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youre going to tell me this guy doesnt deserve to die~!?


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this piece of fuckin shit, rudy fleming should get the death penalty and the cronies he was with should be put in jail... i am at a loss for words...


Nabbed in Nicole slay

Actress' fiancé dares teen ex-con to look him in eye



Accused killer Rudy Fleming in police custody.

Jeffrey Sparks, fiancé of Nicole duFresne, sports bruises outside 7th Precinct stationhouse after attack by pack of teenage thugs Thursday that left duFresne dead.

David Simmon, who ran with gang linked to killing, says he's 'sorry for what happened.'

Nicole duFresne

An unrepentant teenage parolee was charged yesterday with the senseless slaying of a young actress - prompting the victim's heartbroken fiancé to dare the alleged killer to face him.

"I want to look him in the eye and talk to him," Jeffrey Sparks said of the thug who allegedly pistol-whipped him and gunned down the love of his life on a lower East Side street Thursday.

"He did it on purpose," Sparks, 29, told the Daily News, his voice a chilling mixture of rage and sadness. "It was not an accident."

Acting on a tip, cops nabbed Rudy Fleming, 19, as the white-scarved, gang-leading gunman who killed 28-year-old Nicole duFresne after the Minnesota native stood up for her fiancé.

"What are you going to do, shoot us?" duFresne challenged the gunman seconds before she was shot once in the chest on Rivington and Clinton Sts.

Sources described Fleming - on parole for a gun rap - as defiant and unrepentant when he was captured late Sunday at the St. George ferry terminal in his home borough of Staten Island. The ex-con tried to fool cops into thinking he was crazy by smashing his head against walls, spitting at police and tearing at his clothes, sources said.

"The head slamming and everything was an act. He wasn't sick. He just started to realize he was going to do 25 to life for murder, and it got him upset," a police source said. The stunt got him a psychiatric evaluation at Bellevue Hospital, but he was sent back to the 13th Precinct stationhouse, where he was charged with first- and second-degree murder, robbery and first-degree criminal possession of a weapon.

At least one member of the gang Fleming ran with that night has identified him as the gunman, police sources said.

Cops found a treasure-trove of evidence in the apartment of Fleming's godfather in the Baruch Houses - blocks from the murder scene, sources said. Investigators recovered a stolen .357 Taurus revolver, believed to be the murder weapon, with five bullets still in the chamber, the sources said. Cops also found the telltale white scarf Fleming was seen sporting on a surveillance tape, recorded 10 minutes before duFresne was slain. A pair of white leather tennis shoes with blood on the laces also was confiscated, sources said. Fleming was seen sporting white sneakers on the tape.

"I just saw that poor lady on TV. Lord have mercy," Fleming's godfather, Servino Simmon, 50, said yesterday. "I'm sorry for her. I am sorry for her family. I can't believe he done something like this."

He said his 17-year-old son, Servano, who also allegedly ran with Fleming's gang, told him everything when cops showed up at the apartment Sunday. "He hugged me," Simmon said. "He said that Rudy took out a gun. He didn't know they were going to do it.

"When the cops came and looked for the gun, it was lying under the bed where I was sleeping," added Simmon, who started to cry.

Simmon's 18-year-old nephew, David Simmon, was arrested and charged with attempted robbery in a mugging that occurred 90 minutes before the murder. A 15-year-old boy, whose name wasn't released, also was charged in that case.

Servano Simmon and his 23-year-old brother Servisio were questioned in the same incident but were released.

"I'm sorry for what happened," David Simmon said as he was led out of the 7th Precinct stationhouse last night in handcuffs. "I didn't know it was going to happen. I had nothing to do with it."

Police believe the violence started when Fleming and a gang that included the 15-year-old and David Simmon tried to mug a 20-year-old off-duty security guard about 1:45 a.m. Thursday, about a block from the murder scene.

About 3:15 a.m., the gang spotted duFresne, her fiancé and two friends. DuFresne, who lived in Brooklyn with Sparks, had just started a new job at a lower East Side bar, and after her shift the quartet met up at Max Fish, a popular neighborhood nightspot.

One of the muggers taunted two teenage girls who were with them - saying they just robbed a guy and asking what the girls could do, sources said. The girls planned to show they were as tough as their friends by beating up duFresne and her friend, Mary Jane Gibson - but things got out of hand, sources said.

Fleming smashed Sparks in the face with his gun, then tried to grab a purse from Gibson, cops said. That's when duFresne asked: "What are you going to do, shoot us?"

Sparks said the shooter aimed first at Gibson, but the gun jammed, and he then opened fire on duFresne. Seconds later, she was lying on the street, a bullet in her chest.

She died in her fiancé's arms.

They were to have been married in October, in New Mexico.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the victim shouldn't be criticized because she spoke up. "Regardless of what the victim said or did not say, the person responsible for her death is the one who pulled the trigger," he said.

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fuck that, you pay, i pay, we pay... then this guy gets paroled on good behaviour and does it again... hes a repeat offender with out any remorse and blatant, flagrant disregard for the law and no signs of compassion or humanity... and even if he didnt get off and went to jail for life, he gets to live high on the hog in there at our expense fuck that... one bullet, in his face, buried in a ditch face down... while the family and friends of the victims watch and urinate on his corpse...

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fuck that, you pay, i pay, we pay... then this guy gets paroled on good behaviour and does it again... hes a repeat offender with out any remorse and blatant, flagrant disregard for the law and no signs of compassion or humanity... and even if he didnt get off and went to jail for life, he gets to live high on the hog in there at our expense fuck that... one bullet, in his face, buried in a ditch face down... while the family and friends of the victims watch and urinate on his corpse...
i agree - he does deserve that..

i just think being put to death without suffering is an easy way out.

lifetime in jail without parole would prolly be worse.

or at least torture him before being put to death

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agreed... unfortunately from time to time the law caters more to the criminal than the victims once theyre behind bars... if i was this guy i would sue the city of new york for having inadequate police presence and whatever other shit my lawyer could drum up...

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It's not an easy solution. Seeing that this guy has no remorse, if he's the type to not care if we kill him, what good does it do if we give him the death penalty?

it's almost like he gets his cake and eats it too. Im not sure what the best option is, but i am glad they found the killer, and i hope he gets put away for a long, long time.

Oh, and Marko mentioning paying our tax dollers to finance prisons, i feel that there are SO MANY people in jail who either shouldn't be or should be in psychiatric care otherwise. There's a lot of problems with the laws and deciphering who should do what time. The whole prison system needs an overhaul

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we know he's the killer. And what sucks is that this girl looks like a nice, sweet person that anyone of us would have befriended.

But i also think the police should question him about his gang and root them out too.

I had gangs(Omega, MS13) in my hometown, and anytime you went in a particular area, you had to watch your back.

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Honestly, she should have kept her mouth shut. You don't taunt a scared street kid with a gun.

Life imprisonment is fitting though, and I hope they get him on it.

i agree this hipster chick shouldve kept her mouth shut... who the fuck taunts a gunmen while hes pistol whipping your fiance... simply foolish...

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hell nah, i dont even hang out in that area... there was a huge article in the nyt, (prolly even posted it on here) saying how LES is the new williamsburg and they have amazing lofts and theyre catering to the hipster / euro crowd and etc... (which is true they did clean it up but man, are these mofos in for a surprise when they get there...)

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