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my space and tiesto review


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id have one if i got in .. but i didnt .. so heres a review anyways and a few tips on what "NOT" to do for conference if you dont wanna be incredibly angry, fustrated and let down !

1) Don't go to Space (unless you go REALLY EALRY)

2) Don't buy pre-sales/passports (unless you gonna go REALLY EARLY)

why a club would sell twice as many tickets than what the club itself is capable of is beyond me money is the only reason i guess

i have never bad mouthed space or the owner but what i saw last night really was fucked up. and ill never even consider going to space during conference ever again. it was really sad to see all the people that were still in line at 2:30 in the morning "WITH" space passes and presale tickets !

i mean you figure someone goes and spends over 100 dollars to not have a problem getting in and still is made wait in line for over 3 hrs only to never be let in anyways . what kind of bullshit is that ?

if the club can hold 1000 people dont sell 3000 tickets. i saw many people arrested cause they were getting restless and upset . cause they paid all this cash and couldnt get in.

i heard from an emplyee at space that the money for tickets sold that didnt get used will be refunded if this is true or not i have no clue. but damn i sure hope so .. i didnt buy a pass or a ticket . i learned the 1st time a few years ago

never again .. ill pay a little extra more ifffffff i get in than pay a little less earlier and run the risk of never getting in .. fuck that shit !! so to all you people that got stuck outside.. look into getting your $$$ back

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Sorry to hear that Koky. That is truly unprofessional of the club to do. You SHOULD complain to the Better Business Bureau as it seems really shady of any club to be making empty promises, and selling more tickets then its capable of handling.

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id have one if i got in .. but i didnt .. so heres a review anyways and a few tips on what "NOT" to do for conference if you dont wanna be incredibly angry, fustrated and let down !

1) Don't go to Space (unless you go REALLY EALRY)

2) Don't buy pre-sales/passports (unless you gonna go REALLY EARLY)

why a club would sell twice as many tickets than what the club itself is capable of is beyond me money is the only reason i guess

i have never bad mouthed space or the owner but what i saw last night really was fucked up. and ill never even consider going to space during conference ever again. it was really sad to see all the people that were still in line at 2:30 in the morning "WITH" space passes and presale tickets !

i mean you figure someone goes and spends over 100 dollars to not have a problem getting in and still is made wait in line for over 3 hrs only to never be let in anyways . what kind of bullshit is that ?

if the club can hold 1000 people dont sell 3000 tickets. i saw many people arrested cause they were getting restless and upset . cause they paid all this cash and couldnt get in.

i heard from an emplyee at space that the money for tickets sold that didnt get used will be refunded if this is true or not i have no clue. but damn i sure hope so .. i didnt buy a pass or a ticket . i learned the 1st time a few years ago

never again .. ill pay a little extra more ifffffff i get in than pay a little less earlier and run the risk of never getting in .. fuck that shit !! so to all you people that got stuck outside.. look into getting your $$$ back

.... :laugh: ... quit yer bitchin koky...it aint over dude.... :laugh:

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seriously....never been to space "34"...last time I was at Space was when I spun there in 2001 and that was the old space....

same here...never been to space "34"...last time I was at Space was when I spun there in 2001 and that was the old space.... :laugh2:

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