituting the draft.. with implementation of the draft there's a chance of my ass being shipped overseas to protect a bunch of people i dont know, who dont want me there... with kerry i think there is less of a chance of this happeneing.. so my vote is going to kerry

ok sorry i didnt know i was posting on www.properwriting.com, ill watch the run on sentences u fcukin herb....and if we let up on the war on terror, then theyll just coem attack us here, then dont worry the draft will be mandatory and u will def get shipped out....Kerry is reactive, Bush is proactive....id rather attack b4 getting attacked, then wait to get attacked b4 we do sumthin..9/11 was just the beginning! u ppl think, if we just let it slide and did nothing terrorists would leave us alone, we need a strong leader, not a flip flopping wishy washy pussy in office

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ok sorry i didnt know i was posting on www.properwriting.com, ill watch the run on sentences u fcukin herb....and if we let up on the war on terror, then theyll just coem attack us here, then dont worry the draft will be mandatory and u will def get shipped out....Kerry is reactive, Bush is proactive....id rather attack b4 getting attacked, then wait to get attacked b4 we do sumthin..9/11 was just the beginning! u ppl think, if we just let it slide and did nothing terrorists would leave us alone, we need a strong leader, not a flip flopping wishy washy pussy in office

whoa dude.... it's not about grammar... it's about you being so overrun by emotion that you start to not make sense... i can practically see the foam coming out of your mouth..

you would rather attack before being attacked??? please man thats some macho fucking cowboy bullshit... instead of spending the billions of dollars that we do on getting our boys kille din iraq, policing a bunch of people who dont want us there why dont we spend it on greater military defenses.. why do we have to attack... and those weapons of mass destruction... c'mon what a fucking joke that was..

i have a serious question for you... do you feel any safer knowing that we have saddam hussein?? i mean... was it really worth it to kill all those people to get him and his goons out of office..?? are we really that much safer now??? should we have really spent billions upon billions of dollars fighting a war that we dont belong in...

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lets see

bush created more terrorists...he didnt go after terrorsism at all..he went after an innocent country that didnt have ANYTHIGN to do with 9-11. He killled thousands of innocent people..and besides that..has killed many of our soldiers. Lets also not forget, that if your 14 years old in iraq right now..and u see your family getting killed and bombed..your going to grow up and become a terrorist(who wouldnt?..so in 20 years..OUR CHILDREN will be attacked again by the children of those who saw their innocent families die! in Iraq)...second of all..BUSH IS GOOD.......FOR EUROPE..because of him..the E.U. is becoming the world power..and soon the US will be taught in highschools as the nation that ONCE was the most powerful. Bush is doign this for only himself..and his penny..isnt it funny how he didnt go after the saudis?..THE REAL TERRORISTS>.but he went after IRAQ?..a country that never attacked the US!. Yes saddam was no good.>BUT THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH TERRORISM...he was a terrorist to his own people..NOT TO US. ahah and WMDs?...where are they/.north korea HAS wmds..and its proven..and we dont do SHIT to them.Kerry might not be any better...but BUSH GOT US INTO THIS MESS. id rather have someone else take a try on running this country..this guy already proved that he is no good for ..the economy...international relations..and national security....isnt it ironic how bush actually DOES BUSSINESS WITHE THE BINLADEN FAMILY!!!..doesnt that even make you think?. The educated know that its time for a change ...we realize that if we dont play our cards right..we wil be in even more trouble..the IGNORANT say..>BOMB THOSE TOWEL HEADS...USA #1...WE WILL KICK ANYONES ASS....haha keep beleiving that..because we will become the next roman empire..we NEED the other countries....i have a feeling in the next 50 years...the E.U will become the power of the world..they really started to get their shit together. I mean...think about this..after 9-11..we had EVERY country on our side..they all felt our tragedy and where willing to do what was needed to help us.....not even 2 months later..WE HAVE NO ALLIES BUT ENGLAND...(even costa rica backed out from helping us...i mean comon..COSTA RICA>.they could use our help..but they STILL backed out) so what does that say?..that they are all wrong and stupid?..and what we are doing is right....haha i dont think so....iraq is a country with innocent people..if the usa decided to bomb italy or greece because we thought that they had something to do with 9-11..im sure 90% of the USA would be like whoaa whoaa..wait a minute...are we doing the right thing...dont we need proof first?..but NOO because its a middle eastern country..we act like its a freaking landfill and we can do whatever we want. THINK ABOUT IT!

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lol this board is 2 funny...everyone thinks they know exactly wut 2 do with terrorism, like u ppl are experts..."well if we just sit back and play xbox the terrorsits wont attack us"...ya dude America sucks we just wanna occupy everyoen in the world....i agree lets vote for Kerry he has a clear decisive 10 positions on Iraq"...yo this is wut i feel like im reading here lol, yes i do feel safer with Saddam Hussein OUT of power but also i think we f'ed up in planning for this war, but i dont think its all GW's fault, listen we have never in the history of our world fought a war against this type of violence and hatred, techinically its not even a war, we just gotta try to contain it, cuz these ppl are crazy suicide bombing n shit, but look at my point of view...

b4 9/11 we thought al qaeda wasnt really an imminent threat, after 9/11 we realized wut there capable of, Even if Iraq wasnt imminent which i think they wer epretty close to getting WMD, should we wait 4-5 yrs for them to get WMD and if they get it, i have a strong feeling Saddam would use it...if we beat the terrorists in iraq we send a strong message to them that they can be defeated, that is why they are fighting us with all there might rite now...I feel iraq is crucial in the war on terror..

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If you want to attack than be attacked go join the military.. and second PvD is not pushing Kerry, he's encouraging people to vote.. not telling people who to vote for, just to vote and I commend him for that

so when PVD blasts the war in iraq and calls its occupation, hes not talkin bout Bush????

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truromeo..i feel sorry for you. Your like a roach...you can never convince a roach that he is ignorant and oblivious to the world around him..the roach just knows what he knows..and because his little mind cant understand the bigger picture......he think that he knows all that should be known.....poor little roach..poor little truromeo.

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truromeo..i feel sorry for you. Your like a roach...you can never convince a roach that he is ignorant and oblivious to the world around him..the roach just knows what he knows..and because his little mind cant understand the bigger picture......he think that he knows all that should be known.....poor little roach..poor little truromeo.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH........WTFFFF WAS THAT....oOoOo im sorry o high and mighty educated one, i bow to thee oh jedi master....yur a fcukin tool...dont ever say sumthin like that again....

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Rock the Vote is a non-partisan organization and when PvD is out with them he is just encouraging people to vote.. not to vote for kerry, not to vote for bush.. just to vote.. I don't understand why you are so against that

im not against that, but from wut ive read and heard, he also uses it "sumtimez" to put forth his political agenda, and that annoys me...play music and stfu...

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hey mongo learn how to form a coherent paragraph and then we can talk ok... with bush there's a greater chance of war... with war there's a greater chance of america instituting the draft.. with implementation of the draft there's a chance of my ass being shipped overseas to protect a bunch of people i dont know, who dont want me there... with kerry i think there is less of a chance of this happeneing.. so my vote is going to kerry

Ummm this war started in 1973 when the israeli athletes were attacked where have you been

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lets see

bush created more terrorists...he didnt go after terrorsism at all..he went after an innocent country that didnt have ANYTHIGN to do with 9-11. He killled thousands of innocent people..and besides that..has killed many of our soldiers. Lets also not forget, that if your 14 years old in iraq right now..and u see your family getting killed and bombed..your going to grow up and become a terrorist(who wouldnt?..so in 20 years..OUR CHILDREN will be attacked again by the children of those who saw their innocent families die! in Iraq)...second of all..BUSH IS GOOD.......FOR EUROPE..because of him..the E.U. is becoming the world power..and soon the US will be taught in highschools as the nation that ONCE was the most powerful. Bush is doign this for only himself..and his penny..isnt it funny how he didnt go after the saudis?..THE REAL TERRORISTS>.but he went after IRAQ?..a country that never attacked the US!. Yes saddam was no good.>BUT THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH TERRORISM...he was a terrorist to his own people..NOT TO US. ahah and WMDs?...where are they/.north korea HAS wmds..and its proven..and we dont do SHIT to them.Kerry might not be any better...but BUSH GOT US INTO THIS MESS. id rather have someone else take a try on running this country..this guy already proved that he is no good for ..the economy...international relations..and national security....isnt it ironic how bush actually DOES BUSSINESS WITHE THE BINLADEN FAMILY!!!..doesnt that even make you think?. The educated know that its time for a change ...we realize that if we dont play our cards right..we wil be in even more trouble..the IGNORANT say..>BOMB THOSE TOWEL HEADS...USA #1...WE WILL KICK ANYONES ASS....haha keep beleiving that..because we will become the next roman empire..we NEED the other countries....i have a feeling in the next 50 years...the E.U will become the power of the world..they really started to get their shit together. I mean...think about this..after 9-11..we had EVERY country on our side..they all felt our tragedy and where willing to do what was needed to help us.....not even 2 months later..WE HAVE NO ALLIES BUT ENGLAND...(even costa rica backed out from helping us...i mean comon..COSTA RICA>.they could use our help..but they STILL backed out) so what does that say?..that they are all wrong and stupid?..and what we are doing is right....haha i dont think so....iraq is a country with innocent people..if the usa decided to bomb italy or greece because we thought that they had something to do with 9-11..im sure 90% of the USA would be like whoaa whoaa..wait a minute...are we doing the right thing...dont we need proof first?..but NOO because its a middle eastern country..we act like its a freaking landfill and we can do whatever we want. THINK ABOUT IT!

Lol created more terrorists are you kidding me did clinton create more terrorists after the uss cole was bombed? or our embassy in somalia? or how about the first trade center attack??....Bush did not start this war as for Iraq we went in there because sadamm hussein broke resolution 1442 for 12 years he kicked weapons inspectors out...and he had dealings with al qaeda it is right in the 9/11 commission report...if you were educated you would realize the oil for food scandals were the reason only 3 countries opposed us which was france, germany, and russia, who were pocketing billions of oil vouchers do you ever stop to think why france germany and russia refused to endorse resolution?? Also there is the human rights issue sadaam was a torturer and murderer he murdered 100,000"s of his own people and the kurds ....sadaam could have easily stopped this war by letting the inspectors in how many chances did bush give him to surrender??..if you think and are dumb enough not to know we are pressuring china and japan to deal with n korea ..because like bush said we need to focus on Iran and stop them at all costs to develope nukes and we will do the same with syria...look at how libya complied they saw what we did ...also alot of people on the left are dead quiet about the ethnic cleansing of the sudan we are pressuring the un so they have to do something and we are pressuring the europeans to deal with iran....see how intelligent bush really is

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.dont ever say sumthin like that again....

ok ROACH. im waiting for you to come through the computer screen and attack me like that girl frmo the ring...TRUROMEO..wow..i bet the women just flock to you so much that you HAD to make your name that...i mean..its obvious isnt it?..your just the #1 casanova...mmmM please. Im going to go out on a limb here and take a guess. Your picture is DEFINTILY on this site ..and if not...im sure you would fit in great.

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ok ROACH. im waiting for you to come through the computer screen and attack me like that girl frmo the ring...TRUROMEO..wow..i bet the women just flock to you so much that you HAD to make your name that...i mean..its obvious isnt it?..your just the #1 casanova...mmmM please. Im going to go out on a limb here and take a guess. Your picture is DEFINTILY on this site ..and if not...im sure you would fit in great.

lolololo that was actually kinda funny

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gonna get outta hand? act like grown ups and have a nice debate =]

it's tough not to lose control in such a heated argument.. many people dont realize that this will probably be one of the most important elections in american history... we have the makings for world war 3.. it's up to us whether we want someone who is gung ho about fighting or who is hesitant...

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lolololo that was actually kinda funny

very kool, i thought that stament would have been taken too seriously and an internet flaeway would ahve started..lol..nah, very kool to take that as mellow as i emant it..no serious insults here. but yeh, i think both parties have their opinions..and they are both soemwhat fair..i beleive mine for my reason..you belive yours for yorus..its all good..stil doesnt gaurantee a safe future thuogh,AND THATS whats scary.

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