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oakie: losing my religion


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i've been a fan of oakenfold for a long time. i dig his music and his mixes, but i also admired him for what he stood for. time and time again, he's stated that for him, it's all about the music - not playing the big clubs or the fame and fortune - but about bringing the music to the people.

all that seems to have disappeared in the past six months or so. he's still singing that "I do it for love" song to the press, but the theme song for this current tour is more like "Money for nuthin'".

submitted for your consideration:

tickets for most of his appearances are only available through ticketmaster, making a $25 ticket closer to $35 with fees and surcharges. either he doesn't care that his fans are getting ripped off or he's party to the rip off.

he released *ten* CDs this year, the majority with a price tag of $25 to $35. Compare that to Sasha & Digweed's one release, the double CD Communique, which sold for $16.95.

he headlines at an advertised 10pm to 4am gig at roseland this past summer. tradition has it that the headliner comes on last and plays the longest, right? if you showed up at 1AM, you missed his hour and a half performance and ended up spending $35 to hear sandra collins, who was so bad, oakie had to come on stage to get people to clap for her.

last week, he spins at a small club in Florida, pumping up the "bringing the music to the masses" hype. $20 tickets become $28.60 thanks to ticketmaster. he spins for an hour and 20 minutes and then leaves to go spin for another hour and a half in miami where the tickets go for $25 plus surcharges.

he's spinning tomorrow night in philly and i have it on some authority that his fee is $20,000 and he'll spin for less than 2 hours.

i don't mind handing over my hard-earned money for someone who's gonna work just as hard for me, but it seems like the only thing oakenfold is working hard at lately is dissing his fans.

- kestrel

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I agree, last night I saw him at hammerstein ballroom and he sure proved his talent but on the other hand dissapointed me for the same exact reason. After listening to whoever he was until 1 a.m, not to good in my opinion we only saw Oakie for two hours. Amazing stuff, but quite a dissapointment spending that money for 120 minutes.

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Peeps..I totally agree with you...as acts get more popular...they can get away with playing for less time and of less quality..I have seen it over and over again...

Then again..tenaglia has been around much longer than oak, and still plays long intense amazing sets of high quality...

I was just curious as to how many of the overjoyed people have been listening to oak for an extended period of time...


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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regardless if you're a oakie newbie or veteran, 1 thing remains constant. the tracks that came out 3 years ago are 3 years old...

that fuckin prick plays the same shit everytime, never plays longer than 3 hr sets, and from what i understand they've gotten even shorter in recent times, and for the most part preprograms his sets...

i wouldnt take a comp to see him spin anymore...

and as far as being a fan for a while and getting the been there done that attitude, go see danny t, or sasha and digweed for that matter. danny's been spinnin for 25 years+, and he'll tear anyone a new asshole even if you've been there and done that for the entire 25 years he's been spinnin...


chronic is the answer...

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completely agree with pOOh

they are still 3 years old........ either way you dont get to hear his skills in the 2 hrs that his up there .....in fact i didnt get to feel his DJ skills at all!

i was settling down when i arrived at hammerstein @ 12:30 and by the time i got comfortable and found a decent place to listen to him....... it was over...... what the fuck?..... is it the venues he spins in ........... does he go longer in a club?>....... look at DJ Boris ... or PVD or Jr. they give it all and stay till 6/7/8 at least ..what the FUCK? ........ i love his CDs but i will never again go to see him perform ...just not woth it .......

PS the other DJs that were spinning before and after him were really good.... who are they? cwm21.gifcwm23.gifcwm10.gifcwm43.gifcwm45.gifcwm36.gif (couldnt find any more negative faces to show all-of-ya)


Midnight is where the day begins


Bcem npuBET !

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pOOH - three years is three years, i agree. but that's what some of the people who did pay the big bucks want to hear. (if you go to a pearl jam show are you going to pissed that they play 'Alive'?) i think the dance genre of music is the only one that lives on the playing the newest shit out.

now, granted, the newbies aren't as experienced or as knowledgeable as you. face it, you are, for the most part, the minority. you listen to it and know it all well, so of course someone that populat is cheez to you.

as for guys like DT, Sasha and Digweed - they aren't the norm - which is why you dig them so much (as do I) they are still part of the underground. DT packs a place that doesn't sell booze - only the real heads could love a place like that. most newbies get turned onto the scene through guys like Oakenfold or Fatboy Slim.

maybe Oakie is just a self absorbed prick who wants to get paid for not doing shit because he's a big name now - who knows?


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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aaahhhh, many solid points on this thread. what's funny is that it all seems like this horrible recurring nightmare.

what i mean is, the last time i saw oakie was at the roxy, last feb/march (can't recall the month) and it was the same story then. i vowed not to waste my time or money to listen to his canned sets anymore.

the bogus ticketmaster ego inflation that this guy must have in order to play in nyc is absurd. in fact, my favorite part of that show at the roxy was the fact they spelled his fucking name on the tickets wrong...

then again, i was also confused because i was left to wonder, was that oakenfold i just saw, or was it this guy OAKENFELD who's name is on the ticket?

be cool



we must cultivate our gardens...

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p00h brings up a good point. if the rest of the world's top DJs can still give it up for the crowd all night, what makes oakie think he's so special? i mean, even junior vasquez still spins for 6-7 hours and he's like what? 80 years old or sumtin? <g>

if oakie is buying into that "once you get mainstream recognition, you can lay off" crap, he'd better think again. when i go to a concert to see a big name group, they don't play for 20 minutes and have some unknown band play the other 90. and when i go see a movie starring my favorite actor, they're on screen for more than 10 minutes.

maybe he thinks his new celebrity entitles him to a bigger chunk of the $100,000 or so a club like Twilo makes in a night. of course he knows the owners will just jack up the admission price so they don't take a loss. this screw the fans mentality is hard to take from a man who's been saying for years that he'll never do that.

IMO, it's pretty stoopid to tear through the country on your newly found fame, cheating your fans and burning your reputation at every stop. if he really wants his fame to last, maybe he should consider playing fewer dates and better sets.

- kestrel

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this is a lot like the situation with oakie quitting his residency at home in london... he said the club didn't have the right atmosphere and was going in the wrong direction. Basically that is what happens when the weekly resident plays virtually the same set every week regulars won't go and a club needs a 'core' of regulars to have the right atmosphere.


The new residents are miles better anyway parks and wilson rule and danny howells as of january and of course regular appearances from DT and PvD help too!

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As much as I LOVE Oakie, I gotta agree with you guys.. I was disappointed at Roseland that he only did a couple of hours (and I did NOT like sandra collins). This time was even worse because there was NO room to dance. I love his music, I love his style but the man is getting either very arrogant or very indifferent towards his fans. I was waiting for his performance so much and now I don't even know if I'm gonna go next time he's in NY.. I'm so sad frown.gif

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I am glad at least some of you agree with me...

and hey..if some people really enjoy him now...that's fine..I'm just saying that I would not pay to hear a performance like his...


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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Originally posted by wizard:

aaahhhh, many solid points on this thread. what's funny is that it all seems like this horrible recurring nightmare.

what i mean is, the last time i saw oakie was at the roxy, last feb/march (can't recall the month) and it was the same story then. i vowed not to waste my time or money to listen to his canned sets anymore.

the bogus ticketmaster ego inflation that this guy must have in order to play in nyc is absurd. in fact, my favorite part of that show at the roxy was the fact they spelled his fucking name on the tickets wrong...

then again, i was also confused because i was left to wonder, was that oakenfold i just saw, or was it this guy OAKENFELD who's name is on the ticket?

be cool


Stephen, OMG, I was there during that Oak event!! My friends stayed at that event from opening to closing and they never once saw Oakie in the DJ Booth! I gave up around 3 a.m. and ran over to Twilo to catch PVD's anniversary set, which (without a doubt) blew the freakin' roof off!!

I saw Oakie again in Ibiza and I swear by the middle of his set . . . he must of played "Under the Water" like 3 freakin' time!! Along with "Ubik" and "Bullet in the gun". cwm25.gif I was soooo bored and restless during his set in Ibiza that I went back to my hotel room afterwards and blasted my PVD CD and started jumping around the damn room!!

After that . . . I was convinced that Oakie just plainly SUCKS the big one and I'm sure Ticketmaster sells that ticket too!!!

Just my $0.02.



“If the headache would only precede the intoxication, alcoholism would be a virtue.” - Samuel Butler angel.gif

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So I have been reading all the oakie comments...

Besides the whole money factor..I think his spinning/song selection in the recent past has been boring and sad..

and I would like to know...how many of the people who said "he was sooo great" have been going to hear him for at least 2-3 years...because I have..and I know that anyone else who has would not be too happy..

How many of you who thought he was soooo good are not newbies?


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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Jilly - you make a great point. I bet most of the people who thought he was/has been good lately are newbies, for the most part.

But that goes hand in hand with being a fan of any act for an exteneded period of time. You have that "been there heard that" attitude because you have. As the old saying goes, "you can keep some of the people happy most of the time, but you can't keep everyone happy all of the time."

As a older fan you want to hear new shit, as a newbie, you want to hear the stuff that is popular to them, or played out to you.

I'm into Dave Matthews as well, and I hear fans who say the same thing about him - that he's sold out. Why? Because more people now know about him? What can you do about that? He's cashing in on all of his/their hard work over the years when he wasn't getting paid.

It's just part of the music industry - any good act that becomes popular becomes popular gets caught up in it. You'd have to spend most of your time trying to NOT be popular, if that is the case.

The fact remains, that if you are good at what you do, you are not going to get less popular. It just doesn't work like that.

If Oakie sucked, he wouldn't have gotten to this point, and you wouldn't be paying anything like what was paid. I think that in the next couple of years, as this scene becomes more popular and mainstream, you're going to be seeing more and more DJ's playing bigger places for shorter periods of time.

And we're going to see a lot more shit as well...


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I was soooo bored and restless during his set in Ibiza that I went back to my hotel room afterwards and blasted my PVD CD and started jumping around the damn room!!

did you look *cute*? smile.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


AIM loves2cox

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