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Name 1 or 2 djs that you think people should give a chance to hear

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There could be many reasons for not going to check out so many djs, whether you just dont know who it is, or dont know what date their playing or at what venue, or you only like goin to a certain club,etc, Anyhow who would ya suggest for people to really take into consideration. I mean we all know by now the greats and who gets the most fans by now, dt,jp(only saying him cause without a doubt he has a bit followiing ONLY IN NYC and this is where im living),roger s, erick morillo,tiesto,sasha, digweed,cox,pvd, avb,deep dish,morales,tony humphries,satoshi tomiie, timmy regisford, louie vega, danny krivit, francios k,mauro picott0,etc

But what about those other djs near greatness and been doing it for a long long time but havent gotten that big exposure yet but are just as good or even better than the names EVERYBODY KNOWS. And who deep down inside you know would make a lot of people happy once they hear him/her. Personally im gonna suggest: TEDD PATTERSON,and HECTOR ROMERO.

I really think everyone on this board whos into any form of house music with the exception of soulful deephouse fans, although they can play some good tunes when needed but dont play a whole set. All you dt fans that remember danny at 6 hubert street when he would play straight up dark tribal and some good house tunes should give TEDD PATTERSON a shot. The man is amazing he is the only dj that i can say has only played 1 or 2 bad records out of the 1000s and millions of records i have heard him play thruout the yrs. And thats some freaking crazy statement to say. But once you hear him his SOUND gets you addicted and wanting more.

HECTOR ROMERO has so many different styles to him that he can polay a lil something for everyone and make you dance a whole night. The man can play tribal, deep,progressive, breaks,dark. Amazing i tell ya. If ya hear him once then its not enough cause the next time he will be comepletely different. And if i had to say someone else that is near the top i mean hes already at the top IMO but not on that OTHER level yet, is BEHROUZ.

HECTOR ROMERO first fri at SULLIVAN ROOM, but not in march


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jp and spirit is not undergroud sir. People throw the TERM "UNDERGROUND" out to much, i may be wrong but am i to assume that you think boris is underground at crobar as well? And please dont get the idea that im arguing etc just talking. Also im leaving soon so will respoond to ya laters.

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Dj's Masi & Mello from Jersey 100 %. I feel they are not given enough credit. They are hard workers and definitely have some tight upcoming projects. All of their productions are bangin and they are kick ass dj's as well. They're definitely on their way up and need to be recognized more! Just my opinion...:)

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:D i hope so dude....ive seen them around since the begingings....they fooquing ROCK...i would love to see them get the props they deserve!!

well Pankaj has a few BOMBS to drop at the WMC...

hes been playing them for me as he finishes them..and lets just say everyoine will know the name after WMC

proper tracks right there

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The dj who opened for cox a few years back at centro...I probably havent heard about him since only because I can never remember his effin name!!...but there was no better way to start that night off...

Justin Nichols

he did a great job

he is part of the Mojolators

been around forever

and we had Gaby from AStro&Glyde close the party out....tore it up, most ppl still thought it was Carl in there , when it was Gaby closing the night out.

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are you talkin bout them based on thier PRODUTIONS or when they play a room?

Well they obviously are getting recognition for their productions because they have a lot of upcoming projects and a bunch of record labels are interested in their stuff but yeah, DEFINITELY when they play a room. People just love to hate you know?!?! It's a shame because they are extremely talented and driven. People think their productions are bangin yet don't give them any respect or credit when they dj. There could be such a huge network of dj's/producers built but people just dont want to support each other. It also sucks that these club owners tell the dj's what to play. It's fuckin sad that dj's have to be subjected to playing commercial shit...again just my opinion.

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