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Cocain / Heroin


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coke = SUCKS

Heroin = Kiss your life goodbye


why do you say that???

i know alot of doctors students lawyers, etc.. that do coke and ther fine.

i dont know neone that does heroin but why do they show it to be so baad in the movies?

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why do you say that???

i know alot of doctors students lawyers, etc.. that do coke and ther fine.

i dont know neone that does heroin but why do they show it to be so baad in the movies?

Shouldn't that tell you something about the drug itself? If you don't know anyone who does it there's probably a reason.

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why do you say that???

i know alot of doctors students lawyers, etc.. that do coke and ther fine.

i dont know neone that does heroin but why do they show it to be so baad in the movies?

i took the time to put this together for you:


Ricky was a stockbroker from 1991 to 2002 and worked on Wall Street. He not only worked as a stockbroker himself, but he also trained other stockbrokers…. He is a Heroin addict. Ricky has been on the street for two months


"Dave" Dave is fifty-six years old, and was a "computer jockey" for NORAD

(early missile warning system) in the Airforce.


"Mike" Mike is twenty-eight years old and originally from New Jersey. He has been on the street two years. Mike has skills, which include data entry, and he has had two years of college economics.


“I had it all, I was married to a French fashion photographer and had a child.â€


He is an Army veteran who served four tours of duty in Vietnam, from 1970 to 1974.


He was offered a university teaching position, but did not take it.


Monika has lived all over the world including Paris and Rome. She speaks four languages, and had gone to school at the Sorbonne in Paris where she studied literature.


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coke was fun at first.. a long, long time ago and i'm so over it..and i've also come to the conclusion a long, long time ago the 10 minute high is totally pointless and an evil tease..

but i've done meth and while that has its evil tendencies too, the high is much better, cheaper, longer (instead of sniffing lines every 10 minutes, i drink a teeny sip and i'm good for 3 days) without as many harsh withdrawal symptoms, i suppose, considering i haven't done it as hard or as long as i did coke... all in my opinion.

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i like the heroin high better, but the side effects are HORRIBLE,

my nose would swell, my face would get itchy, i couldn't put anything near my mouth or i would puke, id try to drink some water to get rid of the dry mouth, but id just dry heave :yuck:

cokes ok only if its top top quality,

i can't STAND shitty coke,

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cokes ok only if its top top quality,

i can't STAND shitty coke,

so tru...these days i have been getting pretty stepped on coke...take like a gram for me to get a good feeling and a freeze doesnt even make my throat numb...

but to answer the question i must say i have never done heroin but i have seen ppl who use and by the reactions they get after using heroin and then another nite when they use coke i can say heroin must be the shit...i have had ZERO friends in rehab for coke but MANY in rehab for heroin...so i guess i know which one is better :D

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coke was fun at first.. a long, long time ago and i'm so over it..and i've also come to the conclusion a long, long time ago the 10 minute high is totally pointless and an evil tease..

but i've done meth and while that has its evil tendencies too, the high is much better, cheaper, longer (instead of sniffing lines every 10 minutes, i drink a teeny sip and i'm good for 3 days) without as many harsh withdrawal symptoms, i suppose, considering i haven't done it as hard or as long as i did coke... all in my opinion.

I like sleeping too much to want to be up for 3 days :)

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youre not "up" for 3 days, youre high for 3 days.. you can sleep whenever you want, like you do when youre sober... which includes occasional nods..

I'm sorry but if you're speeding along, at least for myself, sleep isn't an option. Its physically impossible to sleep with that much speed in your system. Besides, who the hell wants to be high for 3 days...seems like it would be a drag after the first 12 hours......

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heroin has a much stronger addiction than coke, plus, what you did the ngiht before (heroin) takes twice that amount the next day to get the same high, cokes not that intense

thats not necessarily true......

like anything else, tolerance builds over time, not one day or two days....

but heroin tolerance does build quicker than other drugs.....and it is very potent...just doing a little more than your body can handle, will cause u to puke for several hours, in the midst of knodding out....

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I'm sorry but if you're speeding along, at least for myself, sleep isn't an option. Its physically impossible to sleep with that much speed in your system. Besides, who the hell wants to be high for 3 days...seems like it would be a drag after the first 12 hours......


i'm not talking about speed..if you had read my post correctly, you would have read that i was talking about herion or methadone not speed.

opiates are nothing like all the other piece of shit drugs. the high is not a high like coke or e or whatever. if you've never done it, it's hard to explain or understand where i'm coming from.

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i'm not talking about speed..if you had read my post correctly, you would have read that i was talking about herion or methadone not speed.

opiates are nothing like all the other piece of shit drugs. the high is not a high like coke or e or whatever. if you've never done it, it's hard to explain or understand where i'm coming from.

meth = methanphedamines? (sp) Always has in my book not sure where you're from but I'm 99% sure when people talk about meth they're talking about crystal, not Methadone

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