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jj and creme

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My first live experiences since back to the states from being overseas for 7 years.

I went to see JJ last night at crobar and tonight I am hoofing it all the way to the same venue to see Roger Sanchez.

Yes indeed, three of the greater names in the biz but I tell you, for my first live appearance, I was rather dissapointed. The crowd was there but JJ/creme seemed uninterested and the tracks flip flopped from vibe to vibe. I am not putting it past them that they can't throw down a powerful set. But it seems as if they were searching to please the crowd by throwing in tracks from left field. I noticed that the atmosphere changed when the opening dj was spinning some uplifting tribal. The crowd was really pleased with the harder sounds but the atmosphere changed and crowd had momements. The opening sounds should have been a little less hard to aid the transition.

Compared to the clubs I have seen world wide, there were people actually standing on the dance floor. Just standing and jaw jacking. Usually, I give the dj the respect and go by the bar and chit chat but not stay in the middle of the dance floor flunting my jib.......

Put it this way, if a dj can't make me dance past 3 songs at a time, then I will not have a good time.

Not to mention that most of the uproars came when they splashed a couple oldschool NYC style tracks from back in the day.

To give the team the benefit, I did notice that only when mainstream tracks like make your move and esamba came on that there was a bit of an uprise. Not enough to show appreciation though as the two have seen in better days but I guess we're in nyc..........Considering it was their first NY experience, I bid them good vibes til next time..

Maybe its just me but I was expecting some serious fist pumping.

But, I will be back there for the S-man and will provide my reviews tomorrow.

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just as a reminder,

I am looking at it from a dj/clubber/ stand point. Yes, I do enjoy myself, but throughout the night, I tend to do a lot more observing than your average club goer.

P.s I was the one with the red, leopard skin button down with shades......

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My first live experiences since back to the states from being overseas for 7 years.

I went to see JJ last night at crobar and tonight I am hoofing it all the way to the same venue to see Roger Sanchez.

Yes indeed, three of the greater names in the biz but I tell you, for my first live appearance, I was rather dissapointed. The crowd was there but JJ/creme seemed uninterested and the tracks flip flopped from vibe to vibe. I am not putting it past them that they can't throw down a powerful set. But it seems as if they were searching to please the crowd by throwing in tracks from left field. I noticed that the atmosphere changed when the opening dj was spinning some uplifting tribal. The crowd was really pleased with the harder sounds but the atmosphere changed and crowd had momements. The opening sounds should have been a little less hard to aid the transition.

Compared to the clubs I have seen world wide, there were people actually standing on the dance floor. Just standing and jaw jacking. Usually, I give the dj the respect and go by the bar and chit chat but not stay in the middle of the dance floor flunting my jib.......

Put it this way, if a dj can't make me dance past 3 songs at a time, then I will not have a good time.

Not to mention that most of the uproars came when they splashed a couple oldschool NYC style tracks from back in the day.

To give the team the benefit, I did notice that only when mainstream tracks like make your move and esamba came on that there was a bit of an uprise. Not enough to show appreciation though...

Considering it was their first NY experience, I bid them good vibes til next time..

But, I will be back there for the S-man and will provide my reviews tomorrow.

i had a good time... unfortunately i was pretty intoxicated... from what i remember the music ranged from tolerable to somewhat good.. i wasnt hearing anything that really made me want to stay in the main room, so i spent a good portion of the night in the hiphop room... i was expecting a little more from both of them, but what are ya gonna do??

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Look, if it hurts you that bad to then I would have taken it off, but I don't think that would have made matters better Infact....

So don't knock the hustle baby, I am just trying to have a good time....... Nor will I entertain your postings so you can hang that shit up

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yea i thought the music was alright, i def expected more out of them. the crowd wasn't that good either actually, kinda empty. but whatever, got in for free so i can't really complain. but i woulda been pissed had i paid to get in. i just didn't feel that the energy was there both in the djs and in the crowd.

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Meh...had a nice time, but it wasn't cause the music or the crowd blew me away. It seemed JJ & KC were just playing all their tracks, from Stupidisco, E Samba and Da Hype (?) to other mainstream stuff like Flashdance. Crowd was kinda boring, too. Most of the action was in the side rooms (too bad I hate Hip Hop)

BTW, thank GOD for the VIP bracelet...w/outit, the club is half the size...you couldn't even get upstairs w/ out it!

All in all, loved "Trust It" but if I wanted to hear it in it's entirety, I would have stayed home and listened to it. Still love Crobar, tho...they know what they are doing...


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It's a shame that those guys had to search to figure out the crowd. I was there all night and noticed that the crowd wasn't really into it. There is a real change going on in NYC and all over for that matter, when it comes to good house music. It seemed like mostly DJ's and ture house heads were the only ones enjoying themselves that night. That makes it hard for the DJ's to figure out the crowd. Face it out of say 600 people that were there only about 200 knew what they were there for. The rest were just there because it was "Crobar" and that is supposed to be a NYC super club. If they had a real crowd that knows real music, it would have been a great night. There is a real problem with mass media right now. People are exposed to everything except good house music. So not as many people actually hear real music, so the masses are not into it when they hear Real House Music. Unfortunatly for us the real house heads, sometime the DJ's spend the whole night tring to please a crowd that isn't into the music to begin with, so we get left by the side of the road. I myself being a DJ had a good time, but I would have had a great time if the entire crowd was there for the music and not just there because Crobar is the " Place To Be "



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djmadness, I could not have said it better myself. And to ad to what you said in more defense for them, if the crowd were more into it as you said, I think maybe they would have given a bit more.

Just like you said, if the crowd was into it more, then you would have had a better time. I think that the same goes for them, feeding off the crowd response produces the masses....

The question remains, would it have been a different turnout if their gig was on a saturday and put Roger on a Friday??

I think crobar knew exactly what they were doing...............

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It was my first time at Crobar and didnt know what to expect. Its a great venue and hope to go back soon for Pete Tong this Friday.

I think I'm the only here who liked the fact that the "crowd" wasn't into it. More room for me to dance my ass off. Well, I was pissed that nobody was dancing during "Strings of Life". I mean that song is CLASSIC! If you cant get down to that song at a club, then I dont wanna know you, heh heh.:deadfish:

I dont want to relive in the past but if they played at Centro-Fly, EVERYBODY in that club would've destroyed the floor. That's my 2 cents.

I was glad to hear JJ play his hits, I was hoping he'd play his Room 5 tracks as well but eh. I'll live. :)

Junior Jack prolly saw u and was like "FUCK THIS..I KNOW IM FRENCH

Actually, Junior Jack and Kid Creme hail from Italy. Close enough. ;)

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Unfortunately I was a little too drunk aswell, but he played Strings of Life, so I was in my element for at least part of the night!

I agree with most of what was said about the music and the crowd. Having moved here from the UK, I can see how it would be difficult for them playing to the NY crowd for the first time and it definitely sounded at times as if they were trying to sound the crowd out and see what went down well.

I think if they had just concentrated on playing what they wanted to, and bringing a little bit of Ibiza over with them, they would have gone down much better.

As much as I like Crobar aswell, I'm not a great fan of the location of the dj booth. I was there last month and the dj was on the stage, and thought it worked much better - it may just be me, but I like to see the dj in action and getting into their music.

The other thing that didn't really help, was having Roger Sanchez on the night after them. RS is hugely popular over here and a lot of people who I think would have enjoyed JJ & KC held off going out till Saturday night.

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The other thing that didn't really help, was having Roger Sanchez on the night after them. RS is hugely popular over here and a lot of people who I think would have enjoyed JJ & KC held off going out till Saturday night.

Good point... a place like Crobar is gonna be full on a Sat. nite no matter what. By putting the S-Man on the same weekend as JJ, they probably forced some people to choose ( I know I like both...)

Also agree that Strings of Life kicked ass on that system!

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the s man chez played strings of life on saturday and I really feel that the crowd only seemed to be more into it due to the amount of people on the floor. But I trully do not recall any fist pumping for that track except for those that were familiar with it. Not too mention him playing the remix of

"burning sunshine" from cocobongo and there was not really a reaction.

Therefore, it goes back to exposure, the only real times that these house tracks will be heard is at these clubs played by house djs. Both pete tong and roger sanchez aired those tracks on their radio stations but who over here heard it? Nonetheless, were are exposed to ktu's hit factory with all these R&B remix anthems along with after hour dark tribal. Where in other countries, those tracks such as strings of life are on the top 40

Also, it comes down to this, except for the motivated and musically educated music lovers such as the ones on this forum, how many people do you think know or give a f@ck about JJ/KC? How many people do you ask if they have the jj cd and say yes, the one with the needle. But, fail to have purchased all the essential mixes as well as the defected in the house compilation with KC. But, we go back to exposure again................

So, me being at crobar on a regular night plus both friday and Saturday for JJ and Roger, I can assure you that the only reason why the s man had a better turnout is because it was a saturday night. Had you put jj/kc on saturday, it would have been a great turn up, not necessarily a great turn out, but a great crowd show up for only it was a "saturday night".

The S man came through and maintained a full house based on sheer talent and experience with NY as well as around the world.

Same to say that if JJ/KC were there on Saturday, you would notice a difference in their set to keep the crowd only for the fact that it would have been a great attendance and that would have motivated them.

But still, no matter the crowd attendance, djs should put forth your best effort in hopes that you may return to this beautiful city. First impressions count.

But next time, they will know to come back and play at a smaller venue until they can develope some type of reputation for being able to hold it down in the city of NY. Like wise if their first time experience in another city was similar

In reality, take the same amount that attended crobar for JJ and put them in a smaller venue, then all of a sudden you would have had raven reviews of how packed and great of a night it was....

Like I said time and time again, crobar new what they were doing...... Was it for the better and welfare of the djs? you be the judge.........

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I agree on most of your points, especially about the exposure to music over here. I have to listen online at work so that I don't get out of touch with the scene back home. Mr Tong on a Friday afternoon does help me get ready for the weekend, and other shows such as the essential mix are also quality, when they have the right djs on.

It's criminal really that most people over here don't get to hear tunes as we do in the clubs. Case in point for me would be Shapeshifter's - Lolas Theme, that was huge in clubs in the UK earlier in the year (and in Ibiza by all accounts), but only got large recognition when they added the over the top vocal and released it into the mainstream. Since I have been over here, that is unfortunately the only version I have heard on any radio station.

I wasn't sure whether to go last Friday, but figured that if I didn't and others also didn't go if they weren't too sure about it, then talent such as this would give NY a miss next time, which can't be good for the city. Although I am not sure how Pete Tong is live, I am just hoping he brings the record bag he plays each week on Radio 1 and the music he plays at Pacha and I for one will be happy.

Do you think the turnout for Pete Tong will be any better than last Friday, or do you think it'll be a case of the right dj on the wrong night again?

Final point, on the Strings of Life issue, if people don't recognise the tune of the summer, then more fool them!

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the s man chez played strings of life on saturday and I really feel that the crowd only seemed to be more into it due to the amount of people on the floor. But I trully do not recall any fist pumping for that track except for those that were familiar with it. Not too mention him playing the remix of

"burning sunshine" from cocobongo and there was not really a reaction.

Agreed. When Roger played it and I went nuts, people were looking at me like I was psycho. Then people were asking me, "Who is DJ'ing?" I said, "Roger Sanchez!" They're like "Huh?" I guess they couldn't hear me so I showed them my S-man tank-top I got from Centro-Fly. They said,"He must be good,huh?" :hey: The Crobar crowd dont know house music. :half:

But, fail to have purchased all the essential mixes as well as the defected in the house compilation with KC.

I remember seeing this at the place where I buy my music and not having any money. I go back next week looking for it and it sold out. :unhappy:

sorry colione98 but, im going to have to agree with ghhhhhost. YOU ARE A FASHION EMERGENCY!! And if it is from Italy then most likely you over paid for an ugly shirt!

Damn! First post just to diss the man's attire! :rofl:

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