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its become routine.....


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I just liked when Branch waved bye-bye to the boys as he was crossing the line.

I'm extremely dissapointed that my Tedy had an off nite....but the boys played extremely well.

he was on tonight....he never misjudged a play or was in bad position, its just his entire team stepped up around him today so it wasnt so easy to single him out

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steelers had their chance at the start of the 4th q. one could sense momentum shifting, but they just made to many mistakes, or better said, the way the pats played made them commit a lot of mistakes and they just took it to the steelers.

pats remind me of the 49ers from the late 80's early 90's. there record didn't matter, you just knew that you had to play a perfect game to beat them , anything less and they would shred you to pieces.

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Pats fans = Yankee fans

You got to be shittin me !!! yamkee fans can be equated with Pats fans ??..i dont think so !! Not even close !! First off, yamkee fans glorify themselves from championships that were outright bought, no question about that. When that fugly team doesnt perform, these fuckers never show up for games. The Pats went 47 years b4 their first championship, but fans still came out every sunday to root for them, we still do even after this GREAT run :) !! Let the yamkees reek for a couple of years and fans stop coming to that rat hole they call "stadium",that carpetbagger georgieboy will escalate his threats to move that team to Jersey. Its been done b4 countless times over !!

On a side note, Pats fans can handle success, we win, we dont gloat incessantly like yamkee fans. I swear, i go to work and some hottie has a jeter jersey on, and i ask her, what do you think of jeters 3rd inning play: "awwww, he was so cute" Give me a friggin break !! bandwagoneers galore..i hate 'em !! Fucking team has a BALCO clientele list as long as my fucking arm !!!! dont get me started on that !!!!!!!

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