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A serious question for you all


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Depending on the guy, some men can say some very derogatory racist things, others can be very sweet, but what would you do?

Assume you were really interested in / attracted to someone from a country that fought a bloody war with your country or instigated many violent acts against yours (or vice versa), or there was cultural hatred btwn your country and theirs.. you get the idea...

Would you hook up / date them or not? ie if you were an Irish Protestant, would you hook up w/ a Catholic? Greek w/ a Turk? Israeli w/ a Palestinian.....


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Personally... I treat everyone.... EVERYONE... as the individual that they are. No prejudice. So, yes.

However... the second they start chantin' beliefs that are derogatory towards me or my countrymen, or whatever... that's when they get the boot.

I just think there are people in every country that are not necessarily behind what the media portrays their country as believing in. Y'know? I've met several ppl from Saudi, or that are muslim, and they are as outraged at what is happening to us as we are.

Just gotta sleep with one eye open, tho. ;)

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I completely agree w/ what you said. It's cool how there are some open minded ppl here. I know some guys that would have said no due to cultural misunderstandings or repurcussions.

I actually dated 2 guys and hooked up w/ one...perhaps it's just me, but I love the forbidden fruit element. I would never trade those good times for anything.

Personally... I treat everyone.... EVERYONE... as the individual that they are. No prejudice. So, yes.

However... the second they start chantin' beliefs that are derogatory towards me or my countrymen, or whatever... that's when they get the boot.

I just think there are people in every country that are not necessarily behind what the media portrays their country as believing in. Y'know? I've met several ppl from Saudi, or that are muslim, and they are as outraged at what is happening to us as we are.

Just gotta sleep with one eye open, tho. ;)

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I completely agree w/ what you said. It's cool how there are some open minded ppl here. I know some guys that would have said no due to cultural misunderstandings or repurcussions.

I actually dated 2 guys and hooked up w/ one...perhaps it's just me, but I love the forbidden fruit element. I would never trade those good times for anything.

Nor should you. That's awesome. Do yer thang, girlie.

A good motto is: Give people as much rope as they need. If they end up hanging themselves with it, they're at fault. ;)

That's basically a dating/jealousy borne motto... but I think it applies here, too.

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i guess i could date such a girl... however i don´t know if i could restrain myself to make sarcastic comments about the country and the people in question all the time.

for example if it were palestinian girl... i mean shouting "she´s got a bomb!!!!" when she arrives would never get old, right?

or offering a banana to a black girl, never gets old.

so i guess no, i couldn´t date them. i mean i could, but i doubt much of them could stand my "satire of the modern society" and would probably interpret it as psychological sadism.

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thats a little hypocritical, wouldn't you say? what makes one better than the other...I actually find them both equally offensive

shame on you :nono:

yes it is hypocritical...

thats why i said "i must be a lil fucked up too"

cause when i read it i started laughing...

i ain't gonna pretend to be perfect... :bounce:

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im russian and i love german guys...however i wouldnt date anyone from chechnya

really... i´m german and love russian girls ;)

with a russian it could actually work out, cause i can´t think of anything to make fun of em... oh wait, there it is, i thought of something... "try not to steal any train tracks on your way home" :laugh:

(this joke is specific to germany, cause in east germany the russians took everything with them before they retreated, tracks from trains and trams, they even took the curtains from the windows and the wallpapers from the walls. one would ask himself what they would need that for, but apparently at that time it didn´t matter and they just took everything they could get, regardless of its value :laugh: )

don´t get me wrong, i am also known for loudly announcing a band as racist at their concert (at our university) because they didn´t have a black singer/band member and only white members. i mean that is clearly racist.

i don´t have anything against people from other nations. with the way our society treats this issue though, you can only be cynic about this issue and bring it over the top.

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