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arranged marriage...


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no. they only worked out back in the day because no one would get divorced. which is not a good thing either. you shouldn't stay married when your miserable-you should just make sure its right and take a lot of time before you get married so that you don't have the problems that would cause divorce.

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A guy I work with just got married through a semi- arranged marriage. His parents intoduced him to a woman of some people they knew and were hinting that they better get married. They got married last friday and have not really gone out any at all, they met and thought that if thier parents think it will work then why not. BTW, they are Muslim and very religious. They have not moved in together and won't until after a formal marriage at the mosque. I think it's wierd, he's happy. I don't know about her. But anyway best of luck to em.

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no. they only worked out back in the day because no one would get divorced. which is not a good thing either. you shouldn't stay married when your miserable-you should just make sure its right and take a lot of time before you get married so that you don't have the problems that would cause divorce.


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like a back-talkin' ol' lady for ONE!!

Well that's probably the only good thing about it, you can usally smack around the girls who agree to arranged marraiges. And you can make them hop on one foot and bark like a dog (Coming To America)


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gmmcookny lost his woman to an arranged marriage


sometimes i think you know more about my life than i do :eek:

she was afghani and she was cute as hell, but her parents were old world and i wasn't about to convert to islam.

Imagine me becoming muslim! i think not :laugh2:

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My hypotheses about why there are so many divorces is :

  • Getting married too early (pressured, too young)
  • People who marry the first person they have sex with :nono:
  • arranged marriages
  • Work/Travel gets in the way
  • get bored of the person/not keeping things fresh and interesting

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two other things i think, ppl who havent found themselves but find a bf/gf tend to break up once they find themselves or use it as an excuse to do so... along with society brainwashing everyone into thinking that if youre not married by thirty and barefoot and pregnant by thirt-five youre a loser is a big factor in all of this because IMO ppl rush into marriages or stay in stagnant relationships only because they feel if they dont theyre failures...

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