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What supplements do you use?


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You should try to get as much from whole foods as possible. Take in as much protein and low glycemic carbs as possible along with CIS unsaturated fats. The only reason you should need supplementation is if you need protein shakes or bars for a snack in between meals.

As far as the creatine, it may make you feel a bit bigger (due to water bloat), but all it does is provide an immediate source of energy to the muscles, just before the muscles utilize glucose. But, this will do nothing for muscle growth. Now, with that being said, lets assume that creatine supplementation can provide an additional source of immediate energy. Then there is a possibility that you will be able to complete an exercise that you would not have been able to do other wise. If that is the case then maybe you will be pushing your body to another level, which in turn increases your strength and size provided all other factors are in line.


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What supplements do you currently use? What are your opinions on the best supplements for bulking and what brands do you like best?

I currently am using Prolab's N-Large 2 Protein and EAS Phosphagen HP creatine and BCAA's.

i dont fuck around with supplements... ocassionally i'll have met-rx protein bars for lunch or as a snack throughout the day but i've never fucked with creatine or anything like that..

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i just stick to eating right and having some protein shakes here and there. ON protein is the shit, cheap and effective.

creatine never really did much for me, just made me have that fuller look, but as far as strength is concerned i don't think it was that much of a diff. after i got off of it i think i had a mental hangup that i felt weaker. but after a while i went up in weight again and never looked back.

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What are your opinions on creatine and pro-horomones? Do you think they are worth it. I've heard different opinions on both. Some people like the creatine but say that they lose the size and strength after they stop using it. If that is true I don't even think it's worth it for me to use it because it will just mess with my head when I get off the stuff and lose the strength. People tell me that pro-horomes have some of the same side effects of juice but with a lot less results. What do you guys think.

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What are your opinions on creatine and pro-horomones? Do you think they are worth it. I've heard different opinions on both. Some people like the creatine but say that they lose the size and strength after they stop using it. If that is true I don't even think it's worth it for me to use it because it will just mess with my head when I get off the stuff and lose the strength. People tell me that pro-horomes have some of the same side effects of juice but with a lot less results. What do you guys think.

from what i've read about pro hormones and my personal experience with them, i feel as though they have helped very little bit and cost far too much to get the results i look for.

I've used and try everything once ( except heroine nad nubane) and i feel as though it is a waste of money to use prohormones.

that is just my opinion, and i pay far less of a nice juice stack then i would for any pro hormone stack.

as far as side effects, ive gotten slight acne from stacking pro hormones, but it isnt nearly as bad as when you go on a heavy test cycle.

that has been my personal experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have already answered your question. I am not sure if you did not see my answer or if you did not like my answer. If it is the former then here it is again.

You should try to get as much from whole foods as possible. Take in as much protein and low glycemic carbs as possible along with CIS unsaturated fats. The only reason you should need supplementation is if you need protein shakes or bars for a snack in between meals.

As far as the creatine, it may make you feel a bit bigger (due to water bloat), but all it does is provide an immediate source of energy to the muscles, just before the muscles utilize glucose. But, this will do nothing for muscle growth. Now, with that being said, lets assume that creatine supplementation can provide an additional source of immediate energy. Then there is a possibility that you will be able to complete an exercise that you would not have been able to do other wise. If that is the case then maybe you will be pushing your body to another level, which in turn increases your strength and size provided all other factors are in line.


As far as prohormones are concerned: In theory a "prohormone" is not an actual hormone but it is something that when taken is converted in the liver into an actual hormone. If the supplement is actually converted in the liver to a hormone, then the side effects will be exactly the same as the hormone it is trying to emulate, plus it will have the added adverse effect on the liver, which is caused during the conversion. Even with the best conversion rate a prohormone can never be as effective as a hormone, b/c nothing will have 100% conversion. What this means is that prohormones will always be more expensive, they will always have more adverse effects and they will never have the same positive effects as hormones.

Now, the problems that I mentioned earlier are only for prohormones that actually work, but I have yet to seen any clinical studies that suggest they do.

The only good reports I have heard about were methyl-test. But, the only reason it was taken over actual hormones b/c of legality. That advantage will soon be out the window b/c your president (bush) has just signed a bill makeing prohormones illegal also.


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Thanks for the advice Nautica, I didn't see your earlier post on my question. I have decided not to mess with the creatine and just buy some good protein, a multivitamin, some BCAA's, and maybe an MRP. Do I need to buy MRP's if I buy a protein shake or do you think I should just add a banana or some extra carbs to each shake. Are MRP's worth the money? Are there any other things I should buy. Thanks.

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Thanks for the advice Nautica, I didn't see your earlier post on my question. I have decided not to mess with the creatine and just buy some good protein, a multivitamin, some BCAA's, and maybe an MRP. Do I need to buy MRP's if I buy a protein shake or do you think I should just add a banana or some extra carbs to each shake. Are MRP's worth the money? Are there any other things I should buy. Thanks.

If you need xtra carbs, try throwing some oatmeal in your shake. I know it sounds nasty, I thought the same thing.

Im no expert, but I dont really like creatine. I stick w/ protein powders, mulit, dessicated liver, CoQ10, C, E, and lots of chicken/tuna/pork/steak.

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Thanks for the advice Nautica, I didn't see your earlier post on my question. I have decided not to mess with the creatine and just buy some good protein, a multivitamin, some BCAA's, and maybe an MRP. Do I need to buy MRP's if I buy a protein shake or do you think I should just add a banana or some extra carbs to each shake. Are MRP's worth the money? Are there any other things I should buy. Thanks.

Either way is fine, just make sure you are getting plenty of carbs and protein with each meal. MRP's are only better in that they are convienent. They claim to have other vit's and minerals but you should be getting plenty of that if you eat right during you 3 main meals of the day.

good luck


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You should try to get as much from whole foods as possible. Take in as much protein and low glycemic carbs as possible along with CIS unsaturated fats. The only reason you should need supplementation is if you need protein shakes or bars for a snack in between meals.

As far as the creatine, it may make you feel a bit bigger (due to water bloat), but all it does is provide an immediate source of energy to the muscles, just before the muscles utilize glucose. But, this will do nothing for muscle growth. Now, with that being said, lets assume that creatine supplementation can provide an additional source of immediate energy. Then there is a possibility that you will be able to complete an exercise that you would not have been able to do other wise. If that is the case then maybe you will be pushing your body to another level, which in turn increases your strength and size provided all other factors are in line.


Nicely spoken, Creatine gave me great energy and helped my post-cycle crash. It does't necessarily give muscle gains

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