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Well, I'm looking forward to this off season.


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We have to fix this mess. (btw, forgive me if I go off in tangents...I really am in a Xanax haze.) Anyway, I just want to get a couple things off of my chest...

First of all, Torre cost us this series. I still can't understand why he didn't start Mussina on normal days's rest in game 4. That shit befuddles me. Another thing....why on GODS green earth didnt we fucking bunt on Schilling?!?! Make him fucking move, test that fucking ankle! GOD HELP ME. Moving on...Does anyone have any good reason as to why Torre insisted on pitching to Ortiz? Or why nobody bothered to brush him back?!?! Holy shit, this is so fucking standard. HELLO! Fucking Mientkiewitz(or however you spell it) is on deck! PUT ORTIZ ON BASE!!!!!!!!!!! And pitch to Doug. Also, Mussina is a pussy. Great pitcher, but, still, a pussy. WHY THE FUCK DIDNT HE (OR ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER) RETALIATE FOR AROD? And why wasnt there a warning? OH CHRIST. I think Torre fucking forgot he had a bench. Why didnt he shake things up a bit?? Bring in Lofton or fucking Crosby to pinch run. Do something, anything!!!!!

I could go on forever. But I won't. Here are a couple of things I think the Yanks need to do before next season:

1. Trade Giambi. I know his contract is backloaded, but still. He's done. Oakland seems to be the only viable candidate to take him. Eat his contract and see if Zito is attainable.

2. Find out what the fuck is wrong with Vazquez. Is he injured? Is it mechanics? Whatever, do something. Shit, I'll even go for a trade in which he would go to Arizona along with Navarro and we'd get RJ in return. Even if it would be for only one year. (I hear he wants four fucking years?!?!?)WTF

3. Do not fucking sign Pedro.

4. Sign Clement. IMO, better than Pavano. Or at least he would perform better in pinstripes than Pavano.

5. Sign Beltran. Move Bernie to first.

More to come...

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We have to fix this mess. (btw, forgive me if I go off in tangents...I really am in a Xanax haze.) Anyway, I just want to get a couple things off of my chest...

First of all, Torre cost us this series. I still can't understand why he didn't start Mussina on normal days's rest in game 4. That shit befuddles me. Another thing....why on GODS green earth didnt we fucking bunt on Schilling?!?! Make him fucking move, test that fucking ankle! GOD HELP ME. Moving on...Does anyone have any good reason as to why Torre insisted on pitching to Ortiz? Or why nobody bothered to brush him back?!?! Holy shit, this is so fucking standard. HELLO! Fucking Mientkiewitz(or however you spell it) is on deck! PUT ORTIZ ON BASE!!!!!!!!!!! And pitch to Doug. Also, Mussina is a pussy. Great pitcher, but, still, a pussy. WHY THE FUCK DIDNT HE (OR ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER) RETALIATE FOR AROD? And why wasnt there a warning? OH CHRIST. I think Torre fucking forgot he had a bench. Why didnt he shake things up a bit?? Bring in Lofton or fucking Crosby to pinch run. Do something, anything!!!!!

I could go on forever. But I won't. Here are a couple of things I think the Yanks need to do before next season:

1. Trade Giambi. I know his contract is backloaded, but still. He's done. Oakland seems to be the only viable candidate to take him. Eat his contract and see if Zito is attainable.

2. Find out what the fuck is wrong with Vazquez. Is he injured? Is it mechanics? Whatever, do something. Shit, I'll even go for a trade in which he would go to Arizona along with Navarro and we'd get RJ in return. Even if it would be for only one year. (I hear he wants four fucking years?!?!?)WTF

3. Do not fucking sign Pedro.

4. Sign Clement. IMO, better than Pavano. Or at least he would perform better in pinstripes than Pavano.

5. Sign Beltran. Move Bernie to first.

More to come...

Bro this is the first time I could not agree with you more.

I brought up the issue of Moose to many people. And they said no they need him for the WS. Well you have to get to the fucking World Series in order to win the World Series. And for that matter if Mooose pitched game 1 in the World Series he probably would not have been great because of all the days off.

Secondly why bring Mo in every game for 2 innings. Torre fucked game 4 bringing Mo in too early.

Torre definately had a huge part in losing this series. Every one was saying Mo is no longer Mo. To me Mo did not lose this at all. Blown save or not. He went into a game with 1st and 3rd. To get a guy to pop to left field. Mo comes in looking for outs. They are not always going to be K's. Mo pitched his heart out.

The whole bunting issue with Schill on the mound was just fucking stupid. Unfortunately Yanks dont play small ball. And this is a game where it hurt them big time. The one ground ball where Schill did have to cover 1st base it showed the guy was hurting and if he had to do it over and over again I think it would have taken him out of the game.

I think Javy will be ok next season. And as far as Bernie going to first I think is the only thing I probably dont agree with. Put him at DH and bring Olerud back.

As far as brushing back. It has been another fact that I have argued over and over again. We did not have a single intimidating pitcher. Would have been nice to have Clemens...

And as far as the whole series. It seemed like Yanks and Redsox became best of friends. Batters picking up balls for catchers, talking to one another on every base... What the hell was that all about.

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Again what we need is long term players. Players that can bond and become the core of this team. We need to stop with the 1 or 2 year wonders who come and go year in and year out.

There is nothing wrong with signing big name players. But shit, sign big name young players who will have years left to play with the team.

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It seemed like Yanks and Redsox became best of friends. Batters picking up balls for catchers, talking to one another on every base... What the hell was that all about.

Holy shit I thought I was hallucinating. That is unacceptable. I thought I was the only one that picked that up.

Oh, let me hear everyone's thoughts on Pedro coming into the game. Did he ask into it? Or did Francona want to boost his confidence going into the WS? If, in fact, Francona put him in I'd have to say it would be one of the dumbest fucking moves of the season. I mean, HELLO?!, can anyone think of a way to get the yankee crowd back into this game? Yeah, put Pedro in.

the fuck was that about?

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Well then you definitley have to trade Giambi. Because hes not playing center and I dont think Torre would use Bernie simply as a pinch hitter....

hellz yea trade giambi...without his roids he aint shit...we need to put giambi with a parasite to be named later up on the trading block...

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hellz yea trade giambi...without his roids he aint shit...we need to put giambi with a parasite to be named later up on the trading block...

He used to be one of the best hitters in the league. I'm not sure if 'roids' had anything to do with that. But,yeah, I do believe we should trade him. I think he's done.

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He used to be one of the best hitters in the league. I'm not sure if 'roids' had anything to do with that. But,yeah, I do believe we should trade him. I think he's done.

key words there "used to be" he aint no more and we need to get a new, younger first baseman....keep olerud around to help mold a new player...

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key words there "used to be" he aint no more and we need to get a new, younger first baseman....keep olerud around to help mold a new player...

Mold a new player? haha dude have you seen our farm system lately? Our top prospects are Dioneer Navarro and Robinson Cano, and believe me, neither of the two is going to be any good.

I still say we should move Bernie to first and sign Beltran.

Olerud can stick around in a pinch hitting role.

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yankees suck..most of the players are in contract for next year...why would anyone take kevin brown, jason giambi, javier vasquez, etc?

all of them are sub par players (now) at best...with big contracts...

i bet cashman wishes he would get fired..to get out of this mess...hahaha!

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Mold a new player? haha dude have you seen our farm system lately? Our top prospects are Dioneer Navarro and Robinson Cano, and believe me, neither of the two is going to be any good.

I still say we should move Bernie to first and sign Beltran.

Olerud can stick around in a pinch hitting role.

i should have clarrified before when i said MOLD...the yanks are a team based on the principle concept of "team unity" this season we strayed from that as we signed homerun hitters (not players who hit homeruns and will lay down a bunt when needed)...olerud understands what it means to be a team player and since he is prob nearing the end of his career his guidance to new players as longtime firstbaseman as well as his ability to be a team player will be valuable to new coming players...this season is the first season that i have ever seen the yanks team divided as they are...i think leadership is needed and the older players need to instill this in the young players as well as the older players who just came aboard...

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i think leadership is needed and the older players need to instill this in the young players as well as the older players who just came aboard...

Exactly.. if the Yankees don't gel or play together as a team, you can have all the best players on the planet and still lose.

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1. Trade Giambi. I know his contract is backloaded, but still. He's done. Oakland seems to be the only viable candidate to take him. Eat his contract and see if Zito is attainable.

2. Find out what the fuck is wrong with Vazquez. Is he injured? Is it mechanics? Whatever, do something. Shit, I'll even go for a trade in which he would go to Arizona along with Navarro and we'd get RJ in return. Even if it would be for only one year. (I hear he wants four fucking years?!?!?)WTF

3. Do not fucking sign Pedro.

4. Sign Clement. IMO, better than Pavano. Or at least he would perform better in pinstripes than Pavano.

5. Sign Beltran. Move Bernie to first.

More to come...


(sorry, girl moment)..

2. Yes, see what's up with Javier - very good first half, very poor second half.

3. I'll take Pedro, I wouldn't mind. :)

4. I have no opinion on these two, I would take either (hell we're the Yankees, we'll just take both) ;)

5. Hell yeah sign Beltran, that's one move I can almost guarantee will be made. Moving Bernie to first though, doubtful, if anything, DH, but not first.

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well isn't that a :balls:


people will take vasquez or brown or giambi if the yanks pay most of their salary. Shit i would give vasquez a chance if I only have to pay 1 mill a year or so. I think the problem you have is with mel, as a pitching coach he sucks. I hope you keep him forever.

I think that brushing people of the plate and shit llike that was not really done because of how close the games were, one extra baserunner with those lineups could be a game breaker.

Yeah torre fucked that all up, like why bring in vasquez to face damon, who earlier in the year hit 2 home runs off him. I just think the yankee bats just went to shit after that 19-8 game, and as the games went on the more pressure they were under.

Pedro is not liked in the yankee club house, i can not see him going there. Beltran will be in center next year, and i thought williams was going to retire?

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caleb.....I understand you need to vent, but do it once and be done with it. otherwise, it starts to sound like you're whining

2nd guessing can be done till kingdom come, but what happened, happened.......lets move on (TO THE WORLD SERIES)


I only vented twice, I think. Second guessing and contemplating what moves we should make in the offseason is something I love to talk about. To be completely honest with you I'm not even watching the WS. Not out of spite or anything, I just no particular interest in either teams. Maybe I'll tune i when either team gets to 3 wins. I want to see one of them celebrate. It'd be interesting to see Boston finally win it and what their reaction will be like.

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I only vented twice, I think. Second guessing and contemplating what moves we should make in the offseason is something I love to talk about. To be completely honest with you I'm not even watching the WS. Not out of spite or anything, I just no particular interest in either teams. Maybe I'll tune i when either team gets to 3 wins. I want to see one of them celebrate. It'd be interesting to see Boston finally win it and what their reaction will be like.

not knocking you at all....just saying that if you keep venting about the same series it starts to turn into whining

also, theres nothing wrong with talking about off season moves for you guys, so dont think I was busting you on that either

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