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Eletist Vegetarians


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Do you have friends, or know people, that are Eletist Vegetarians?

You know the ones. They always start by saying "oh, Noooooo, I'm a vegetariannnnnnn <chin up>".

They say it, when you offer them a burger and fries, in a way like you're giving them Herpes or something. "Oh, no, I dont EAT meat.

Makes you wanta say, "I bet you dont s**ck it either."

I was driving on the freeway and listening to AM radio today. There was this cool recipe this chick was explaining for custard. I'm thinking - yum. Suddenly this biotch calls up on the radio and has to ruin the whole friggn radio program and say, "well, I'm so proud cuz i dont eat dairy, or eggs, or animals killed in Newfoundland in 1922 by eskimos. Can you tell me how to make a custard without eggs?"

Say WHAT???!!!

And then these veggie-eletists, as I would like to call them, talk down to you, with this like Equal Rights, Discriminatory Tone, (like this chick did on the radio), like "how dare you not have a replacement for eggs! I'm a vegetarian and I deserve the same rights as you meat eaters!"

No. You alll deserve to starve in Flat-Tasteless-Soysickening- Eggless-Custard land


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Werd!! If you want an eggless custard, leave the fucking eggs out of it.

Fuck vegans that think they are superior because they don't eat meat. Cows don't eat meat and you don't see them running around talking shit. People that think they are better than some because they don't eat meat, do drugs, drink booze, smoke, or fonicate really need to shut the fuck up. I mean, I don't drink or do drugs but only because they kicked my ass so bad I CAN'T do them anymore, I don't know of any vegan that has had thier ass kicked by a COW! Fuck that, a lot of people with high chol. don't eat meat and they don't talk shit, why? Cause they miss it. FUCK VEGANS Fuck them all. Fuck these straight edge fucks, fuck druggies, fuck drunks, fuck sluts, fuck you fuck me, fuck people, fuck the fucking fucks that fuck the fucks!!!!

BTW, what talk radio show were you listening to for recipes? I'd really like to know how to make a good curry.

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Werd!! If you want an eggless custard, leave the fucking eggs out of it.

Fuck vegans that think they are superior because they don't eat meat. Cows don't eat meat and you don't see them running around talking shit. People that think they are better than some because they don't eat meat, do drugs, drink booze, smoke, or fonicate really need to shut the fuck up. I mean, I don't drink or do drugs but only because they kicked my ass so bad I CAN'T do them anymore, I don't know of any vegan that has had thier ass kicked by a COW! Fuck that, a lot of people with high chol. don't eat meat and they don't talk shit, why? Cause they miss it. FUCK VEGANS Fuck them all. Fuck these straight edge fucks, fuck druggies, fuck drunks, fuck sluts, fuck you fuck me, fuck people, fuck the fucking fucks that fuck the fucks!!!!

BTW, what talk radio show were you listening to for recipes? I'd really like to know how to make a good curry.

LMAO....... !!!!!!

(it's a kfwb syndicated national show called "on cooking" with this woman on saturday mornings. I'll look it up.)

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And they talk down to you like you're going to die a young age and they are gonna live to 100. No, you're gonna DIE VEGAN. You're gonna DIE like all the rest of us, yes death, death like everyone else. And my funeral is gonna have an awesome buffet of food afterwards and yours is gonna have carrot tips and fennel stalks.

And most eletists vegetarians Ive see are either .... a) grossly overweight (like a Fat Monica on Friends) or B) so skinny you can see through them. You just wanta grab them and shake them and say - "Hey, youre body looks like youre an extra for E.T."

But my favorite is how they are selective about how they are vegan.

"I dont eat meat."

"I dont eat meat or dairy."

"I dont eat meat or dairy or non organic."

"I feel so clean inside because I dont take anything in with pestcides." Let me tell you how many chicks your boy nailed before he was with you. ....... and youre worried about pesticides!

I dont give a crap what you eat or dont eat! -- and I bet you dont swallow either! You Lactose intollerant biotch! And wtf is lactose intollerant anyway - if I cream you with a facial are you gonna break out?

And wtf is with these other non vegan freaks that only eat "free grazing animals" --- wtf is a free grazing animal? I dont wanta be eating some free animal that "gets around". "Hey, Betsey, that cow over there will get top dollar at the market. She is so free and grazes all over the place with all the other bulls." Free Grazing Animals sounds to me like "Ho-Meat", the more slutty the animal, the higher the price in the market.

I just wanta spray lactose all over a city of vegans while I ride off on my Ho-Cow.

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HA!! Free-grazing = ho cows!!

Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing."

Redd Foxx

And just imagine how those Ho Cows mooo.

M---mmmm-mmmmmOOOOOOOO---DoMeDady ----mmmmmmoooooo.

And for that I pay $6/lb

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And just imagine how those Ho Cows mooo.

M---mmmm-mmmmmOOOOOOOO---DoMeDady ----mmmmmmoooooo.

And for that I pay $6/lb

SIX BUCKS A POUND FOR FUCKING HAMBURGER???!!! Are you fvcking sick?!!

The only thing these "free loving cows" are, are cows that graze the open fields. I would say 85% of cows are free grazing. What the fuck. But let's call it free grazing so these free loving bleeding heart radicals can pay six bucks a pound. Sure, fuck the meat loving vegas.

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The Best are the Airlines.

They punish the Vegans lol

You wanta laugh? Sit next to a Vegan when they serve them their meal on the Happy Skies Airlines. They'll say "here's your vegetarian meal miss."

<she opens it open and finds a friggen fruit platter of five grapes and goes batt f@k>

"what is this? A fruit platter! Im gonna starve on a 12 hour flight with just a fruit platter"

and the flight attendant - meat eater -- will look at the Vegan with a nice evil look and say ... "Yeah, you are are." lol

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i was a vegetarian for 7 years. i only ate fish once in a blue moon and i had no energy at all. i think its really funny when people try to get their aloof non-meat-eater attitude with me and i just say yeah well i was a vegetarian for 7-8 years and i am over it. most of them arent as serious about it as i was. i wouldnt even eat food off the same grill that meat was cooked on. LOL. it was horrible!! besides i was an annoyance to everyone i went out to dinner with. half the time there was nothing i wanted on a menu. it made me have to eat at the same places all the time & i would always be asking what was in what. IS THE SAUCE MADE WITH MEAT?

i liked not eating meat, i felt good about doing something positive for the environment but the reality of me is that, i NEED red meat to survive and feel good. i dont feel healthy without it in my diet.

i personally prefer the vege meal on an airplane though, the meat they give you is complete crap. i wouldnt touch it for cash. i usually throw mine out & i really cant relate to people who think it is decent.

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i liked not eating meat, i felt good about doing something positive for the environment but the reality of me is that, i NEED red meat to survive and feel good.

What good does not eating meat do for the environment? If anything, eating meat should help the ecosystem because cows produce mass amounts of methane gas that destroys that gassy layer thing in the sky. Additionally, glad to see that you are thinking of yourself over the environment cause now you NEED red meat to survive? But before you didn't? If you don't pick one side of the fence or the other you're going to end up with a fence post up your ass! That's like being gay and now all of a sudden you're "fixed"

Once a vegatarian pussy, always a vegatarian pussy!

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What good does not eating meat do for the environment? If anything, eating meat should help the ecosystem because cows produce mass amounts of methane gas that destroys that gassy layer thing in the sky. Additionally, glad to see that you are thinking of yourself over the environment cause now you NEED red meat to survive? But before you didn't? If you don't pick one side of the fence or the other you're going to end up with a fence post up your ass! That's like being gay and now all of a sudden you're "fixed"

Once a vegatarian pussy, always a vegatarian pussy!

well i needed it always, i deprived myself because i thought meat was gross.

also, we breed cows and we can control the population so the methane thing isnt an issue. it is healthier and better for the environment to be a vege because the amount of grain fed to one cow over the course of its life time is enough to feed many people over the couse of time. also, they use a lot of water. they ruin farmland. meat eaters dont live as long. the meat we are fed is packed with unhealthy bacteria, hormones & steroroids.

The cattle industry is pretty sick. it is all about this country making money, not about keeping the people healthy. the fatter the cow the more meat yielded.


It takes 16 pounds of grain to produce 1 pound of feedlot beef.

Animals consume 80% of U.S. grain.

50% of U.S. water is used for the production of meat.

It takes 23 gallons of water to produce a pound of tomatoes.

It takes 2,500+ gallons of water to produce a pound of beef.

Sorry for the preachy "God loves you" website but it summed up my facts and adds some.

Reading this stuff makes me hate eating meat. Im going to turn into one of these free-grazing meat buyers... it is hard though that stuff costs like double.

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vegetarians, ppl who recycle, and all those tree huggin' pieces of shit only do this because it gives them a false sense of accomplishment... (but the same ppl wear leather, or use shampoos that contain whale blubber, or drive hummers and other gas guzzling cars/suv's) when in actuality what theyre doing has no impact on life or the environment and is a pointless academic activity... i utterly hate, and despise having to recycle... it is a net negative activity which since its inception hasnt turned a profit, saved a penny, or cleaned any amount air... in fact it has had adverse effects and IMO should be eliminated and not be government mandated... it is a fuckin scam and was started back in '87-'88 because of one mans fear and to create jobs... we dont need it...

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vegetarians, ppl who recycle, and all those tree huggin' pieces of shit only do this because it gives them a false sense of accomplishment... (but the same ppl wear leather, or use shampoos that contain whale blubber, or drive hummers and other gas guzzling cars/suv's) when in actuality what theyre doing has no impact on life or the environment and is a pointless academic activity... i utterly hate, and despise having to recycle... it is a net negative activity which since its inception hasnt turned a profit, saved a penny, or cleaned any amount air... in fact it has had adverse effects and IMO should be eliminated and not be government mandated... it is a fuckin scam and was started back in '87-'88 because of one mans fear and to create jobs... we dont need it...


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