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and Michael Moore laughs all the way to the bank.


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sobeton is just pissed because now he cant legally get married (if you catch my drift)
LOL on a serious note..same sex marriage gets banned, a serious issue with far reaching civil rights ramifications. whats the next marriage group to get banned interfaith , interracial , etc. marriage is the union of two people plain and simple.

Hmmmm! an idea for the next Michael Moore film.. :)

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bear in mind that many in exit polls indicated that they were very displeased by Kerry's inappropriate comment in regards to Cheney's gay daughter.

i really do think that what america needs to do now is smooth its ruffled feathers- if all the people that voted for kerry stand around and bitch- this country cannot and will not move forward.

Bush is by far not the perfect president, however, Bush won. Despite a media deluge against him. Despite a top grossing movie dedicated to his demise. Despite what will probably be heralded as the highest level of mudslinging in a presidential election. Bush won with the highest level of voter turn out ever. BUSH WON WITH THE HIGHEST POPULAR VOTE OF ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

What we need to do now is get off of our asses. Spend more time with our kids and raise them better. We need to get the fuck to work even if its a job that we dont necessarily like. We need to improve our work ethic as a country. We live in the greatest country in world ....And we need to stop and take some responsibility for our lives and stop using the government as a scapegoat.

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Michael Moore is filmmaker with an opinion and strong beliefs. he is not the first to benefit from a tragic situation, nor will he be the last. So grab a cookie and get over your fixation with MM . :)

The same thing could be said about Mel Gibson, and his 'Passion of The Christ' movie. He said he did for the people, but had everything you could imagine retailed for the movie. --Even a crown of thorns!! I don't buy into it...but..This IS the land of opportunity, after all...

I think it's great that someone made a film about bush. Everyone in this country needs information about the intricacies of our administration. Was Moore biased? Defintely. I checked facts onwww.factcheck.org, and found that while he kept and manipulated some info, a majority of what he said is public fact. He's a needle in a haystack compared to FOX news, IMO..

and yes, being divided over won't get us anywhere.

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bear in mind that many in exit polls indicated that they were very displeased by Kerry's inappropriate comment in regards to Cheney's gay daughter.

i really do think that what america needs to do now is smooth its ruffled feathers- if all the people that voted for kerry stand around and bitch- this country cannot and will not move forward.

Bush is by far not the perfect president, however, Bush won. Despite a media deluge against him. Despite a top grossing movie dedicated to his demise. Despite what will probably be heralded as the highest level of mudslinging in a presidential election. Bush won with the highest level of voter turn out ever. BUSH WON WITH THE HIGHEST POPULAR VOTE OF ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

What we need to do now is get off of our asses. Spend more time with our kids and raise them better. We need to get the fuck to work even if its a job that we dont necessarily like. We need to improve our work ethic as a country. We live in the greatest country in world ....And we need to stop and take some responsibility for our lives and stop using the government as a scapegoat.

" if all the people that voted for kerry stand around and bitch- this country cannot and will not move forward." you in fact make bold assumptions, based on what you presume to be happening. real nice!

the president lead a campaign based on Iraq, terrorism, and morality mixed in with good old fashion psychology... Congratulations to him and Karl Rowe it worked well.

we are a culturally and morally divided country... the breakdown of the votes speaks volumes. the next four years will be interesting. if we don’t find some happy median, we are in for some big problems. if this President thinks he is going shove his moral agenda and ideology down people’s throats. he is in for another turbulent four years, not only from within his own country, but internationally as well.. division, arrogance, paranoia. etc makes you vulnerable. take a step back and look at the state of our country in the months leading up to 9/11, and subsequent to 9/11. then assess where we are now.

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bear in mind that many in exit polls indicated that they were very displeased by Kerry's inappropriate comment in regards to Cheney's gay daughter.

Doubtful considering the flap over gay rights is why many voted for Bush in the first place.

i really do think that what america needs to do now is smooth its ruffled feathers- if all the people that voted for kerry stand around and bitch- this country cannot and will not move forward.

The same thing could've been said about you conservatives in 1996, when Clinton destroyed Bob Dole in the polls. But look at what we got, instead.

Bush is by far not the perfect president, however, Bush won. Despite a media deluge against him.

A media deluge only if you've been listening to Air America radio and watching Fahrenheit 9/11 nonstop the past few months. I saw plenty of retarded pro-Bush commercials on my TV, and the media has been treating Bush with kid gloves since 9/11.

Despite a top grossing movie dedicated to his demise. Despite what will probably be heralded as the highest level of mudslinging in a presidential election. Bush won with the highest level of voter turn out ever. BUSH WON WITH THE HIGHEST POPULAR VOTE OF ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

Yeah, only because there are more people in this country. 51% of the population today >>> the entire population in 1920. He didn't win by the biggest margin by any stretch of the imagination

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