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He's done alright (even great in some cases) in every game except against Kansas. He sucked today, but the Falcons defence was much worse. I'm not sure if you've been watching the games or not, but the plays aren't oriented towards Vick. I'm surprised he's even picking up the stats he has so far given the teams offensive strategy this year. He's a young guy and on a team full of injuries, with a whole new playbook and coach. Give him time to adjust, he's got great talent which he proved at Virginia Tech... he's been good this year, he'll be even better next year. Just my 2 cents.

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He's done alright (even great in some cases) in every game except against Kansas. He sucked today, but the Falcons defence was much worse. I'm not sure if you've been watching the games or not, but the plays aren't oriented towards Vick. I'm surprised he's even picking up the stats he has so far given the teams offensive strategy this year. He's a young guy and on a team full of injuries, with a whole new playbook and coach. Give him time to adjust, he's got great talent which he proved at Virginia Tech... he's been good this year, he'll be even better next year. Just my 2 cents.

This is the same D-fense that shut down L.T last week.

he has more then enough time to adjust

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This is the same D-fense that shut down L.T last week.

he has more then enough time to adjust

so? They were the best D up until now against running plays. Its not Vicks fault they let up 56 points. He had a bad game, but the defence lost it, not him.

He has had time to adjust, and he did for the most part. He's done fine, just not as great as people though he would. They're a fresh new team that's gone 5-2 regardless of injuries. 7 weeks of new faces and a brand new playbook isn't easy to adjust to but they've done well, better than 75% of the league.

I don't know why you hate the guy so much.. if he's overrated that's not his fault. I don't like the Falcons, in fact, I love it when they lose cuz I can rag on my friend. However, I do know that Vick is a good fuckin QB.

For the record, Vick was actually underrated this year. Most analysts and fans didn't expect him to perform as well as he has and no one expected the Falcons to be 5-2 at this point.

Like Kfitz said, lose the hard on for Vick, we get it, you don't like him... he's not the best QB in history and he might not win a superbowl, but he's got talent.

I concur....

he's gotta learn to start being a quarterback on a team of 22 starters versus a team of 1 with 21 guys around him

have you seen him play? He's playing NOTHING like he used to.. his game is completely different and very team oriented. Personally I'd like to see him play like he used to... much more dynamic.

Anyways, some of you guys need to watch the games before making comments.

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have you seen him play? He's playing NOTHING like he used to.. his game is completely different and very team oriented. Personally I'd like to see him play like he used to... much more dynamic.

Anyways, some of you guys need to watch the games before making comments.

yes, I have seen him play

he was my QB in my money fantasy league (now since benched for McNabb who I picked up with the very next pick)

he still tucks the ball away way too quickly minus the past three games. he still doesnt read and recognize well enough to find his downfield receivers and I've seen him on numerous times when being flushed out of the pocket with his receivers coming back on the ball still run it (happened twice this week).

he's still playing as if his team needed him to win the entire game as they did in college, he'll start playing as if he needs his entire team to win very soon

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hype, why do u really hate vick, does this have anything to with Vick playing on the road at Green Bay a couple of years ago in the playoffs ?

U know, a time when it was impossible to win there, now anybody can and I guess Vick started it.

To say that Vick sucks is just stupid !!!!!!!!

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As a guy who walks 10 minutes to see the Falcons play, let me say that I want to be sold on Vick the way Steve Young seems to be. I think he has a tremendous amount of potential but he may never be a great qb. It isnt a black/white thing, it is an accurate passer thing. He will always be dynamic but will he be consistent? I hope we get more games like yesterday in Denver than we do games like KC.

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Mike Vick is going to turn out to be like Kordell Stewart (who is now an unheard of 3rd stringer)

he might be one of the most exciting guys to watch when he runs and scrambles....but the bottom line is, you have to be able to PASS THE BALL with success to last in the NFL

Stweart faced the same doom...amazing outside of the pocket and scrambling, but had no accuracy...now his career is all but over

2-3 years Vick will suffer the same fate

the other mobile QBs in the league like McNabb and McNair have some of the strongest arms in the league and decent acuracy to back it up

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