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Ernesto Che Guevara...


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and on the subject of Che..im surprised no one has made a movie about him yet...

youre gonna get two...there's "motorcycle diaries" coming out soon, and then there's "che" which stars benicio del toro and directed by steven soderburgh which is coming out in about a year and a half...

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youre gonna get two...there's "motorcycle diaries" coming out soon, and then there's "che" which stars benicio del toro and directed by steven soderburgh which is coming out in about a year and a half...
oh shit..soderburgh and del toro teaming up again..i loved Traffic

i see another oscar in del toro's future

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i know im prolly gona cause a riot on this thread...but i respect Fidel Castro for everything he's done...actually i admire him

Fidel overthrew Fuglenico Batista...who was a greedy capitalist who was basically selling his own people out to huge foreign companies. When Fidel came into power he took the land back from these foreign corps...

literacy in Cuba hovers somewhere around 98% (!!!! 98%!!!! motherfuckers)....Cuba boasts some of the worlds top bio-engineers as well as being in the process of building one of the most sophisticated bio-engineering labs in the world...doctors in Cuba r top notch...every single child goes to school....

and not to mention he's done all this while living under a US imposed embargo for the past 50 fucking years! imagine surviving with a noose around ur neck for 50 years...being able to say FUCK YOU to the strongest nations in the world and doing things your own way ...if that isnt admirable then i duno what is.

the reason living conditions are so "poor" in Cuba is because the US wants it that way...period..THE END...closed discussion

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literacy in Cuba hovers somewhere around 98% (!!!! 98%!!!! motherfuckers)....Cuba boasts some of the worlds top bio-engineers as well as being in the process of building one of the most sophisticated bio-engineering labs in the world...doctors in Cuba r top notch...every single child goes to school....

<southern accent/on> so what youre saying is theyre next level of terrorists and we should invade cuba and free the ppl~!? they gots bio-bombs and what not~!? dang~! lets get a move on~!</southern accent off>

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there's an article in this issue of the national geographics about che... in the fashion section none the less... "Che Guevara's Extreme Makeover... from political radical to totally rad"

october 8th is a national holiday in cuba honoring che...

but the article talks about how he's showing up on everything, and how a lot of the ppl that have tshirts or whatever with him on it don't even know who he is... an aussie ice-cream manufacturer has a flavor called "cherry guevara"

but it also mentions how the photographer who took the most famous picture of him thinks it's an explotation of che, and his memory....

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damn do i wish i could be in a room with all of u and just start intelectualizing on all the subjects that have been put on the table here.....that would be great.......but i think for th most part ive allready moved beyond which form of government is best.....All types of governments are in essence complex ways of getting nothing done......so what im saying is politics in general...every type....need to go back to the drawing board, cuz none of them have been able to stand the test of evolutionary time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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damn do i wish i could be in a room with all of u and just start intelectualizing on all the subjects that have been put on the table here.....that would be great.......but i think for th most part ive allready moved beyond which form of government is best.....All types of governments are in essence complex ways of getting nothing done......so what im saying is politics in general...every type....need to go back to the drawing board, cuz none of them have been able to stand the test of evolutionary time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

im sorry...who are you again??

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i have a stack of national geos under my bed... theres really nice titty shots in there...

i saw a shopping cart yesterday in the city on the corner of 23rd and 7th ave FILLED with National Geo...

I was tempted to take the whole dang thing home with me to woodside via subway, but i didn't want to look like hobo smurf just for some titties :half:


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