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why would u not want a winner for a manager??? the mets suck...u should be happy with anyone who would want to be the manager of that shit team...

Just because he licks Torre's left testicle doesn't mean he's a winner...don't mean shit actually. Just because he wears f'n pinstripes doesn't mean he's ordained by the hand of God - gimme a f'n break!

Like I said before, if he hasn't been HIRED after 10 interviews - something's wrong. If he's hired somehow by the Mets - I'm done.

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I heard Steve Phillips talking about this and basically he was saying that he definitely has the resume for it but he has to sharpen up his interview skills....he doesn't do a good job at all of selling himself even though, he may be qualified

He had 10 TIMES to do it! My skills would've be sharpened after the 2nd one! There's got to be more to it...

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Just because he licks Torre's left testicle doesn't mean he's a winner...don't mean shit actually. Just because he wears f'n pinstripes doesn't mean he's ordained by the hand of God - gimme a f'n break!

very true....

now I heard a mention of Kurt Gibson cause Lenny Dykstra recommended him....it's all a fucking mess

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perfect game through six.....

I still cant believe the sox mounted a comeback

A "comeback" would imply actually tying the score or taking the lead. Neither of which was accomplished by Boston. Had Ortiz' shot been about 5 inches higher it would've been tied. Oh well. Good game, though!

See you fuckers around 11:30 pm tonight.

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Just because he licks Torre's left testicle doesn't mean he's a winner...don't mean shit actually. Just because he wears f'n pinstripes doesn't mean he's ordained by the hand of God - gimme a f'n break!

Like I said before, if he hasn't been HIRED after 10 interviews - something's wrong. If he's hired somehow by the Mets - I'm done.

he is part and has been part of a winning team...being a met fan u dont understand that...one day (about 100 years from now) perhaps the mets might actually make another run at the series...but i doubt it...

(btw spragga...i have no bad feelings towards you, just my total dislike of the mets) :D

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Just for the record, I think it's clear that I've always kept my faith in the Moose.. (even though I think I just about stood alone on that all year long)

i have always been with u on this one...i love my yanks and have supported every player ever on the team....i was born a yanks fan and will die a yanks fan...

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wtf is the matter with you people...it has nothing to do w/ jumping on the moose bandwagon...the guy has been pitching well lately and he came through in a big spot last night...it doesn't matter who the fuck it was, if anyone came out pitching like that against one of the best offenses in baseball they should get credit...

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wtf is the matter with you people...it has nothing to do w/ jumping on the moose bandwagon...the guy has been pitching well lately and he came through in a big spot last night...it doesn't matter who the fuck it was, if anyone came out pitching like that against one of the best offenses in baseball they should get credit...

You are absolutely right that anyone who pitched like the Moose last night deserves the credit. I'm just clearly stating that when Moose was going through a tough time in the begining of the season All of the bandwagon Yankee fans were trashing him and writing him off. Now Moose pitches a gem and everyone of those fans are right back on. Theres no denying that.

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You are absolutely right that anyone who pitched like the Moose last night deserves the credit. I'm just clearly stating that when Moose was going through a tough time in the begining of the season All of the bandwagon Yankee fans were trashing him and writing him off. Now Moose pitches a gem and everyone of those fans are right back on. Theres no denying that.

I think that's true in most cases when you have a pitcher with high expectations pitching so poorly for a while....obviously you're going to get on his case and people are going to start saying things like, "he's washed up" or whatever and he just went ahead and proved them wrong.

I'm sure Boston fans are concerned with how Pedro has pitched recently and might say he doesn't have the same stuff as he use to but if he comes back and pitches a gem tomorrow all of that will be thrown out the window...that's just how it goes in any sport....it's all about what have you done for me right now.

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Just because he licks Torre's left testicle doesn't mean he's a winner...don't mean shit actually. Just because he wears f'n pinstripes doesn't mean he's ordained by the hand of God - gimme a f'n break! .

case in point...Lee Mazilli with the orioles. guy had quite a lineup loaded with talent and they underachieved like crazy. having been a yamkee doesnt guarantee wins. Joe Torre should be kissing Buck Showalters ass.. he inherited a well assembled team.

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Actually, the manager isn't responsible for "assembling" a team. It's the GM. So, maybe he should be kissing Bob Watson's ass.

caleb... i dunno what league you are talking about.... but if you honestly believe any signings or trades go without the managers input/say so, then you gotta be smoking some good shit. Buck was instrumental in the building of that team. make no mistake about it..... the 2004 Texas rangers is a testament to that. :)

Best move the Rangers did this year was to unload that primadonna A-Shit that didnt get along with Buck. They moved from mediocrity to a contender in just under one season. That in itself speaks volumes. Its the manager who has to make decisions on how the team plays for every single game of the season. GMs get to spend frivously to make something happen...more like a lottery. The yamkees are a perfect example..... Weaver... Contreras..Loaiza... Javier...Benitez.... etc.

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caleb... i dunno what league you are talking about.... but if you honestly believe any signings or trades go without the managers input/say so, then you gotta be smoking some good shit. Buck was instrumental in the building of that team. make no mistake about it..... the 2004 Texas rangers is a testament to that. :)

Best move the Rangers did this year was to unload that primadonna A-Shit that didnt get along with Buck. They moved from mediocrity to a contender in just under one season. That in itself speaks volumes. Its the manager who has to make decisions on how the team plays for every single game of the season. GMs get to spend frivously to make something happen...more like a lottery. The yamkees are a perfect example..... Weaver... Contreras..Loaiza... Javier...Benitez.... etc.

Oh I know that managers have alot of input and influence on whom their team signs/trades, etc.... I'm just saying that ultimately it's the GM that has the final say (in most cases, there are exceptions).

But, I don't think it was the Arod trade that catipulted the Rangers into contention. After all, Soriano didn't exactly have a great year. I just think that alot of their players matured and they brought in some good talent. John Hart has done well with that team. But, yeah, a manager like Showalter has alot of influence, I agree.

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case in point...Lee Mazilli with the orioles. guy had quite a lineup loaded with talent and they underachieved like crazy. having been a yamkee doesnt guarantee wins. Joe Torre should be kissing Buck Showalters ass.. he inherited a well assembled team.

The O's have absolutely no pitching. It doesn't matter what kind of line-up you have out there you're not gonna win if you have to score 8 runs a game to win...

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he is part and has been part of a winning team...being a met fan u dont understand that...one day (about 100 years from now) perhaps the mets might actually make another run at the series...but i doubt it...

(btw spragga...i have no bad feelings towards you, just my total dislike of the mets) :D

Whatever you fuckin herb...I don't understand winning...eat a dick you lil bitch!

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case in point...Lee Mazilli with the orioles. guy had quite a lineup loaded with talent and they underachieved like crazy. having been a yamkee doesnt guarantee wins. Joe Torre should be kissing Buck Showalters ass.. he inherited a well assembled team.

thats not fair-- that team had absolutely NO PITCHING WHATSOEVER--

they were calling up kids from double A in JUNE!!

Now they want del gado--- what they need is pitching--

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