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College studying and partying in NY is A TOUGH TANGO!! :)

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trying to be a good student and have a social life is hard...but you have to get your work done during the day and try to do it when its assigned and get it out of the way...those would be the only options, not that i should talk cause i end up procrastinating and not even starting until the night before, but i work better under pressure cwm12.gif Where do you go to school?


"i remember thinking i'll go on forever knowing i'll see you again....but i know the touch of you is hard to remember, but like that touch i know no other...and for sure we have danced in the risk of each other, would you like to dance around the world with me?" ~ dmb

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It becomes easier with time, especially when you become used to clubbing for years. At first it was hard for me then I realized that it's the same shit everytime I go out. Regardless of who is spinning and how promoted a party is, I remember that one thing: I am not missing anything. Sometimes it's hard because you just want to get out there, get fucked up and feel some bass. When you realize that it isn't going anywhere and there is always time for that, then you dont really have a problem.

The clubs will always be around, but your education won't; that's the way I view it. And as you progress through college you eventually come to deal with that and it isn't as much of a problem as it once was.

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i know you guys won't believe me but it really doesn't get any easier, especially if you decide to go to grad school eventually. learn how to balance it all out now b/c then you'll be able to deal better when you're working 60 hrs a week and taking classes!!!! good luck!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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I'm going to NYU next fall, can't wait!! I'll find a way to party somehow... maybe being busy with studying will be what I need to keep me from doing it more than is good for me.

Where do you guys all go to school?


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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I go to Manhattan College cwm12.gif


"i remember thinking i'll go on forever knowing i'll see you again....but i know the touch of you is hard to remember, but like that touch i know no other...and for sure we have danced in the risk of each other, would you like to dance around the world with me?" ~ dmb

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Originally posted by stargurl:

I go to Manhattan College cwm12.gif

What's it like there? I'm trying to get an idea of other schools in the city, just in case NYU doesn't work out.


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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people im no one to talk either cause ive done my fair share of clubbin if you know what i mean, but the good times are yet to come when youre making six figures driving a phat ride and have mad cream in your pocket, im in my second year of college and i only go clubbin once in a while, basically on special occasion, meaning a friends b-day or just anight that we plan for a few weeks at a time, just my 2 cents


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro



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I really like it, but it was the ideal school for me cause i was looking for a small school that was close to the city. My biggest fear was being forced to go to some school surrounded by farms and animals with nothing to do. Its a good school, and the night life is pretty good, basically the bars around school and then anywhere you wanna go in the city. Theres no greek life though, which is fine with me cause i wouldnt have pledged anyways...umm i dont know what else to say. if you have anymore questions pm me cwm20.gif


"i remember thinking i'll go on forever knowing i'll see you again....but i know the touch of you is hard to remember, but like that touch i know no other...and for sure we have danced in the risk of each other, would you like to dance around the world with me?" ~ dmb

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Yeah, Im not gonna front, it was kinda tough clubbin every weekend and trying to maintain good grades. The first semester I started going out alot, my GPA crashed. You just gotta learn how to do it in moderation, and be good with time management. I hardly ever went out both Friday and Saturday nights, and Thursday nights were a rarity for me. Then again, I was a chemical engineering major, it was ALOT harder for me to go out often, my friends who were business majors were out every weekend and Thursday nights too! I had to really pick and choose my weekends of partying...although I almost never missed Vinyl Friday nights. I even went during finals...bad move! LOL

Hey Stargurl you go to Manhattan College? Niiiice...I just graduated, class of 2000 baby smile.gif What are u studying?

- Ali


"The enchantment is over...but the spell remains"

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well all i gotta say is keep you're priorities strait. it's VERY hard juggling school/ social life and work. can we say nerd-ville here we come!!! it always seems like there is some test or paper or quiz that you gotta study for, for which you need a rested mind and so partying has to take a back seat. that's just part of the deal. for me it's really hard, i go to school mon - fri , pull realy LONG days, wanna get into vet school so gotta have a GOOD gpa,then work on sat really early, so that kinda kills my friday nights and i'm still 20 w/out a decent fake id so my choices for sat are limited. BUT i do still manage to party every now and then AND come vacation time i make up for it, hehe. all you gotta remember is that in the end a lil sacrifice is worth it.


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Originally posted by stargurl:

I really like it, but it was the ideal school for me cause i was looking for a small school that was close to the city. My biggest fear was being forced to go to some school surrounded by farms and animals with nothing to do

hey... i'm from an area surrounded by farms and animals with nothing to do.

now i go to school in Manhattan cwm32.gif

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Originally posted by stargurl:

trying to be a good student and have a social life is hard...but you have to get your work done during the day and try to do it when its assigned and get it out of the way...those would be the only options,

I agree with you. My grades are suffering a bit.... But it's not cause I go clubbing Friday and Saturday night. It's cause I don't get my work done when I get it assigned and do it during the day.. Even if I didn't go out Friday and Saturday night I wouldn't be studying from 11pm-7am anyways...


Did you find your ecstacy???

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I'm outta college a year and my advice is to take it easy on the partying!!! you have your whole life to do that.......i think someone else said it best.......the clubs will be there when you are done but your education wont! Get your shit done and leave one night every other week or one night a week to party........good luck bro......


"The Road of Excess Leads to the Palace of Wisdom" - Morrison

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hehe what an ironic topic this is for me. actually i like a lot of people here, found it tough to juggle studying and partying, but for me, it's backwards, it's harder now than it was for me freshman year, because this is my last year in college and although it's easier for my friends who are business majors (they go out starting from thursday on) i am now on my clinical rotations and need to kick my own ass into studying when i'm not working because if the doctors dont pimp me for information, i have a test every 6 weeks that will. key is, and this has always worked for me, do your work everyday after classes for a few hours at a time, finish the most important things first, then pick one night a weekend to go out, and if your super free that weekend, go out fri and sat. i wouldnt recommend thursdays, especially if you havea hard major, only because if you classes on fri. your screwed. i agree with everyone else, study hard, because if you fail out, that's one expensive party you just blew. cwm7.gif


"Well you think i'd leave ya lonely... you know me better than that... if you'd think i'd leave you down when your down on your knees... well i wouldnt do that.. you're so much better than you know..."

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Originally posted by stargurl:

Hey Ali,

Actually, I'm kinda between majors right now. I'm a soph now and I started off as a Bio major (and I can totally relate to you cause bio is sooo hard, and on thurs nites i got to watch all my communication major friends go out while i got to go to the library and study for that huge chem test

cwm10.gif ) Next semester i'm just taking core classes until i decide if i wanna remain bio or not...But congrats on graduating as a Chem engineer, i think that has to be THE hardest major EVER! good job smarty cwm20.gif <3 ~ Christine

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I'm going through the EXACT same thing you are... my girlfriends and I try to drive to NYC at least two or three times a month (4-hour drive there, 4 hours back), and it's rough on the GPA. Finals and HUGE paper deadlines are coming up (only one more month left in the semester! AAHHH!!), so I'll probably skip the city this month and stick to the library. *sigh* cwm15.gif I guess I'll just live vicariously through all of you... keep me updated on Twilo, SF, etc... cwm7.gif


"The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible."


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First let me say that this is an excellent topic. I am an undergrad @ University of Hartford in CT, yet find myself in NYC every single weekend clubbing. As for my academics... much to my surprise I was just accepted into my University honors program. Here is the secret to my success cwm23.gif SUCK IT UP & DO YOUR WORK! PLAY HARD BUT WORK HARDER!

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I know you all feel...I'm not in a New York City school but I go to college in New Orleans. When I was a freshman, the drinking age had very recently been changed from 18 to 21, and it was rarely inforced. So we could go Anywhere in the city and drink until we passed out--which we often did. Luckily for me New Orleans is a small city wink.gif so we ran out of new things to try by my junior year (I'm a senior now).

What I also realized is that I don't necessarily "miss out" on something SO important if I stay in and study--there's always people going out the next night, and the next...even the best DJs come back here in NYC biggrin.gif. So study hard to get a good job...then you can spend all your $$ on the parties here cwm27.gif



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