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for that married chick banging the black guy on the side


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couldnt find the old thread, so figured i'd just make a new one...

was thinkin about some of the stuff on the forums while i was at work today, and it occurred to me...

you're bangin this black guy on the side, right? you say that now that you've had this black guy, your husband cant satisfy you... that implies that your husband was able to satisfy you before you met the black guy, if so, why the hell did you start banging this guy on the side?

and even skipping beyond that, how bout you have some fuckin consideration? i mean, what would you think/feel/do if you were bein faithful and your husband started bangin some lil asian chick cuz she was so tight it drove him wild, and he kept bangin her cuz such a tight lil pussy like that makes yours seemed loose?

if it were me, and i found out you were banging someone on the side, for any reason, i'd beat you, tie you up, shoot him, cut off his dick, and shove it down your mouth and let you choke to death on it.

ever read Dante's inferno? or anything at all about Hell? iirc, there are 9 circles to hell (someone correct me if i'm wrong) arranged like the rings of a tree, and as you approach the center, going from circle to circle, the torment gets worse and worse, until you reach the center circle, reserved for the worst sinners. you know which ones those are? the betrayers.

now, if your husband is beating you or something, which it doesnt seem is the case from your post, i can understand it. if he's essentially a eunuch and isnt at all interested in sex, maybe i can see that too... but that doesnt seem to be the case either.

personally, if i knew who your husband was and what you were doing, I'd tell him and let you get whatever revenge he thinks you deserve, because let's face it, you do deserve it, and probably worse.

and the whole bit about 'not letting it take away from my relationship with my husband"' or however you put it... i bet since you got your boy toy you dont fuck your husband nearly as much, now do you? and when you do, i bet you dont get nearly as into it as you used to.

men arent as stupid as most women think, he will catch on eventually, and there will be hell to pay.

personally, i hope you get knocked up with a black baby, and your husband thinks it is his right up till the day it's born. or better yet, come home one day to find your husband banging a couple of chinese chicks, maybe see how you like it. after all, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander"

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and yes, i do have issues regarding girls who cheat. my very first gf cheated on me. I came to school one day and she told me one of the guys was spreading lies about her, saying that she was flirting with his brother, so naturally when he started to tell me, i punched him in the mouth and told him not to talk shit. found out shortly after from his brother and another friend that it was true, and she was hitting on the other friend too at the same time.

didnt help either that shortly after that, my best friend came to me and complained that she was mauling him when i wasnt around. she tried to apologize/explain, but i picked her up and put her in the garbage dumpster, told her to stay with the rest of the trash, where she belonged. cheating/trying to cheat i could almost forgive back then, but making me hit someone who didnt deserve it, that was crossing the line.

I got no respect for ANYONE who cheats, male or female, and would like to personally put them all (male or female) into intensive care and see to it that they stay there.

(that said, i've at least got enough self restraint to limit myself to throwing them over the railing on my front porch and tossing their things at them before slamming the door)

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this was the post on the other forum... i just spend so much time here i got confused ^_^;; thats what happens when i go too long without sleep :P

Some while ago I posted that I hooked up with my first black man.The problem now is that while I do love my husband he no longer satisfies me in bed.I cannot believe that it has taken me til this age of my life to find out what great sex is all about. I do have a problem with the cheating but it is always when my husband is out of town.I never take time away from him to be with my stud.That is exactly what my blackman is a STUD. I have never had anyone mount me and show me what real sex is until him and now I do not know what to do about it.He is so much bigger than my husband and has no problem banging me for hours at a time.It is just sex but what to do?

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haha, funny stuff. I guess what goes around comes around. While you're loosening up these tight japanese girls and ruining them for japanese guys, black guys are ruining the white girls for you white guys. Can't have it both ways...

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lol difference is, while i'm with a chick (white/black/asian/whatever) i dont go out lookin for a tighter pussy to play with

it's not a question of me wanting to have it both ways or anything

it's a question of this chick wanting the security/love of her husband, but wantin no strings sex with a 'stud'. i dont care if white chicks fuck black guys, or asian guys, or whatever. what burns my ass (other than a flame about 3 feet high) is these chicks "oh, i love my husband/bf, but i dont wanna give up the backup dick that i been sucking on the side cuz he's so much better in bed, even though he'll never give me the financial/emotional support i need"

and i bet any money that if she caught her man cheating on her she'd be in tears sayin what a bastard he was and how he broke the trust she had in him and blah blah blah, what a victim she is

and actually, if you read her post, it seems like she's already trying to be the victim, sayin that she only stays with the boy toy cuz her husband cant please her anymore, when obviously its her own damn fault for not telling her husband something was lacking, and going and fucking some other guy instead.

am i the only person that still believes in keeping your promises? especially the ones about being faithful and honest, etc etc?

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Why cheat when you can swing two three at a time if you find the right people. Just recently I brough hope this 19 who wanted to suck my pussy so bad when we got to my bf's loft I let her go at it we both fuck her all night and in the mornimg she left. Sneaking around will only get you shot happens every day and as far as the black stud goes if he catches her it will be bad but you have to love reading confessions at www.cherrybomb.com/


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I have no idea what exactly the point of this thread is, but the whole fantasy of 'white wife with random hung black guy' is more common than you think. I think the technical term for it is cuckolding, and it doesn't necessarily need to be with a black guy, just any guy that's more masc/dom than the husband in question. Usually its a joint agreement between the wife and husband..

I still think its strange, and unsettling though.. I wouldn't want my girl banging any other guy on the side..at all.

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and yes, i do have issues regarding girls who cheat. my very first gf cheated on me. I came to school one day and she told me one of the guys was spreading lies about her, saying that she was flirting with his brother, so naturally when he started to tell me, i punched him in the mouth and told him not to talk shit. found out shortly after from his brother and another friend that it was true, and she was hitting on the other friend too at the same time.

didnt help either that shortly after that, my best friend came to me and complained that she was mauling him when i wasnt around. she tried to apologize/explain, but i picked her up and put her in the garbage dumpster, told her to stay with the rest of the trash, where she belonged. cheating/trying to cheat i could almost forgive back then, but making me hit someone who didnt deserve it, that was crossing the line.

I got no respect for ANYONE who cheats, male or female, and would like to personally put them all (male or female) into intensive care and see to it that they stay there.

(that said, i've at least got enough self restraint to limit myself to throwing them over the railing on my front porch and tossing their things at them before slamming the door)


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I have no idea what exactly the point of this thread is, but the whole fantasy of 'white wife with random hung black guy' is more common than you think. I think the technical term for it is cuckolding, and it doesn't necessarily need to be with a black guy, just any guy that's more masc/dom than the husband in question. Usually its a joint agreement between the wife and husband..

I still think its strange, and unsettling though.. I wouldn't want my girl banging any other guy on the side..at all.

I guess that also explains the popularity of black on blonde porn.

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maybe...maybe not. unfortunately you dont know the whole story, so before you roll your eyes at some random girl you won't ever know, realize it makes you look lame.

no you're right I don't know the whole story but if you're going to just come on here and out right say you were sleeping around on your fiance what am I suppose to think?

let me here the excuses now cause you know if it was a guy saying that every chic on here would come out saying what a fucking scumbag he is....

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once again, assuming. everyones got their story, if you had some buisness on the side, who am i to judge? but i hear you on the fact that a lotta girls would be comin at you with bullshit. but fuck them, they don't know you like you don't know me. my excuses and reasoning behind my actions are in result of a long and boring chain of events.

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