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the answer to the asian 'swing dance'...

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last week in crobar .. billy, bluedragon, stompy and myself .. made a ring .. held hands .. and started shaking heads .. it was funnnnn yo .. hehe ..

prob is .. there was an asian couple next to us . and they gave us the dirty look . and we were like . ooops .. thooweeeyyyy

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:rofl: ...guess it's my turn to try this... :laugh: I'll give y'all a full assessment... at least it makes for good bicep development, no? hehe...


Did you forget when you and pat were doing it a few months ago at sasha, billy and i were craaaacking up!

oh man, KKK!!!!

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Did you forget when you and pat were doing it a few months ago at sasha, billy and i were craaaacking up!

oh man, KKK!!!!

Oh yeah! I forgot about that...but that wasn't voluntary! I was bamboozled into it... you guys rushed me and grabbed me and next thing I knew, we were all doin the Stevie Wonder :splat:

Ackhhhh!! :laugh:

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what sucks though is that most of you NOW when you see asians at parties you think that thats how they all dance. When its far from the truth. The same peeps just happen to like the same music most of ya do. But there are so many asians out there who can dance on the floor with amazing skills. Keep your eyes openor thm, but then again they also like to stay away from certain parties cause of the druggy crowd and music as well. Go to any DEEPHOUSE party and watch how some of these asians do it.

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what sucks though is that most of you NOW when you see asians at parties you think that thats how they all dance. When its far from the truth. The same peeps just happen to like the same music most of ya do. But there are so many asians out there who can dance on the floor with amazing skills. Keep your eyes openor thm, but then again they also like to stay away from certain parties cause of the druggy crowd and music as well. Go to any DEEPHOUSE party and watch how some of these asians do it.

Yeah i know hobbit!!, its like black people sterotype..

everyone thinks all we want to do is bang white bitches, get fucked up, and spend money on pointless shit.. we ALL dont do that!!

Thank god the punjabi's and gooks are lower on the totem pole now, its about time..

shit who am i kidding, thats exactly what i do.. :beer::bounce:


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Yeah i know hobbit!!, its like black people sterotype..

everyone thinks all we want to do is bang white bitches, get fucked up, and spend money on pointless shit.. we ALL dont do that!!

Thank god the punjabi's and gooks are lower on the totem pole now, its about time..

shit who am i kidding, thats exactly what i do.. :beer::bounce:


your black!!!!!!

no way,

seems like all yuor post gave me this strange idea you were white :confused:

(j/k) :funny:

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It is actually a scientific fact that Asians cannot break down alcohol ..genetically they are pre-disposed to having a lack of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase in their livers.

Oh really? Show me some proof of that please.

The nations with the top alcohol consumption per capita is Slovenia followed by South Korea. Last I checked, south koreans drink like friggin fish. Look at any travel guide about the nation. If "asians" as you have stated are predisposed to lacking a crucial enzyme, they'd all pass out after a couple of shots. So which "asians" are you talking about? I just slapped East asia out of your theory. Is it north asia? meaning the russians? Or is it indians? southeast asians?

The ignorance in this thread is phenomenal. You guys all live in bumblefuck town or something? Isnt this the NYC forum? Step out of your caves and have a look around. Not all italians are mafia hitmen, not all russians are vodka drinkers, not all germans hate jews, not all jewish ppl are cheap, not all black ppl have big dicks, not all asians know kung fu, etc. What the fuck is this crap.

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actually first time i heard about this was in class, we were talking about addiction and alcoholism came up. just plugged this into google to find a whole bunch of info.

so before you go callin people ignorant go do some research killa.

A second enzyme, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), also plays a role in metabolism, and is missing in up to 50 percent of Asian people. The lack of ALDH is often associated with the facial flushing that occurs in many Asians, as well as Native Americans and Inuits, when they drink. So people with less ALDH will often flush, sweat, and/or become ill after drinking small amounts of alcohol. Recent studies suggest women have fewer alcohol metabolizing enzymes than men. The fact that women typically have more body fat also causes them to metabolize alcohol differently.


Oh really? Show me some proof of that please.

The nations with the top alcohol consumption per capita is Slovenia followed by South Korea. Last I checked, south koreans drink like friggin fish. Look at any travel guide about the nation. If "asians" as you have stated are predisposed to lacking a crucial enzyme, they'd all pass out after a couple of shots. So which "asians" are you talking about? I just slapped East asia out of your theory. Is it north asia? meaning the russians? Or is it indians? southeast asians?

The ignorance in this thread is phenomenal. You guys all live in bumblefuck town or something? Isnt this the NYC forum? Step out of your caves and have a look around. Not all italians are mafia hitmen, not all russians are vodka drinkers, not all germans hate jews, not all jewish ppl are cheap, not all black ppl have big dicks, not all asians know kung fu, etc. What the fuck is this crap.

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Just kidding... anyway, I am Korean but I was born and grew up here. Those cracked out Asians r just as foreign to me and my friends as they are to y'all. These people r older than my mother and they r all high and dancing to house music at Asseteria...hello...My mother and her friends go to church and occasionally they like to gamble at Taj Mahal, that's it. But they would never ever take any drugs much less go to these clubs and shake it with kids half their age. I say this because I want everybody on here to know that these people are not typical Asian Americans (and certainly not Korean American) so don't sterotype us based on them.

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your black!!!!!!

no way,

seems like all yuor post gave me this strange idea you were white :confused:

(j/k) :funny:

Last time i looked in my pants i was still black.


this thread is hilarious!


However, it would be nice if an Asian from one of these parties could reply to this thread and explain all these theories firsthand!

come on, asians dont speak english.

Notice how to rarely see any hasidic jews at parties... there too busy making the pills and taking all of our money to buy up more neighborhoods.

Y'all r just nasty racist bitches ...straight up!!!!

No way, just one big

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You fucking moron. Out of all the links possible, you link up the "Go Ask Alice" site?!?!?

In the first place, what was the point of bringing up this 50% bullshit anyways? Let me correct your ignorance while I'm here.


(If you are too lazy to read it, I'll highlight the key passages)

To the Editor: I appreciate Dr. Shriver's insightful editorial on ethnic variation as a key to the biology of human disease [1]. His comments provide an important context for understanding the assets and limitations of studying within ethnic variability to increase knowledge of complex diseases such as alcoholism [2]. I completely agree with Dr. Shriver's general comments but want to clarify one point. He stated that my colleagues and I "address the mechanism underlying the unpleasant sensations and facial flush experienced by many Asian persons after the consumption of alcohol." In 1974, Ewing and colleagues were the first to relate alcohol-induced flushing and other symptoms of alcohol sensitivity among Asian persons with elevated acetaldehyde levels and to suggest that the symptoms were clinically similar to those seen with an alcohol-disulfiram reaction [3].

Since this report was published, it has been widely hypothesized that Asian persons who have alcohol-induced flushing are protected from alcoholism because they experience unpleasant alcohol reactions. In our ongoing study, which is assessing subjective and objective responses to moderate alcohol ingestion among Asian-American persons, participants with mutations in the aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (ALDH2*2 alleles) as a group self-report more intense, but not less pleasant, feelings of intoxication than do participants without this gene mutation, despite equivalent drinking histories and blood alcohol levels [4]. We have also found extremely aversive alcohol reactions in only 5 of 84 participants. Each of 3 participants homozygous for the ALDH2*2 allele and 2 of 32 heterozygous participants vomited after ingesting the alcohol beverage. Both of the ALDH2*2 heterozygotes were also homozygous for the "atypical" alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH2*2) allele. ALDH2*2 and ADH2*2 alleles are both associated with a lower risk for alcoholism [5]. We hypothesize that variability in response to alcohol is the mechanism whereby these genetic variants interact to protect against alcoholism among Asian persons who drink alcohol. We suggest, however, that what is important is not whether the response has positive or negative valence but the overall intensity of the response.

So according to the ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, your "Go Ask Alice" bullshit reference is wrong.

Get a clue.

actually first time i heard about this was in class, we were talking about addiction and alcoholism came up. just plugged this into google to find a whole bunch of info.

so before you go callin people ignorant go do some research killa.

A second enzyme, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), also plays a role in metabolism, and is missing in up to 50 percent of Asian people. The lack of ALDH is often associated with the facial flushing that occurs in many Asians, as well as Native Americans and Inuits, when they drink. So people with less ALDH will often flush, sweat, and/or become ill after drinking small amounts of alcohol. Recent studies suggest women have fewer alcohol metabolizing enzymes than men. The fact that women typically have more body fat also causes them to metabolize alcohol differently.


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Last time i looked in my pants i was still black.


come on, asians dont speak english.

Notice how to rarely see any hasidic jews at parties... there too busy making the pills and taking all of our money to buy up more neighborhoods.

No way, just one big


what actually would be nice if there where more people like you out there, who can make just as much fun and laugh about themselfes as about others. :bowdown:

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Last time i looked in my pants i was still black.


come on, asians dont speak english.

Notice how to rarely see any hasidic jews at parties... there too busy making the pills and taking all of our money to buy up more neighborhoods.

No way, just one big

LMAO.... what would be nice actually..... if there were more people like you(ibrandon) out there that can laugh about themselfes as much as they do about others.

why does it matter what race we all are ? we all do some form of drugs , legal or illegal. We all have fun getting stupid sometime. We of all should be the last ones to point fingers. Live and let LIVE should be the motto. After all I think we have emerged the dark ages by now, at least I'd like to believe that.

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