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Bush looked like a jackass at the podium...

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honestly it took faren. 911 to open my eyes about the problems with bush's presidency. i have a hard time saying bush is a bad president, but if the whole iraq thing wasnt goin on, i would probably vote for bush. because of iraq, kerry gets my vote. but i know this is gonna be a real tight election.

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imo, both looked bad... looked very childish, resorted to the same crap we've been hearing all year, "hes a flipflopper" "hes a liar..." kerry claims he has a plan, about 5 times i think he said that, but yet never said what it was... said bush ppl raced into iraq without an exit strategy... but didnt tell us what his would be, told us hed support our troops and continue fighting a war against terrorists yet opposes the war... if kerry wins, itll because all the new of age voters took his side because mtv told them to, like they did with clinton... bush bad, kerry good... and just to play devils advocate, bush didnt look to hot either... oh well whatever nevermind...

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What's sad is that you'll never get anyone good to run for any office cuz you have to be a gazillionaire to run for office these days...Corzine, Bloomberg, both presidential candidates. It's all about who u can pay off and if u can't pay off anyone you might as well run for the Board of Education

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stuttering..at a loss for words at some points..

he was mostly on the defensive..

kerry def. had style and substance..


im still undecided :(

Exactly my thoughts.

Even though Kerry had style and confidence, it's true...you can stiil wrap crap in the most beautiful package... The problem is, I dunno if Kerry is really a lotta crapola. arghh.

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Bush did indeed look like an ass. I was saddened that they both took this opportunity to make digs about the others - digs that any basic american already knew about. I felt that Kerry did a better job in providing at least some minimal information regarding what he would like to accomplish on various fronts. I was also disgusted by Bush's incessant repeating of "hard work", "we must" and Kerry's use of "wrong war, wrong place, wrong time". I could not get a completely firm grip on believing in Kerry but I did reconfirm that I want Bush out. His blindness to certain aspects of the war in Iraq scares the crap out of me. His need to bring up the story of a fallen soldier's wife and son urked me to no end - trying to induce empathy as well as refer to "prayer" was an essential part as to why I hate this man. So it's the lesser of two evils, I'll take it for now. Kerry is clearly getting my vote.

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