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does anybody remember Jimmy Ryce?.


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This happened very close to where i live...they still put flowers on the sign post at this intersection--

On Monday, September 11, 1995, at 3:10 in the afternoon, Jimmy Ryce’s school bus let him out at the corner of S.W. 232nd Street and 162nd Avenue in the rural Redlands, just south of Miami and north of Homestead, Florida. 9-year-old Jimmy began the short walk home, on the same side of the street, across five neighbors’ yards and groves.

On Jimmy’s school bus, there were only 10 or so kids, all with IQs over 130, as they were all in the gifted program. Most, like Jimmy, were let out alone, because they lived in widely scattered places in south Dade County.

According to the confession of Juan Carlos Chavez, who was convicted for kidnapping Jimmy Ryce, he cut Jimmy’s path off with his truck, jumped out, grabbed Jimmy by the shirt, pointed a gun at him and said, “Do you want to die?â€

Always a bottom-line kind of kid, Jimmy said, “No.â€

“Then, get in the truck and lie on the front seat floor, so no one will see you.â€

The man drove Jimmy to an abandoned trailer about two miles away and dragged Jimmy inside.

Puzzled by what was happening, Jimmy ask the man, “Why did you take me?â€

What Jimmy thought was probably not what the man meant, not what Jimmy later learned. Jimmy would have guessed the man stole him because he wanted a little boy of his own to raise. Jimmy had no idea some grown men are so perverted they want to have sex with little boys and girls, much less now they would go about it.

Trying to gauge the danger he was in, Jimmy, then, asked his captor, “Are you going to kill me?â€

Chavez did not answer or reassure Jimmy. Instead, he forced Jimmy to take off his clothes and anally raped him.

Jimmy never said another word to him, probably realizing Chavez enjoyed toying with him. Instead, when Chavez went to the window to look at a helicopter overhead, Jimmy made a break for the trailer door. Before he could get it all the way open, Chavez shot Jimmy. Chavez says, “Jimmy screamed and sank to the floor.†Then, Chavez dropped to his knees beside Jimmy in time to hear what he said sounded like air escaping from Jimmy’s side.

Three months later Jimmy’s dismembered body was found, near Chavez’ trailer, encased in cement in three plastic pots normally used to hold young trees. In the fall of 1998, Chavez was convicted of murdering, kidnapping, and sexual assaulting Jimmy Ryce.

The thing i remember most about this horrible situation was that when they caught Chavez and he confessed, a cuban organization went on the news and they were protesting becuase they claimed that Chavez was being singled out becuase he was Cuban. (?)

Chavez was sentanced to death in 98 i believe. he is currently on death row...eating food that our tax dollars pay for. can anyone tell me why this piece of shit shouldnt be immediately eliminated from the face of the earth?

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I remember this too. How fucked up it was. Jimmy would be 19 now and its tough to think about how his life should have been at this point, and how the scumbag who raped and killed him is still alive instead, supported on our tax dollars. 10 years and still on death row. He was proven guilty a long time ago, he should have been put to death a long time ago. Hell, they should have tied him to a boat with his skin slashed and bleeding and dragged him across the Florida straights for the sharks to pick apart a piece at a time. Even that would be more merciful than what he deserves.

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I remember this too. How fucked up it was. Jimmy would be 19 now and its tough to think about how his life should have been at this point, and how the scumbag who raped and killed him is still alive instead, supported on our tax dollars. 10 years and still on death row. He was proven guilty a long time ago, he should have been put to death a long time ago. Hell, they should have tied him to a boat with his skin slashed and bleeding and dragged him across the Florida straights for the sharks to pick apart a piece at a time. Even that would be more merciful than what he deserves.

putting him to death would be wayyyyyyy too mercifull.. i believe he is duin fine in the jail system .. do you know what the real criminals do to people who commit crimes like that guy has with children ? ;) trust me .. ive been on a forced vacation before and i know what happens to these guys .. i really think he's just where he deserves :cool:

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putting him to death would be wayyyyyyy too mercifull.. i believe he is duin fine in the jail system .. do you know what the real criminals do to people who commit crimes like that guy has with children ? ;) trust me .. ive been on a forced vacation before and i know what happens to these guys .. i really think he's just where he deserves :cool:

Point taken and agreed. I'm sure the guards turn their backs when he's in the shower, him and guys like him earn privilege points for the hard ass convicts who deal the real justice from within.

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