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Off the Record: By Bling


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I have been doin my reviews for like a year now and love writing them, no question about it.

But I would also like to start something a bit new. i gues a editorial kinda thoughts kinda thing where i just spout off what im thinkin over the past week.

Please tell me if it sucks or if u like it. I dont mind..

Life lately is all about work work work. It has been a virtual zoo at my place the past week. Busy as a bee in the office, 90 min commutes back and forth. The only thing to keep me from goin insane my lovely mp3 player in my car...... my BABY!!!!

I got new tires this past week. bout time too. The firestone guy said the front two tires were just worn beyond recognition.

Got some advice from my thread on the board which was much appreciated.

Work has been better lately as I have found a steady lunch partner now in Loany. Shes the sweetest thing you ever saw. We talk about religion, relationships, just about anything. She was a friend that i have needed for a long time now. Someone to really be able to talk to and just share thoughts with..

Been feeling kinda icky the past few days... prolly allergies no clue. the weather has been goin from cooler to hot to muggy to rain . its been crazy. weather changes does a number on me.... stupid hayfever and sinus allergies

Bill Kamal was arrested on sexual predator charges. Its been the talk of the office as I am sure in yours as well. Still cant believe it....... Must say bill was my fav weather personality on the air untill ths happened

Elections coming up and goin to go vote today with my sister. voting for kerry as I am a registered Democrat. In my heart, I believe bush has the right strategy on the war on terror though. GO after the enemy in their home court.

NATO and the UN and getting a global effort takes too much of a concerted effort and time is critical when dealing with terrorists

Osama bin laden released a tape. Released just in time for hte elections, he was hoping to divert attention from the race to him. It is truly a scary world we live in...

Dolphins still suck...... Heat season starting soon thank god........ NHL season looks to be in serious jeopardy.

On the videogame front Paper Mario 2 gets the Bling seal of approval. Great game with fantastic diaglouge. Halo 2 and then Metroid Prime Echoes next......

I still cant hold my liqor too well. Yeah my weight contributes to that a lot but whatever. 3 vodka tonics at prive had me dizzy as hell .... Its ok though..... Not much of a drinker. its all about the vibe. music..... and the beautiful ladies that makes clubbing all worthwhile

till next week

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But to be on the record, I would take the time to change it up a lil bit since u post on three different boards even though u are not a member of one, but off the record, keep it a lil short and sweet, but just for the record, you are not a TA, now make a record of it bitch!!!

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I have been doin my reviews for like a year now and love writing them, no question about it.

But I would also like to start something a bit new. i gues a editorial kinda thoughts kinda thing where i just spout off what im thinkin over the past week.

Please tell me if it sucks or if u like it. I dont mind..

Life lately is all about work work work. It has been a virtual zoo at my place the past week. Busy as a bee in the office, 90 min commutes back and forth. The only thing to keep me from goin insane my lovely mp3 player in my car...... my BABY!!!!

I got new tires this past week. bout time too. The firestone guy said the front two tires were just worn beyond recognition.

Got some advice from my thread on the board which was much appreciated.

Work has been better lately as I have found a steady lunch partner now in Loany. Shes the sweetest thing you ever saw. We talk about religion, relationships, just about anything. She was a friend that i have needed for a long time now. Someone to really be able to talk to and just share thoughts with..

Been feeling kinda icky the past few days... prolly allergies no clue. the weather has been goin from cooler to hot to muggy to rain . its been crazy. weather changes does a number on me.... stupid hayfever and sinus allergies

Bill Kamal was arrested on sexual predator charges. Its been the talk of the office as I am sure in yours as well. Still cant believe it....... Must say bill was my fav weather personality on the air untill ths happened

Elections coming up and goin to go vote today with my sister. voting for kerry as I am a registered Democrat. In my heart, I believe bush has the right strategy on the war on terror though. GO after the enemy in their home court.

NATO and the UN and getting a global effort takes too much of a concerted effort and time is critical when dealing with terrorists

Osama bin laden released a tape. Released just in time for hte elections, he was hoping to divert attention from the race to him. It is truly a scary world we live in...

Dolphins still suck...... Heat season starting soon thank god........ NHL season looks to be in serious jeopardy.

On the videogame front Paper Mario 2 gets the Bling seal of approval. Great game with fantastic diaglouge. Halo 2 and then Metroid Prime Echoes next......

I still cant hold my liqor too well. Yeah my weight contributes to that a lot but whatever. 3 vodka tonics at prive had me dizzy as hell .... Its ok though..... Not much of a drinker. its all about the vibe. music..... and the beautiful ladies that makes clubbing all worthwhile

till next week

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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The biggest plus is you didnt spend half of the text on :swallow: -errrr shoutouts.

On another note, "voting for Kerry, as I am a registered Democrat" but President Bush is right??? What the hell is that about?

Other than that, not bad stuff. Now get back to work. :)

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