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R U A Txt MSG JUNKY at the Clubs

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Is txting at the clubs Sexy or cool? Do you txt UR friends in the club or get them to come meet you with SMS. When I show up I send out a broad cast to my buds and that works great to get them to meet me. What about you. I once used it to pick up line and it WORK what about U?

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I am a club txt message whore...in fact, I have one of my GROUPS titled 'Crackheads' and if a party is bumpin I send out a mass txt message to all the crackheads in my group...it usually goes sumtin like this:

Crobar -sick! sick! sick!

it's not a good thing cause once I blacked out and lost my phone...long story...but the txt message comes in handy to locate friends rather than

wander around aimlessly and the darkness

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Very cool! I think that the most are going to be cool with getting specific notification from Clubs but you got to get something from it. Once guy said if we could send and SMS back on what song is playing another said GIVE ME VIP access I will SMS for anything. On NightClubVIP one guy said Preloading and iPOD with the DJ Mix would go well with the floor but Would you txt like 7778 Winpod to be in?????????????????

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ha.... funny thread... i normally dont do it but for morillo.. i had to, i got lost for a good 2 hours.. it was impossible to find my friends... unfortunately i have nextel and their service isnt very siiiick.. i get bombarded with text messages like 3 hours later... it sucks when you get a text message from your friend telling them to meet you at the bathrooms when you are passed out on the backseatgoing over the verrazano... not gonna do me any good at that point..

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unfortunately i have nextel and their service isnt very siiiick.. i get bombarded with text messages like 3 hours later... it sucks when you get a text message from your friend telling them to meet you at the bathrooms when you are passed out on the backseatgoing over the verrazano... not gonna do me any good at that point..

That shit made me laugh.

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I love this post... In NJ and Miami their are a few that will make you LOLROTF Keep them coming!!!

I am a club txt message whore...in fact, I have one of my GROUPS titled 'Crackheads' and if a party is bumpin I send out a mass txt message to all the crackheads in my group...it usually goes sumtin like this:

Crobar -sick! sick! sick!

it's not a good thing cause once I blacked out and lost my phone...long story...but the txt message comes in handy to locate friends rather than

wander around aimlessly and the darkness

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Hmm...didn't realize that texting would be such a great way to find everyone u lose... I'd text more if I had a place to keep my cell! I check my phone alot bc there's no way I'm keepin my phone in my pocket...I'd lose it for sure after bouncing around all nite. And most of my clothes don't have pockets! And belt clips aren't secure enough. And I don't wear purses when out either. Ackhh... :nopity::laugh:

Where does everyone keep their cell on them w/o losing it?

Are there any more secure belt clips out there?

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I love this post... In NJ and Miami their are a few that will make you LOLROTF Keep them coming!!!

I am a club txt message whore...in fact, I have one of my GROUPS titled 'Crackheads' and if a party is bumpin I send out a mass txt message to all the crackheads in my group...it usually goes sumtin like this:

Crobar -sick! sick! sick!

it's not a good thing cause once I blacked out and lost my phone...long story...but the txt message comes in handy to locate friends rather than

wander around aimlessly and the darkness

Thanks UNBOUND...the best one was this past Fri @ Morillo...my sister txt me:

Whr r u? So, I texted back...

@ Crobar whr r u?

Derrrr, we walked in together!!! I was such a mess, I had no clue what was goin on, strange how even in those conditions I can still manage to type.

i keep mine in my purse and I have lost my purse/phone several times, blackin out always leaves to some adventure.

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Hmm...didn't realize that texting would be such a great way to find everyone u lose... I'd text more if I had a place to keep my cell! I check my phone alot bc there's no way I'm keepin my phone in my pocket...I'd lose it for sure after bouncing around all nite. And most of my clothes don't have pockets! And belt clips aren't secure enough. And I don't wear purses when out either. Ackhh... :nopity::laugh:

Where does everyone keep their cell on them w/o losing it?

Are there any more secure belt clips out there?

yeah I can't usually manage to carry mine with me either...but my ex used to call his house at like, 8am when we were at Factory to wake up his housemates...they probably couldn't even hear the music but it was still funny

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i have no control when it comes to texting xbfs. blah. i literally have to delete their numbers so that i dont text/call them to meet up.

lol.. i do the same thing... im a big fan of deleting numbers.. bc you know when you get drunk you're gonna wind up leaving like 2 or 3 messages... i definitely cleaned up my act with that stuff though... i would wake up sometimes and look at my recent calls list and would want to go back to sleep and never wake up again...

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On another note, if you haven't learned to use that T9 function on your cell, I'd def recommend it. I just found out how to use it recently... I must be behind the times...hehe... just in case you haven't either, check this out: www.t9.com

Preset messages for mass texting are handy too:

"Where da helll are ya???"

"Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble gobble!"

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lol.. i do the same thing... im a big fan of deleting numbers.. bc you know when you get drunk you're gonna wind up leaving like 2 or 3 messages... i definitely cleaned up my act with that stuff though... i would wake up sometimes and look at my recent calls list and would want to go back to sleep and never wake up again...

awww.... :itsok: that's funny though :laugh:

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i usually don't text in da club, but do when i need to. exhibit A:MORILLO....had to text friends to see where they were. i never even found some!! lol...so when i found who i was lookin for and/or realized i wasn't gonna find neone else, i checked my phone (or rather kimmie checked my phone FOR me...hahaha)

but usually when i go out i keep my phone cuz i use it every now n then through the nite...i always keep it just in case...but i don't hold it...I CAN'T HOLD NETHING WHEN I'M OUT (ex: phone, $, ID, CAMERAAAA)...but i always manage to have a shitload with me!! thats why i LUFF my guy friends with pockets!! eh hem...MATT!! i luff u bebe!!! my boyz always got mah back!! thank uuuuuu....mauhz!!! :)

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On another note, if you haven't learned to use that T9 function on your cell, I'd def recommend it. I just found out how to use it recently... I must be behind the times...hehe... just in case you haven't either, check this out: www.t9.com

Preset messages for mass texting are handy too:

"Where da helll are ya???"

"Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble gobble!"

hmmm can you enlighten me on this t9 thing... my phone flashes t9 when i turn it on.. i have a motorola i730.. and have nextel service... and it sucks for text messaging... when i get a text message i dont know who it's from bc the name doesnt flash... only their numberand who knows anybody's number??? i just push their name and talk..

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Help available for 'drunken diallers'

10:00 AEDT Tue Nov 30 2004

With Christmas parties in full swing for millions of people around Australia, a mobile phone company has launched a unique new service to stop people from making phone calls they may later regret.

Virgin mobile says it’s “dialing under the influence†service will prevent incoherent calls to ex-partners, current partners or bosses.

A recent survey by the company of more than 400 people found that 95 percent made phone calls after a drinking session, with 30 percent of calls going to exes and 19 percent to current partners.

The survey also found that the morning after more people will first reach for their mobile phone to check who they had dialled (55%) instead of reaching for painkillers (8%). More than half those surveyed also said they made up to three calls per night.

Virgin says with the new service, people will simply dial a number followed by the phone number they don’t want to call, effectively blacklisting it until six o’clock the following morning.

The new service begins on December 1, just in time for the silly season


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