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Ernesto Che Guevara...


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because its the cool thing to do...you know: hate bush, become a lesbian, wear a che shirt...

and bullseye, remember the whole malcom x fad about 10 years ago?? it's che's time...

yeah we were talking about this shit on some other thread... how there were X shirts back then, and how they had che way back but now is coming back, but who the fuck do the white ppl put on their shirts~!? all i saw was gotti... wtf, theres gotta be something better than that...

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because its the cool thing to do...you know: hate bush, become a lesbian, wear a che shirt...

and bullseye, remember the whole malcom x fad about 10 years ago?? it's che's time...

thats exactly why...

fucking sad...ive said this before....putting Che on a sweater that sells for 350$ is the furthest thing from honoring a man who was a complete marxist and an anti capitalist.

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thats exactly why...

fucking sad...ive said this before....putting Che on a sweater that sells for 350$ is the furthest thing from honoring a man who was a complete marxist and an anti capitalist.

nuff said! i think the same thing whenever i walk on 8th st and see those shirts in the window..why would anyone want to rock a shirt w/ his face on it.. i don't respect that man's ideologies one bit..imo..

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so this is why hes popping up on shirts and posters again...


Cuz he is the image of a revolutionary (that hairy face and mean look) and symbol of leftover communist believers.

It's funny, i took a politics of cuba class and read che's biography, yet im not quite sure the people who sport his shirt actually know a thing about the man :laugh:

Che would HATE to see his face plastered around everywhere. He was a quite, subdued man. Heck, he wasn't even from cuba, he was from (i *think*) Argentina!

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Well in Fidel's eyes, it is.

In everyone else's ... No.

I can get into a whole other conversation about communism, and how Marx/Engel's form never actually took place. The leaders of communist nations took their idea and forced the revolution, rather than allowing it to happen on it's own


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