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why is it that it's ok for a girl to kick a guy in the balls or generally just beat the shit out of him, but soon as a guy raises a hand back, he's a woman beater?

the whole 'punch a woman in the mouth' thing on the forums now brought back some high school memories about a cpl girls takin advantage of the fact that guys basically arent allowed to hit girls, even in self defense, and using that to pick on me cuz the guys that were mouthing off were too scared to actually throw down

all i did was catch their fists, twist their arms and shove them away (there were 2 girls), and for my efforts (to not hurt them) i got a kick in the balls, and then about 5 ppl kickin me when i hit the ground (the ppl who before then were too scared to fight me face to face, but were all for going after a pretty much helpless target)

[sarcasm] and best of all [/sarcasm] the next day i had people who knew me for about 2 years calling me a woman beater. i didnt even hit anyone, let alone the girls...

sorry, i just feel in a bit of a ranty mood today :P

work tends to do that to me

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why is it that it's ok for a girl to kick a guy in the balls or generally just beat the shit out of him, but soon as a guy raises a hand back, he's a woman beater?

the whole 'punch a woman in the mouth' thing on the forums now brought back some high school memories about a cpl girls takin advantage of the fact that guys basically arent allowed to hit girls, even in self defense, and using that to pick on me cuz the guys that were mouthing off were too scared to actually throw down

all i did was catch their fists, twist their arms and shove them away (there were 2 girls), and for my efforts (to not hurt them) i got a kick in the balls, and then about 5 ppl kickin me when i hit the ground (the ppl who before then were too scared to fight me face to face, but were all for going after a pretty much helpless target)

[sarcasm] and best of all [/sarcasm] the next day i had people who knew me for about 2 years calling me a woman beater. i didnt even hit anyone, let alone the girls...

sorry, i just feel in a bit of a ranty mood today :P

work tends to do that to me

i woulda gone back and beat their shit the next day..if ur gona keep accusin me of somethin i dont do..im gona go and do it..just so it fits

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2 guys were mouthing off, wanting me to step outside into the hall away from the teacher's sight (i was waiting for a friend to finish talking with the teacher)

i got sick of their mouth, so i went out in the hall with them, expecting them to throw down. instead, they start pointing out people who'll back them up.

i'm a bit amused at this point, so i just lean back against the wall with my hands in my pockets. so then these 2 girls come along, who happen to know the 2 guys, and they get in on it and start mouthing off. one of them remembers my last name (Zacharuk) and starts makin fun of it, and they start making references to my name, my family, etc etc. i get fed up and grab the bigger of the two guys by the neck, slam him against the wall with his feet hangin above the ground, growled somethin at him, cant remember what (i was holdin in a lot of anger till then, so things were a bit fuzzy when i let it out)

then one of the guys down the hall comes running and hits me in the back of the head, distracted me long enough to calm down a bit, i tossed the guy i was holdin onto across the hall, and then the girls started getting between me and the guys mouthing (and the one who hit me in the back of the head now) and start telling them to leave it to them cuz i wont hit back

they toss a garbage can at me, a couple snot rags, keep teasing, and then when my friend finishes talkin to the teacher, he comes outta the classroom and we go to leave.

as we're walking down the hall, we get around a corner when i hear footsteps running up behind us.

the 2 girls run past, 1 tries to grab my gym bag, the other grabs my hat. the one with my hat starts to run back the way she came, and hands it off to a guy at the corner, i give my gym bag to my friend and tell him to wait while i get my hat.

the girls stand in my way but i keep walking and they just sorta slide when they try to push me back.

i get around the girls (again, without laying a finger on them) and go around the corner, get about 1/3 the way down the hall when one runs in front of me, and takes a swing. my mind was kinda blank right then, so without thinking i grabbed her wrist, twisted her arm so she was looking away from me, and gave her a lil shove away, then turned in time to catch a punch from the other girl and do the same thing, hear the first girl comin again, turn around, just in time to see a foot going towards my balls

i hit the ground, and then the other people come running over and start kicking me. like 4 people sitting in the hall studying/doing homework said that they were going overboard (but didnt try to stop it)

then when they finally stop and i get up, the 2nd girl's brother comes over, saying that i hit his sister and starts trying to slam me into the lockers, when a teacher comes along and breaks it up.

next day, i get called a woman beater by more than half the school, lot of people saying that they saw this big bruise on the 2nd girl's stomach where i supposedly hit her. (and if you saw the size difference between me and her, you'd know that 1 hit would hospitalize her. i know that because 1 shot and a guy bigger than me needed to go to the hospital, though granted it was to get his face fixed)

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if them, the 2 guys mouthin at the start, or the older brother didnt avoid me entirely that next day (or the rest of that week for that matter) i woulda given them all smileys (thats where you put their top teeth on the curb and kick the back of their head)

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yeah, pretty much. i was the new kid, started goin to that school middle of grade 9

i think most of the guys in my class were a bit pissed cuz when i showed up i got along good with the girls, and showed them up in class

as for the 2 guys mouthin that day, they were mouthin about a dance i went to in the first couple months at that school.

was there with a friend, who was a good guy, not very bright, and not popular. he got into a fight, that somehow wound up with 6 guys gangin up on me (my friend just stood there at that point) and me getting my nose broken.

the 2 guys mouthin said that they were the ones that broke my nose that night.

as for the girls... they were high school girls, you know how they can get. anyone not part of their little clique is fair game for just about any mean-spirited cruelty you can think of.

i generally kept to myself after the first month or two, tried not to step on anyone's toes, and averaged 1 fight per school year at that school (better than the one before that, where it was twice a week i got to beat the shit outta army brats that somehow always wanted to pick a fight with me)

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if them, the 2 guys mouthin at the start, or the older brother didnt avoid me entirely that next day (or the rest of that week for that matter) i woulda given them all smileys (thats where you put their top teeth on the curb and kick the back of their head)

i like how the name of this maneuver varies from geographic location. For me when i was thought it, they called it The Brooklyn Smile.

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why is it that it's ok for a girl to kick a guy in the balls or generally just beat the shit out of him, but soon as a guy raises a hand back, he's a woman beater?

the whole 'punch a woman in the mouth' thing on the forums now brought back some high school memories about a cpl girls takin advantage of the fact that guys basically arent allowed to hit girls, even in self defense, and using that to pick on me cuz the guys that were mouthing off were too scared to actually throw down

all i did was catch their fists, twist their arms and shove them away (there were 2 girls), and for my efforts (to not hurt them) i got a kick in the balls, and then about 5 ppl kickin me when i hit the ground (the ppl who before then were too scared to fight me face to face, but were all for going after a pretty much helpless target)

[sarcasm] and best of all [/sarcasm] the next day i had people who knew me for about 2 years calling me a woman beater. i didnt even hit anyone, let alone the girls...

sorry, i just feel in a bit of a ranty mood today :P

work tends to do that to me

if the kicking of that balls went unwarranted, then it's clobberin' time for that person regardless of gender. there is no reason to do anything so harsh if there isn't a good enough reason, and the penalty doubles if the reason was silly and infantile. Not only is it clobbein' time, but afterwards expect to get an atomic wedgie and pants'd.

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(i'm not a man)

my theory is if a woman hits a guy she should be hit back.... she's an adult (not trashy) and should know how to control herself. i don't believe in hitting, unless they hit me...as far a kicking a guy in the balls, (unless he try to rape me, or hit me hard.) that just deserves her to be thrown across the street. thats just childish....

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why is it that it's ok for a girl to kick a guy in the balls or generally just beat the shit out of him, but soon as a guy raises a hand back, he's a woman beater?

the whole 'punch a woman in the mouth' thing on the forums now brought back some high school memories about a cpl girls takin advantage of the fact that guys basically arent allowed to hit girls, even in self defense, and using that to pick on me cuz the guys that were mouthing off were too scared to actually throw down

all i did was catch their fists, twist their arms and shove them away (there were 2 girls), and for my efforts (to not hurt them) i got a kick in the balls, and then about 5 ppl kickin me when i hit the ground (the ppl who before then were too scared to fight me face to face, but were all for going after a pretty much helpless target)

[sarcasm] and best of all [/sarcasm] the next day i had people who knew me for about 2 years calling me a woman beater. i didnt even hit anyone, let alone the girls...

sorry, i just feel in a bit of a ranty mood today :P

work tends to do that to me

If some bitch kicks a man in the balls and he hasn't touched her, then she deserves whatever is coming to her.

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