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its just fun b/c we keep the chase going on both sides... when i back off a lil, he chases me... then i respond and he backs off a lil and we keep going and going... it def keeps it interesting... one of these days we're just gonna unleash on each other though and have some crazy times haha ;)

that´s what it´s all about

people you can really "play" with in a flirting sense are so rare

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girls shouldn't have to make the first move, but i'm tired of bitches who just go out too see how many guys will hit on them for their egos.. or the bitches that only act interested in ya to get a drink... i don't buy a girls drinks ever unless i know them personally. Always funny when they ask, and ya say no, then they dunno what to do... But i will offer to make them a drink back at my place

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girls shouldn't have to make the first move, but i'm tired of bitches who just go out too see how many guys will hit on them for their egos.. or the bitches that only act interested in ya to get a drink... i don't buy a girls drinks ever unless i know them personally. Always funny when they ask, and ya say no, then they dunno what to do... But i will offer to make them a drink back at my place

haha hell yeah i have never and never will buy any girl a drink unless i know them. bihatches

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fuck the whole dating game altogether. That's why I have a stack of porn up to my armpits and when I feel lonely I talk to my therapist, and I have two housemates for companionship. Fuck women and the whole dating bullshit. I have been so much better off mentally since I gave up the chase.

Well, maybe I haven't really given up - just accepted defeat.

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Guest gabo
It's not about B.S. some females as myself just like to be classy about theres. I for one if I like a guy would def. go for the first move, but just be classy about it and you'll get plenty of respect.
I love ur sig.
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girls shouldn't have to make the first move, but i'm tired of bitches who just go out too see how many guys will hit on them for their egos.. or the bitches that only act interested in ya to get a drink... i don't buy a girls drinks ever unless i know them personally. Always funny when they ask, and ya say no, then they dunno what to do... But i will offer to make them a drink back at my place

haha, that's great! :pint:

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look, playing games is fine when you know where you stand with each other.

but when I meet someone, if they start playing games, I'm gone.

Lingering looks, 'casual' touches, that's all part of flirting. but pretending you're not interested when you know you are, you think you're playing hard to get, I think you're playing easy to resist.

and to make things worse, if you think a girl's just playing hard to get, and it turns out she's not, if you go just a bit too far you can be charged with sexual harassment, or even assault.

funny thing is, "too far" isnt really that far at all

a "Lingering look" can be considered sexual harassment, if she wants to take it as such.

Basically, life is short, why waste what little time we have on this planet by playing games? If you like someone, let them know, if not, let them know that too. Then everyone can get on with their lives and stop wasting time on something that will ultimately go nowhere.

(and yeah, the bitches that just pretend to be interested to mooch drinks annoy the fuck outta me too)

oh, and really, why should guys always have to be the aggressive ones? (some) women bitch about equality, but only when it suits them. you want equality? but your own damn drinks, open your own damn doors, and for fuck's sake, dont always expect guys to make the first move while you play "hard to get"

(wow, bit more rant-ish than I intended *prepares for yet more neg rep*)

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look, playing games is fine when you know where you stand with each other.

but when I meet someone, if they start playing games, I'm gone.

Lingering looks, 'casual' touches, that's all part of flirting. but pretending you're not interested when you know you are, you think you're playing hard to get, I think you're playing easy to resist.

and to make things worse, if you think a girl's just playing hard to get, and it turns out she's not, if you go just a bit too far you can be charged with sexual harassment, or even assault.

funny thing is, "too far" isnt really that far at all

a "Lingering look" can be considered sexual harassment, if she wants to take it as such.

Basically, life is short, why waste what little time we have on this planet by playing games? If you like someone, let them know, if not, let them know that too. Then everyone can get on with their lives and stop wasting time on something that will ultimately go nowhere.


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Basically, life is short, why waste what little time we have on this planet by playing games?

cuz its fun

you don´t know what i mean with "playing games". it´s PLAYFUL as in PLAYING. flirting. you´re not "really" hard to get, but you pretend to be. both of you know this. it is fun. one *plays* the chaser and one *plays* the chasee. get it? a GAME. like roleplaying. FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.

jeez you must be boring as hell.

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cuz its fun

you don´t know what i mean with "playing games". it´s PLAYFUL as in PLAYING. flirting. you´re not "really" hard to get, but you pretend to be. both of you know this. it is fun. one *plays* the chaser and one *plays* the chasee. get it? a GAME. like roleplaying. FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.

jeez you must be boring as hell.

I agree, in that sense its def fun :)

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look, playing games is fine when you know where you stand with each other.

but when I meet someone, if they start playing games, I'm gone.

Lingering looks, 'casual' touches, that's all part of flirting. but pretending you're not interested when you know you are, you think you're playing hard to get, I think you're playing easy to resist.

and to make things worse, if you think a girl's just playing hard to get, and it turns out she's not, if you go just a bit too far you can be charged with sexual harassment, or even assault.

funny thing is, "too far" isnt really that far at all

a "Lingering look" can be considered sexual harassment, if she wants to take it as such.

Basically, life is short, why waste what little time we have on this planet by playing games? If you like someone, let them know, if not, let them know that too. Then everyone can get on with their lives and stop wasting time on something that will ultimately go nowhere.

(and yeah, the bitches that just pretend to be interested to mooch drinks annoy the fuck outta me too)

oh, and really, why should guys always have to be the aggressive ones? (some) women bitch about equality, but only when it suits them. you want equality? but your own damn drinks, open your own damn doors, and for fuck's sake, dont always expect guys to make the first move while you play "hard to get"

(wow, bit more rant-ish than I intended *prepares for yet more neg rep*)

Well said , just how i feel

and so what? there's so many girls out there. if there's one that's obviously all about the "game", just move on to one that isn't.

It's one thing with harmless flirting or lil things here and there. but when the person is stressing "the game", that's :lame:

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I have fun flirting (I do it all the time with almost every girl I meet) but like gmc said, it's not all about 'the game' and if that's all she's interested in, sorry, I aint waiting around for her to grow up.

I dont want to wake up one day, and realize that I wasted half my life and countless opportunities because I wanted to play games rather than look for something meaningful in life.

you think my life is boring or that it sucks because i dont like to play games? I think that people who play games are pathetic. rather than look for something real, they gotta play games to fill the void that is their empty little life, because they know that underneath the games, they got nothing.

and that's why when a girl starts playing games, i walk out the door. If she's gotta play games to keep a guy interested, she obviously brings nothing to the table, and I want something a little more than a good chase out of a woman.

and there's a big difference between a little back and forth flirting/chasing and playing 'the game'

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