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your best night out ever...

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too many to name top club nights, but the nights that stick out in my head as being really special:

PVD in Central Park in a MONSOON, June 04 - hearing For an Angel as we we're walking out, we hit the brakes, look at each other, and sprint back in to dance our asses off...

DT @ Arc, Classics Night, Spring 04 - if you were there between 4-11 AM, you know what I'm talkin bout.

Ferry @ Avalon, Nov 03 - my first time at Avalon...got to meet the man himself and talk to him for awhile before he spun his set, I was so starstruck, he he.

JP @ SF, Spring 01 - going to school near Philly, this was my first time at a real club...with the live performances, freaks, trannies, barbie dolls, juice heads, POUNDING bass bins, and JP, I jumped right into the NYC club scene and never looked back...

Oakie @ Hammerstein ballroom, Thanksgiving night 01 - this was one of the first club nights after 9/11, and the unity of that crowd was unforgettable...

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i have this faint memory of meeting a kindergarten teacher on E at limelight, a blurry trail of faces leading to the Shampoo Room (foam party being filmed by Fox News), and a night I sat in a corner with my friend singing "don;t step on me" as thousands of peeps packed into limelight for Rabbit In The Moons first performance which so happend to be in a blizzard almost 10 years ago!

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god damm.. that shit sounds crazy.. anyways.. i just finished reading nmn's book it was intresting lol.

the best night out ever had to be derrick carter/mark farina sep of this year.. that shit was perfect.. it was insane... the way i cought cramps on my thighs from dancing too much dam thats hit hurt like a bitch.

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God there are soo many being the old bitch that i am,but a couple that stick out are my first time setting foot into the original sf back in 1990 and being soo overwhelmed i thought i was in another world.to see and dance with people like madonna,janet jackson,grace jones,dee-lite,jean paul gautier.and the pop and locking the kids were doing back than would blow your mind!!And Hearing Junya for the 1st time with all this i could not believe a dj could layer and fuck with records the way he did.2nd would have to be opening night of Arena at Palladium in 1996 with Deborah Cox Preforming Who Do You Love.im not gonna get into it too much to say but if you were there you know what i mean.if you never got the chance to go to the palladium before they tore it down i am sorry it truly was a work of art.And the Last one i think would have to be the sf on 46th st for the Red party and getting to hang up in the booth with Junya watching Deborah Cox Preform again from up there was amazing.There are soo many more that stick out but im getting a headach thinking about them all lol.

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i have this faint memory of meeting a kindergarten teacher on E at limelight, a blurry trail of faces leading to the Shampoo Room (foam party being filmed by Fox News), and a night I sat in a corner with my friend singing "don;t step on me" as thousands of peeps packed into limelight for Rabbit In The Moons first performance which so happend to be in a blizzard almost 10 years ago!

I actually knew this girl that was a kindergarten teacher that rolled.. I always found it sort of odd.. but who was I to say anything when I used to roll as well

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I actually knew this girl that was a kindergarten teacher that rolled.. I always found it sort of odd.. but who was I to say anything when I used to roll as well

my friend out in long island is a 7th grade teacher and we used to do copious amounts of blow on a saturday night when she had to be up teaching a bunch of snotnosed punks monday morning.. i have another friend out in long island that teaches a bunch of pre-schoolers and smokes weed like a motherfucker and does blow on a regular basis, but yet he is amazing with kids and gets his job done.. i think what people do on their own time and what they do at work are 2 very seperate things...

i really cant pinpoint one specific night that sticks out in my mind as the best night out ever.. i guess the nights that do come to memory involve a perfect mix of beats, a nice girl by my side to hold hands with (as corny as that sounds) and a perfect amount of "goodies".. whistle 3 was close.. as was some andom tunnel trip in 2000..

but my most memorable night.. not because it was amazing or that much fun, just because it was really random, was the stuck on earth christmas party @ limelight in 2001... it all started at 2 pm when we starting our drive home from school for winter break... so we're on the road about 30 minutes and i get pulled over for doing 51 in a school zone.. lol.. this was only bad because i had 3 ounces of mushrooms in the car at the time... whoops.. luckily the cop let me off bc i gave him the whole ahh im a college kid trying to get home before the big snowstorm hits sob story... so he let me go and luckily didnt search my car, keeping me out of jail for the holidays... sweeet.. merry christmas to me!!

so then we make it home and some girl i was seeing at the time was contemplating coming to limelight with us but her friend couldnt go and she would have had no way to get back home(lives in riverhead) so we meet her friend somewhere in nassau on the sunrise and dropped her off ( i drove her home from school but i live in staten sialnd and she lives in river head)... on our magical journey into the city my friend realizes he forgot his fake id... so i told him we have to go back to staten island to get his ID, but he refused because he didnt want them to take it away, so we headed into the city without his ID.. we get online and at this point it's about fifteen degrees and im wearing a thin pair of ufo's and a really thin turtleneck sweater... the line was wrapped around the corner to the point where the back area starts up... so i figured it would only be a half hour wait so i toughed it out...

so it's about 12:30 at this point and we're waiting online for a bit and we're almost around the corner so i stupidly decide to eat my mushrooms and gave my friend another half eighth so he could bug out too... i was figuring they would hit by the time we got inside and i would be good to go... but no.. limelight decides to hold the line for what seems like a good 3 hours... this doesnt sound crazy but it was nuts!! i was tripping out in front of limelight on really good mushrooms and it just kept on getting colder and colder and i wa sonly wearing a thin sweater and ufo's.. so we finally get to the doorguy and im trippng really hard... to make the night even stranger my friend that didnt have his id had a really bad night the night before... he got absolutely tanked and was running and my other friend stuck out his foot to trip him and the kid tripped while he was running but unfortunately his hands were behind his back and he landed on his face.. and skidded a few feet on the pavement.. so the whole time while we were on line i was bugging out when i would look at my friends face because it was a giant scab... i thought i was talking to a giant skinned knee!!

so anyways we get to the doorguy and my friend pleads his case to the bouncer but the bouncer doesnt let him in... 1) he doesnt have ID 2) his face would have scared people away from the club...

so we all walk back to my car to get some warmth and decide what to do.. me and my other friend are faced with a tough decision... we're both bugging out really hard with nowhere to go... so i told my friend that forgot his ID and wasnt on mushrooms that he had to drive home to my house bc i wasnt able to drive... he said no because he got a dwi a few weeks before and his license was suspended.. so i told him he better come up with an idea and fast but he couldnt.. so he said he'd take one for the team and just wait in the car for 2 or 3 hours while we came down and were able to drive.. i told him i had my jacket in the car and there was some other scattered clothes he could use for warmth..


so me and my friend head in to limelight.. nothing special really.. but i remember staring at the giant trip out screen they had on the wall behind the dj... (at this point the dj's were spinning on the stage across from the dj booth)... the trip out screen was fucking nuts... the crowd was getting bombarded with these crazy sex images... im talking like nasty, dirty, ghetto sex.. it was images of black guys on white girls, fucking them in the ass, black threesomes, 2 white girls on one black dude... some black dude fingering 2 whitegirls in the ass, just really really FILTHY EXPLICIT sex images.. it was just really bizarre but i was loving it.. i was horrified and amazed at the same time.. by the time we got in i missed, micro, xdream and frankie bones and i got to see donald glaude for the first time.. he was killing it and doing NASTY shit with the mixer.. dropped some scot project track,,, HOT!! anyways i lose my friend and the club closes.. im walking around for a while and i see him sitting on the stairs with some girl who was rolling her face off trying to talk him into buying pills.. he said the girl wouldnt leave him alone.. she was talking with him for a good 45 minutes trying to get him to buy pills and just bs'ing.. so now it's about 630 and we leave... unfortunately im still tripping pretty hard...


so now we head back to the car and my friend is up looking at naked pictures of my (sorta still) gf at the moment that were in the jacket i told him to wear that night, which i completely forgot i had in there... that kinda sucks when your boy stumbles on to your girls naked pictures.. but what are ya gonna do?? but i was still tripping and didnt want to drive home but after about 5 minutes of silence and trying to come down i was like fuck this shit and decided it was time for another adventure.. so i turn the ignition on and just start going.. unfortunately, i was so far gone that i had no idea where i was driving.. i figured if i kept driving and making turns i would inevitably run into something i recognized.. 45 minutes go by and then i realize i am stuck dead in the middle of nyc morning rush hour.. it was just after 9/11 too, so streets were closed and the major one being closed was the westside highway.. cops were everywhere.. i was petrefied!! it took me 2 hours to drive home from limelight on a head full of mushrooms during morning rush hour... it might not sound odd but the night was just complete weirdness/tripping randomness.. and that was the last time i ever fucked with any hallucinogens.. they dont mix well with clubs.. or just anything in general..

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Entrance Music Festival in Montenegro ...Richie Hawtin/MKDSL....

chillin on a yacht ...hookups courtesy of the local District Attorney...Hawtin is standing next to me..nooo one knows who he is...i recognize him..we're bullshitting for like 20 mins...and he's like GOTTA GO...so im amped as shit...

the yacht docked next to abandoned submarine tunnels..hugeee set up..about 10,000 people on this dock...Richie man-handling the crowd...face lit up by the glow off his I-book...just lacing the crowd w/ bangin tech..then slowin it down to his usual minimal stuff..then BOOOOOM drops a nasty bass line...crowd is spazzin out...redbull vodka flowin like water....10,000 people from 135 diff countries goin nuts...

Richie ends his set...and im thinkin "i feel sorry for the kid coming up after him"......this skinnnnnnny little kid named MKDSL comes on...all of a sudden he starts Raaaaaaaaping the decks...he comes on and throws on Jark Prongo-Rocket Base ...for those that dont know...download it NOW...the track cuts and then turns into..Salt-n-Peppa's Push It beat..fuckin banans....next he's mixin in a tech beat with Pop That Coochie...followed by Shake What Ya Mama Gave Ya....at this point im in like New YOrk City Club Kid Fantasy Land....now i gota remind u this kid is from Eastern Europe...i duno where he got these records from.....he's jumping up and down...working the crowd....i mean he was as fun to watch DJ as Danny Howells and as funky as Felix Da Housecat....it was insaneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..

best fucking night ever...the sun is coming up over the Adriatic Sea...im on the top deck of this fuckin yacht...wide awake fiending for more...best night ever

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In chronological order...

Carl Cox @ Twilo....first time ever in a club. i was blown away.

Tony Draper's Back to The Future Party @ Exit in 2002....First time rolling in a club. Place was packed, and at the time the music blew me away.

Christopher Lawrence and Judge Jules @ Exit Summer Madness

PVD @ Roxy November 2003

Armin and jon O'bir @ Godskitchen UK, 2004...First time clubbing overseas. I'm jealous of people who live in Europe.

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