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Ladies, How Do You Feel About a Guy With Some Extra Padding?


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Ladies, let's say you meet a man and he's funny and charming and makes you laugh a lot, and talks about things that make you think, really think, because he's got things on his mind that are philosophical in nature. Let's say he's an interesting man who is always gentle and caring and all that mushy stuff. Would it matter to you that he has extra pounds and isn't really in shape? Let's say he has a beer belly from his beer drinking days, but doesn't drink anymore yet still has the belly. Would that be a serious turn off, regardless of how interesting he was to talk with and how sweet he was to you, and how he made you laugh? I am curious and am looking for the opinions of the ladies here.


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So what about a guy, hypothetically speaking, who is 5'10 and between 223-230 pounds? Is that a user-friendly body size?

dont sweat it man...

im 5'10 and about 215/220 and i dont have any problems meeting girls...

if your still confident than youll be just fine.

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dont sweat it man...

im 5'10 and about 215/220 and i dont have any problems meeting girls...

if your still confident than youll be just fine.

Thanks for that, dude. I am a master of missed opportunities, because there have been several instances where I've talked with women (off the internet I mean) and only afterwards did I realize that she was flirting with me, or seemed interested enough if I had made a move. But then it was too late. :splat: But I sometimes think that my stomach gets in the way, and in a way it does because it comes between getting closer to the woman, physically comes between us. LOL. Yeah, my belly is like a reputation, it procedes me wherever I go. :biggrin:

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i prefer muscles

So do I. I used to have nice ones too till I stopped working out too many years ago. But I still have shape and contour, especially around my shoulder area. They say that muscles have memory, and whenever I've started working out for a while, or spent some time lugging heavy boxes at work, I became pumped up and they took shape again.

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  • 4 weeks later...
dont worry abt it...i've seen plenty of hot bitches with guys that were out of shape...its all in the personality...of course that doesn't mean you should just let urself go heheh...but yeah...its all in the personality really

Dang, I forgot about this thread.

All in the personality. Cool thing, I have no trouble there. And it applies all around, because my belly has personality too. :rofl:

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someone said it earlier, but made it sound as though it's unique to her. i think it's generally true that most women look at faces first. when i'm at a club with a male gay friend of mine, he'll point out a guy and say something about how hot he is. i'll say how busted i think the guy's face is, and my friend will remind me that he's always only looking "from the neck down!". maybe that's related to how women look at guy's eyes when they talk to them and how men are content to look at women's boobs when in conversation...

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If everything you described about that guy is not enough for her..then she's just a shallow!!! You always have to look past the looks because in actuallity, it's not that easy to find a normal guy or a girl with a complete package (looks, brains, personality, etc), but if you're going to search for JUST that and ignore everything else around you, you'll end up alone and miserable! :)

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this is a great post: finally proof that we all don't have to look perfect!!!

there's girls that like skinny guys

there's girls that like average guys

there's girls that like pudgy guys

there's girls that like muscular guys

(my man needs to spend more time in the gym than i do, for example)

does this go the other way though?? come on guys speak up??

i know there's guys who hate skinny girls

i know there's guys that hate big girls

what's just right??

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