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People Of Cp - Please Put A Name Next To....


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I never answer these things so I'll give it a try before I have to get back to actually doing some work

CP's Most Congenial - don't know what "congenial" means

Cp's Biggest Post Whore - DG ( 35,000 + Posts Says it all )/deepanal

Cp's Most Likely To Become First Millionaire - sexxybabyd once she becomes a famous porn star

Cp's Class Clown - Smokesum/Kaydup/Stymie/X/luz :half:

Cp's Biggest Pain In The Ass - bua420 :bounce:

Cp's Most Horny Male - don't care

Cp's Most Horny Female - don't know...it's the internet, everyone pretends to be a sexual animal 24/7

Cp's Sexiest Male - N/A

Cp's Sexiest Female - ladyshady

Cp's Cutest Male - N/A

Cp's Cutest Female - Mystify

Cp's Biggest Flirt - Still Bullseye but a few people have been giving him a run for his money

Cp's Smartest Poster - Dont know

Cp's Best Thread Starter - xlr8ted

Cp's Worst Thread Starter - SlickSlider (there are more but he's the 1st to come to mind)

Cp's Cutest Couple - Phatman & Deepthroat :ghey:

Cp's Best Body Male - N/A

Cp's Best Body Female - TheMrs

Cp's Lamest Poster - bua420 & all of those faggots who post on the drama forum (you know who you are) :finger: oh and of course Scavy

CP'S Posters who Should Be Fucking On A Regular Basis - myself & ladyshady

CP'S BIGGEST HATER - lorenzo (although he is on point sometimes)

CP'S Biggest Fued/Hatred Between 2 Posters - Scavenger81 & the entire Boston Forum

CP's Cheapest Member - Stymie (kid does nothing but sewer rat free drinks at the bar

CP's Most Generous Member - I'd have to say Phatbastard from the last time we chilled together

CP's Night Out Most Drunken Mess - myself.

CP's Night Out Meanest Drunk - Cookie whether she is drunk or :roll:

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lol, oh i thought you meant he takes ppls drinks off the bar

that reminds me of a funny story though...I had this friend and we were at SF one night (we all know how grimey that place was) and it was after 4 so they stopped serving and I think he was broke also. I see him at 6 or 7 in the morning with two beers in his hand so I'm like wtf and he says they were "floaters" that he just picked them off of the stage....fucking buggin....I would never do that shit especially there

:laugh: @ floaters

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