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the answer to the asian 'swing dance'...

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i really can't believe that im getting into this on CLUBPLANET. i was simply providing a link to a statement that was made earlier on in the thread that some asians have a hard time metabolizing alcohol.

go to google and type in "asian metabolize alcohol" and then have yourself a field day because apparently there is a lot of false information out there. that link was the first one i clicked on and there are plenty more. have fun!

You fucking moron. Out of all the links possible, you link up the "Go Ask Alice" site?!?!?

In the first place, what was the point of bringing up this 50% bullshit anyways? Let me correct your ignorance while I'm here.


(If you are too lazy to read it, I'll highlight the key passages)

To the Editor: I appreciate Dr. Shriver's insightful editorial on ethnic variation as a key to the biology of human disease [1]. His comments provide an important context for understanding the assets and limitations of studying within ethnic variability to increase knowledge of complex diseases such as alcoholism [2]. I completely agree with Dr. Shriver's general comments but want to clarify one point. He stated that my colleagues and I "address the mechanism underlying the unpleasant sensations and facial flush experienced by many Asian persons after the consumption of alcohol." In 1974, Ewing and colleagues were the first to relate alcohol-induced flushing and other symptoms of alcohol sensitivity among Asian persons with elevated acetaldehyde levels and to suggest that the symptoms were clinically similar to those seen with an alcohol-disulfiram reaction [3].

Since this report was published, it has been widely hypothesized that Asian persons who have alcohol-induced flushing are protected from alcoholism because they experience unpleasant alcohol reactions. In our ongoing study, which is assessing subjective and objective responses to moderate alcohol ingestion among Asian-American persons, participants with mutations in the aldehyde dehydrogenase gene (ALDH2*2 alleles) as a group self-report more intense, but not less pleasant, feelings of intoxication than do participants without this gene mutation, despite equivalent drinking histories and blood alcohol levels [4]. We have also found extremely aversive alcohol reactions in only 5 of 84 participants. Each of 3 participants homozygous for the ALDH2*2 allele and 2 of 32 heterozygous participants vomited after ingesting the alcohol beverage. Both of the ALDH2*2 heterozygotes were also homozygous for the "atypical" alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH2*2) allele. ALDH2*2 and ADH2*2 alleles are both associated with a lower risk for alcoholism [5]. We hypothesize that variability in response to alcohol is the mechanism whereby these genetic variants interact to protect against alcoholism among Asian persons who drink alcohol. We suggest, however, that what is important is not whether the response has positive or negative valence but the overall intensity of the response.

So according to the ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, your "Go Ask Alice" bullshit reference is wrong.

Get a clue.

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  • 1 year later...

i usally roll with a asian chick or 2 to a club, and those rolling fob asians try to mack it to my buddies all the time, i feel bad cause i have to scare them away cause my friends get freaked out by them...., but then again its funny when my friends get scared hehehehe.... silly people :-P

btw sorry i dont have a answer to their swing dance thingy, its prob like a mating call thingy, to lure more of their kind closer to them.... or thats just how they have fun :-)

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lol this thread is retarded...its like non-edm related really

i stopped posting on clubplanet like four years ago...this is the site full of guidos and ppl who just don't know where better to post...full of dumb threads like this, hah. haha im surprised to still see certain ppl on here that i know...

as for clubs in NYC, there are guidos everywhere (the leehottis) - they fuckin scared me last friday at Crobar how alike they looked...and the FOBS who do the headshaking dance...ugh old looking azns that overdose on E and actually look like they came from China or some shit like that -- they make all asians look BAD

I, as well as every other 'twinkie' (asian-american) just STAY away from them and where they inhabit the floor. Don't want to be identified with them, i just detest them, i wanna punch their lights out when they bump into me, being all shitfaced...and being asian myself, am ashamed that they even EXIST. then again i dont really have any close asian friends, i mostly hang out in a very mixed crowd.

as for alcohol, just a BIG thumbs down on it, one good thing I can say about E is that it promotes 'love' and peace. alcohol = stupid fights and regrettable actions in more ways than one. no matter WHAT race you are.


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Twinkie= yellow on outside, white on the inside

But when u are a twinkie u don't belong with anyone, your group ends up being the united nations, which is thee cool thing

I have nothing against the swingers, this is America

This issue is why so many twinkies just listen to hip hop

Than if there were too many twinkies in the club would black people say what they know about the struggle.

Twinkies have to stop thinking of themselves as tokens, one day i was at work and a white partners kid said, dad he can talk english isn't that great.

I went to a club and all the fobs were there so i can't talk to them so i ran away because they make my race look bad, thats wrong

So what i did is get me a few translators.

Some have actually just got off the boat from canada and walked 2 weeks to america, and got a ride to chinatown and there first night in NY they went to the same club u people are complaining about. Isn't America great lol

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