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Cocaine use lead to hole in Septum

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I need some serious help. I have been a functioning cocaine addict for about 8 years, at my worst point buying an ounce a week. I was sober for 8 months, then last week I relapsed and bought a gram. Tonight I will be attending my first cocaine anonymous meeting.

That sounds like that's the problem, but it gets worse. About a year and a half ago I noticed a hole in my septum (the center seperation between your nostrils) Any normal person would have stopped at that point, but I have been an idiot. The hole now extends to centemeters from the tip of my nose. I have done research and learned they can put a silicone button in the hole, but my case is much worse. I don't have insurance through work, and because of pre-exhisting conditions, I am not eligible for any individual health insurance plan. I am thinking of quiting my job and getting another one that offers insurance so I can get my nose checked out. It is my understanding that they can take cartlage from your ear or tissue from a donor and repair my nose, but I'm not sure. It costs hundreds of dollars I don't have to see a Ear, nose and throat specialist, or even a plastic surgeon. I know, I know, I should have saved some of the fortune I wasted on drugs, but hindsight is 20/20, and now I don't know what to do. I am scared to death of my nose collapsing, even though I am off the shit and intend to stay sober. Can anyone offer any advice, or is anyone else, or do you know of someone in the same situation? Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

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a hole in your septum isnt going to kill you... the plug might actually bother you more than the hole depending on how big the hole is.. the plug also needs to be checked/replaced every so often. the solution is not to make the hole any worse than it already is and live with it..Most insurance carriers don't cover it anyway.. it's considered cosmetic, unless you're having breathing problems or your septum is in danger of totally collapsing

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disk-o-freak said he should put a ring through the hole in his nose...

i thought it was funny...it is my subtle way of internet cassanoving her....lol (jk) (nervous laugh)

free country, sweetie, to laugh at what you want... ;)

if he is to ignorant to take a joke.. fuck em... :hoparound

exactely what fkornre said... :grin3:

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