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Ever Smoke With Someone MUCH older or a family member?


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Its funny how when stoners are around each other, we can sense it. I call myself a stoner because i smoke alot(not because im burnt, i would like to think that i keep my mind active and healthy) anyway. Ive smoked with my aunts' best freind....my good freinds grandfather who is 92 and from greece and a whole bunch of people like that. anybody have stories of when they were younger and they smoked with someone much older or with someone clsoe to you that you NEVER thought would smoke. I mean , i must be honest. Seeing that 92 year old man open up the door and catching my freind and i smoking out of a bong shaped as MR HANKY from south park was weird.

Seeing him grab the bong out of my hand and start smoking it with us...was even more weird.

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Its funny how when stoners are around each other, we can sense it. I call myself a stoner because i smoke alot(not because im burnt, i would like to think that i keep my mind active and healthy) anyway. Ive smoked with my aunts' best freind....my good freinds grandfather who is 92 and from greece and a whole bunch of people like that. anybody have stories of when they were younger and they smoked with someone much older or with someone clsoe to you that you NEVER thought would smoke. I mean , i must be honest. Seeing that 92 year old man open up the door and catching my freind and i smoking out of a bong shaped as MR HANKY from south park was weird.

Seeing him grab the bong out of my hand and start smoking it with us...was even more weird.

I think what is really weird is that you were smoking out of a piece of shit...

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we laugh about that all the time when we are stoned. You just take a hit...and then look at mr hanky staring at you and your like "dude..this is a piece of shit...lol

btw...i think there is a HUGE connection between smoking and saying the word "dude". the more you smoke, the more DUDE becomes a common word in your vocab.

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when i was in highschool i worked at a pizza joint, didnt ever do drugs and hung out with no one that did them. i thought drugs were for total losers and that the only people who did drugs would turn out to be unsuccessful . so i was there till close for the first time when my innocents was lost and the owner and the manager and the delievery guys were all smoking up in the back. i still didnt do it at the time but that is the time in my life i realized that A LOT more people than i would of ever thought of did drugs! that is when i was about 17 didnt start smoking till about a year ago im 22 now. since then ive done about every drug in the book. how crazy is that! i went all through college not doing any drugs no that i am almost done i can't get enough of 'em!!!!!

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btw...i think there is a HUGE connection between smoking and saying the word "dude". the more you smoke, the more DUDE becomes a common word in your vocab.

no lie man haha i swear thats fuckin true i have thought about that alot when ever you are high you and ur frends are just lik, dude.. haha fuckin awsome

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i thought drugs were for total losers and that the only people who did drugs would turn out to be unsuccessful . so i was there till close for the first time when my innocents was lost and the owner and the manager and the delievery guys were all smoking up in the back.

yeh seriously....cause if he made it allllll the way up to manager of a pizza joint and he's a pothead...well that's reason in and of itself to light up....

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to stay on topic...my friends parents smoke...theyre the biggest fuckin sherms ive ever met in my life...ive never smoked with them..but all my friends have...they usually bust us down with haze and everything...u go into their house and in all the ashtrays u can find clips...theyre the reason i realized that all those anti-marijuana commercials were bullshit....theyre successful as hell and they burn damn near every hour

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