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Quality of women in the scene

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well i can only speak for myself but when i used to go out to clubs it was more of a night out with my girlfriends and i really didnt wanna be bothered with guys ...... theres always those really annoying guys that hang around u, try and hump ur ass (to house music no less) and wouldnt be able to get the hint if it bit him in the ass...they always used to put me in a bad mood so when a nice guy does come along, often enough id have an attitude simply because i was fed up and wanted to be left alone.......so dont always take it personal when u get a snotty look or comment from a girl ;)

Hmmm......Didnt you blow me in the bathroom to the left of the VIP section at Lot 61? I never did get a chance to say: THANKS, you rock.


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hah if you trying to find a good woman at a club...oh man seriously are you for real, only skanks n cock teasin hoes, you should know better, for shame.

hey listen im not stinking up for all females.. but i will speak for myself and my best friend.. we go out for the dj's and the music.. tank tops and jeans.. we dont sit there waiting for guys to come over and buy us drinks.. but than we get looked at like stuck up because we are there to dance.. :blah:

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searching for a decent woman, with a head on shoulders at clubs and ESPECIALLY lounges is like searching for meaning in a pauly shore movie... it's a lost cause.. not that the bar scene is much better but if you meet a girl you can actually tell whether she has an iq over 80.. it's impossible to have a conversation at a club.. and from my exzperience over 80% of the bitches you meet in lounges you dont even want to hear what is coming out of their mouth..

half of them are just there to feel important because the guys they went there with bought expensive bottles of vodka... oohhhhh ahhh.. cool!!

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I met my current g/f at roxy at a danny tenaglia party. But she only went cause a frined and her wanted to go out and someoe just suggested it. Shes not part of the scene but goes with me now cause she likes some of the djs that im showing her and she loves the way i dance lol. Sometimes meeting somone in the scene is hard to do. A perfect woman for me in the scene woud be someone who knows thier history, djs,songs, and loves to dance as much as i do without substances. But thats only a dream fantasy. But you always hear stories of couples meeting in the scene as well, but you dont really hear to much about the couple who met and are still highly involve in the culture, those are around but few.

If your girl broke out glowsticks would you turn her in??

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Hmmm......Didnt you blow me in the bathroom to the left of the VIP section at Lot 61? I never did get a chance to say: THANKS, you rock.


awww is someone having girl troubles? do making comments like this on a messageboard make u feel better about not getting any ass?

that was terrible...not only was it corny and immature it wasnt the slightest bit funny...atleast come up with something remotely humorous when u try to act cool....

you're a pathetic loser who should reconsider life........grow up

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This is why i gave up having a gf ever since my last gf....no offence but women these days are too much to handle, they expect too much and never want to give anything in return.... :hung:

I can say the same thing about guys....

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Met my girlfriend through work while in college. We had everything in common and were best friends for years. started dating about 3 1/2 years ago and we do everything together. Luckily enough she's into the scene and we go clubbing when we can. eventually some of us hit pay dirt.

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i cant even imagine having a boyfriend that wasnt into the scene.... :worry:

I don't mind that my man is not...at least I don't have to worry about him running into my former jump-offs.... :laugh:

I will be dragging him out one day as soon as it gets a little warmer though!

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wow.,. where to start? first off, as an intelligent decent looking girl who goes out to DANCE, most guys in the scene want ONE THING, and one thing only. I mean, c'mon seriously, that shit is soo annoying.,. let me buy u a few drinks, let me stick my tongue in ur mouth, and let me ask you to come home with me. Puh-Lease.,. no wonder females have attitudes in clubs. As for me, I know I have an attitude towards some guys because that's been my experience in the past. I'm not an all-out bitch,people can vouch for me and if you show me some respect, you will recieve it in return, but unfortunately for the good guys out there who are few and far between, the clubs these days seem to be swarming with men who have no respect for women. At the same time, there are tons of chicken head bitches out there who dont respect themselves and all they want are the free drinks and the lays afterwards.,. looking for someone in th scene is hard, theres too much static to filter through.,.. it would be great to meet a person you can take home to the parents and shit, but look at the scene, where are those people? i havent found one yet...

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wow.,. where to start? first off, as an intelligent decent looking girl who goes out to DANCE, most guys in the scene want ONE THING, and one thing only. I mean, c'mon seriously, that shit is soo annoying.,. let me buy u a few drinks, let me stick my tongue in ur mouth, and let me ask you to come home with me. Puh-Lease.,. no wonder females have attitudes in clubs. As for me, I know I have an attitude towards some guys because that's been my experience in the past. I'm not an all-out bitch,people can vouch for me and if you show me some respect, you will recieve it in return, but unfortunately for the good guys out there who are few and far between, the clubs these days seem to be swarming with men who have no respect for women. At the same time, there are tons of chicken head bitches out there who dont respect themselves and all they want are the free drinks and the lays afterwards.,. looking for someone in th scene is hard, theres too much static to filter through.,.. it would be great to meet a person you can take home to the parents and shit, but look at the scene, where are those people? i havent found one yet...

werd, that sums it up perfectly. If you cant find an intelligent female who enjoys hearing great music and is comfortable enough with herself that they can express life, liberty, and freedom through the art of dance then you AS A MALE are obviously looking at the wrong type of girl. Plain and simple.

Men only want one thing whether in clubs, bars, the workplace, the f*ckin mall, EVERYWHERE, so you cant say that women have attitudes, b/c if they are EASY, then they are labeled as whores. Basically women cant win.

So if you are looking for a GIRLFRIEND, either you change your strategy b/c its obviously not working or you get your ass to church.

Personally, i cant be with someone who doesnt enjoy music, I mean someone whose idea of music is KTU and Z100. Sorry, I guess that means I'm a money hungry whore.

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werd, that sums it up perfectly. If you cant find an intelligent female who enjoys hearing great music and is comfortable enough with herself that they can express life, liberty, and freedom through the art of dance then you AS A MALE are obviously looking at the wrong type of girl. Plain and simple.

Men only want one thing whether in clubs, bars, the workplace, the f*ckin mall, EVERYWHERE, so you cant say that women have attitudes, b/c if they are EASY, then they are labeled as whores. Basically women cant win.

So if you are looking for a GIRLFRIEND, either you change your strategy b/c its obviously not working or you get your ass to church.

Personally, i cant be with someone who doesnt enjoy music, I mean someone whose idea of music is KTU and Z100. Sorry, I guess that means I'm a money hungry whore.

well like i said when i started this thread its not attitudes or stategies that are the issue ....i have no stratagy and that actually works best for me because most guys are drunk and trying to hump everything that walks past them and im just there for the music and doing my own thing women tend to dance with me because im not trying to ram my tongue down there throat ...as far as attitudes go sure eveyone is going to encounter a stuck up bitch but thats expected especially in nyc and most girls i meet dont have attitudes...it after chillin with them a few times you start to see how shady they are was my point

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...it after chillin with them a few times you start to see how shady they are was my point

that's awful, but it does go both ways and i dont think it's restricted to the club scene...when you say 'shady', do you mean that they have hidden agendas? or are you talking about drug use? or both?

it is a shame, but the best thing is to be upfront, honest, and if it doesnt work then move on...you have no idea how many times I've met people, guys are girls, who are all friendly but have there own hidden agendas, everyone is out for themselves...and when things are goin bad for them, THEY COME RUNNING BACK, and that's when you have the upper hand.

Dont let it get you down, it's the way of the wolrd...they are quality people out there, you just gotta keep tryin ;)

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My name is Eric and I'm a tall white guy. I was previously overweight and now I have worked my ass off to have a nice body and a nice image, I try to look/feel good as often as possible. I love club atmosphere and being in clubs but I have NO idea how to dance. Are there any tips that anbody out there can give to a tall, uncoordinated white guy who really wants to learn how to dance?


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