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How to pace yourself at WMC?

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There is so much to do, so many DJ's, so many parties, but I doubt I will have the energy to enjoy everything I want to. Anyone have any suggestions on pacing yourself at WMC? self control is not one of my strengths. I tend to overdo it then am dead for a day. Any suggestions on getting over hangovers, what not to do would be appreciated. :hoparound

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drink plenty of water , eat well , start taking multivitamins and working on your stamina now. Unless you don't care but if you over do it with the hard partying and no sleep you may kick yourself in the ass when your favorite party comes around and you are too fucked up to enjoy it.

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Take 1 aspirin in the morning and 1 before you go out at night.....

Drink 1/2 a bottle between every drink of 1 bottle of water in between every 2 drinks.

and if possible eat at least 1 meal a day w equal amounts of carbs/veggies/proteins ex: grilled chicken and veg sandwich

It"ll soak up whatever you are putting in your system

and if you can't manage your drink......keep a bag of salt & vinegar chips in your room. If anyone gets drunk make them eat that and it'll sober them up in a half hour thanks to the chips and salt.

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There is so much to do, so many DJ's, so many parties, but I doubt I will have the energy to enjoy everything I want to. Anyone have any suggestions on pacing yourself at WMC? self control is not one of my strengths. I tend to overdo it then am dead for a day. Any suggestions on getting over hangovers, what not to do would be appreciated. :hoparound

I'll try to give the most informative advice possible (this might be longer than the others). First, I went last year for the first time and we partied hard all night, and pretty much slept all day. We had nothing for the hangovers except sleep.

If you truly want something for the hangovers, there's a new drug out that is over the counter that's called "Chaser". My brother and friends took it over new years in vegas, and it seemed to work for them. As a physician I looked over its contents and it seems to be nothing more than a placebo (sugar pill). However its active ingredients are herbal or western medicine (stuff I don't learn in med school). All I can tell you is that it worked for them. I didn't take it, b/c my headaches only last an hour or so in the am, and are gone.

You're supposed to take it before you start drinking, and then a couple more during the night. And when you wake up... bam, no hangovers.

As for pacing, just don't get too crazy that you're seeing somebody, take it like every other night b/c keep in mind there are parties during the day, and then later that night. You need to get your sleep though. Either power naps, or just long sleep days. Either one, to be rested and ready to hit it up again.

Eating is good, but rest is better in this instance.

With the heat, hydrating yourself is important as well. You can check this a couple ways. When you're drunk, if your urine is clear, that's all the water you are losing. When you aren't, if your urine is very dark, it means you have NO water left in you... your body is trying to save every bit of water you have... so drink water!

Mo, MD

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I went for 5 days last year and knew I couldn't go straight through partying hard every night.

I always took naps before I went out and made sure to have a big breakfast and dinner. I took the middle night off to get a full nights sleep, balance myself a little, and not party till the following night. I worked it out so that I had a little over 36 hours of being sober. My body thanked me for it as I was ready to go my last two nights.

I plan to so the same thing this year, although you really can't plan anything till all the lineups come out.

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This is great advice. Love to hear how people cope. I need to since I am 31 years old. :) Chasers...blah Some people sware by those things. I think they are garbage. I prefer vitamin b complex, two aspirin, water, pepto.

Morillo 23rd :bounce: , sleep, Tiesto 24th :bounce: , sleep, 25th day party, sleep, 25th night OFF, sleep, Murk party 26th night :bounce::bounce: . Fawk Ultra fest. 27th to 2nd. Sit on ARSE at ma's condo on the beach 70 miles north of Miami.

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This is great advice. Love to hear how people cope. I need to since I am 31 years old. :) Chasers...blah Some people sware by those things. I think they are garbage. I prefer vitamin b complex, two aspirin, water, pepto.

Morillo 23rd :bounce: , sleep, Tiesto 24th :bounce: , sleep, 25th day party, sleep, 25th night OFF, sleep, Murk party 26th night :bounce::bounce: . Fawk Ultra fest. 27th to 2nd. Sit on ARSE at ma's condo on the beach 70 miles north of Miami.

Then you always have to leave time open for the random afterparties and hotel pool shin digs. I def can't party like I used to, but having a plan and knowing when to chill helps you out in the long run. I find also not drinking during the day helps.

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This is great advice. Love to hear how people cope. I need to since I am 31 years old. :) Chasers...blah Some people sware by those things. I think they are garbage. I prefer vitamin b complex, two aspirin, water, pepto.

Morillo 23rd :bounce: , sleep, Tiesto 24th :bounce: , sleep, 25th day party, sleep, 25th night OFF, sleep, Murk party 26th night :bounce::bounce: . Fawk Ultra fest. 27th to 2nd. Sit on ARSE at ma's condo on the beach 70 miles north of Miami.

Then you always have to leave time open for the random afterparties and hotel pool shin digs. I def can't party like I used to, but having a plan and knowing when to chill helps you out in the long run. I find also not drinking during the day helps.

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yeah, I'll be 30 this year, but I gotta late start so I'm probably closer to a 25 year old in terms of partying ability...

I prefer to go hard during the nights chill during the day... depending on how I feel I usually don't start up again until about time to go out anyways...

don't abuse your body... and by far you'll know when you should and shouldn't, especially during the day...

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Theres not such thing as pacing yourself. Everyone that goes to WMC knows whats it all about. MUSIC, dancing all night, & fun in the sun. Your there to go all out and enjoy yourself to the fullest extent. Just do all your resting in the plane ride home and when you get home. No one rests in Miami during the conference. There just too much activites going on all day everyday.

Victor Soto

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your all amatuers!

we went out 8 nights straight, sleeping only in the late afternoon

hell, we even ripped up senior frogs before you lot rolled into town

8 days is professional. You fawkers from England can party. :bowdown:

I used to be able to do that 8+ years ago.

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