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attn matt2mo

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The club isn't closing. But due to differences and beliefs of what the party should be we have decided to end the Nation party officially forever, and kill the Nation name once and for all!

The last few weeks to me have been a joke musically, and to me if it were to stay in it's current state there is no sense in putting my name on the Nation product anymore and many of the insiders behind the party agree with me 100 percent!

1 Year and 4 different venues later the party is not anywhere the way it was the evening it started (The night after Thanksgiving 2003). Many of our regulars are not coming anymore and the love and consistency behind the party is no longer there.

I personally lost a lot of interest when it went from being a team creative effort, to one person calling all the shots without notifying the other members of our group.

I personally have to thank a lot of people that may not have been with us behind closed doors all the time but for playing a big role in our success over our one year span; Rudy (Rudeboyyouth), Ted (Teknojunkee), Brandie, Big Joe, Johnny Vicious, Mike Macaluso, Peter Bailey, Boris, Chris & Kai, DJ Razor, Mac & Ali The Low End Specialists, Anthony Nero, KC Anderson, DJ Theo, Mimic, DJ Waterboy, The message board members of CP, NB, VIP, & NCC, and of course The people that came and spent their money with us EVERY WEEK FOR A YEAR!!! Each and every one of you made Nation a pleasure for me!

(All the Nation founding crew, Promoters, Lighting & Sound Techs, Resident DJ's, and general staff members you all know who you are and made Nation happen week after week)

Also a BIG THANK YOU to Bobby Goodrich for getting the original party off the ground and spear heading the grass roots effort to revitalize the EDM Scene on Long Island!

Everyone of the the Nation staff members will eventually move on and do something else in clubland! Some of us will work together again and some may not. In all honesty nobody is really pissed off at each other and there is no behind the scenes drama. The product is tired and it's time to try something new!

So as it looks right now the 3 Final Nation parties will go as followed

December 3rd DJ Razor's Birthday Party

December 10th My Birthday/The OFFICIAL SENDING OFF PARTY! DJ Lineup TBA

December 17th Boris

if anyone needs to know anything else, wants to be on a guest list for any of these parties, or has any questions e-mail me @


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The club isn't closing. But due to differences and beliefs of what the party should be we have decided to end the Nation party officially forever, and kill the Nation name once and for all!

The last few weeks to me have been a joke musically, and to me if it were to stay in it's current state there is no sense in putting my name on the Nation product anymore and many of the insiders behind the party agree with me 100 percent!

1 Year and 4 different venues later the party is not anywhere the way it was the evening it started (The night after Thanksgiving 2003). Many of our regulars are not coming anymore and the love and consistency behind the party is no longer there.

I personally lost a lot of interest when it went from being a team creative effort, to one person calling all the shots without notifying the other members of our group.

I personally have to thank a lot of people that may not have been with us behind closed doors all the time but for playing a big role in our success over our one year span; Rudy (Rudeboyyouth), Ted (Teknojunkee), Brandie, Big Joe, Johnny Vicious, Mike Macaluso, Peter Bailey, Boris, Chris & Kai, DJ Razor, Mac & Ali The Low End Specialists, Anthony Nero, KC Anderson, DJ Theo, Mimic, DJ Waterboy, The message board members of CP, NB, VIP, & NCC, and of course The people that came and spent their money with us EVERY WEEK FOR A YEAR!!! Each and every one of you made Nation a pleasure for me!

(All the Nation founding crew, Promoters, Lighting & Sound Techs, Resident DJ's, and general staff members you all know who you are and made Nation happen week after week)

Also a BIG THANK YOU to Bobby Goodrich for getting the original party off the ground and spear heading the grass roots effort to revitalize the EDM Scene on Long Island!

Everyone of the the Nation staff members will eventually move on and do something else in clubland! Some of us will work together again and some may not. In all honesty nobody is really pissed off at each other and there is no behind the scenes drama. The product is tired and it's time to try something new!

So as it looks right now the 3 Final Nation parties will go as followed

December 3rd DJ Razor's Birthday Party

December 10th My Birthday/The OFFICIAL SENDING OFF PARTY! DJ Lineup TBA

December 17th Boris

if anyone needs to know anything else, wants to be on a guest list for any of these parties, or has any questions e-mail me @


sorry tohear that it is comign to an end.....

but I discussed this with RIk yesterday ..and I think that the new venue was just too close to the city to make it an exclusive LI party like it was back in commack

commack was far enough form city that that club being there was a major espcape from traveling to the city...and the new spot is close enough to city that people will just go there...and far enough from long island heart that the hard core nation people just could not make it....cause if they woudl drive that far they might as well go to city........just my thoughts...

def sucks to see a party like this go ..cuase it was all about good music and good times....and I def hoped to work with naiton crew once more...

best of luck to everoyne involved............

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This definitely does suck, especially in light of some of the parties / lineups that team Nation managed to put together on Long Island since the party began. I don't think any other party on LI has ever accomplished - or will ever accomplish - what Nation accomplished for the period that it existed.

Let's show some serious support for the next three Fridays, and send the party out with a bang. I'm sure many will be pleased with the lineup for Razor's birthday, the TBA lineup, and Boris.

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