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What exactly is this? What are the effects? Is it difficult to get around the NYC area? I saw a picture of it on a web site and it comes in pill form, it looks just like ecstasy...it also comes in liquid form..does anyone know anything else about it? On the web site, the name or brand or whatever was called blue mystic...

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Ooh, I just read up about it on Erowid, this stuff's scary...all the trip reports are bad, there have been a lot of deaths due to cardiac arrest, and the stuff's supposedly legal in Europe..

whoa...red flags...no good.....sounds like that PMA shit...that shit's crazy

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i read about a few deaths in kids who took pills thinking it was mdma but it turned out to be pma...very scary, you have to be really careful

yeah...I knew a girl that took it and ended up dying of water toxicity..she basically drowned herself by drinking too much water

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2c-t-7 has to have been the most "interesting" trip I have ever taken. My wife was not completly prepared for my bizzarre behavior, so I sort of irritated her more than I intended to. My wife typically doesn't do strong psychedelics as she prefers more sensual substances like X, 2c-c, methylone and the like. However, she will trip sit for me as long as I give her some kind of heads up on what to expect and how long it will last. Some of the highlights of the 2c-t-7 trip:

My wife was fine with me tripping in my own little space, but she wanted to rest. This is a typical arrangement for long-duration substances (as 2c-t-7 is). It usually works out fine, but not this time. I followed her around the house asking stupid questions and making bizzarre statements. For some reason I just could not leave her alone.

Visuals at some points were very strong. Walking in the dark through the living room and kitchen transformed the house into a dance club. Strobes, pulsing colored lights and smoke filled my field of vision.

I started laughing at something my wife said and laughing made me laugh harder and harder until I was howling without reason. I had forgotten what started the laughing, but my laughter became funny and I absolutely could not stop laughing. My wife and I have greatly enhanced senses of humor on 2c-c, but this was far beyond anything I've ever experienced.

My wife stood in the doorway of our bedroom and watched me talk out the window at what she deduced was her. The conversation was two sided as I asked, answered and otherwise responded to the window. However, she was nowhere near the window and she was not talking to me. I don't remember this at all. I don't even know when in the trip it happened because I thought I had a complete chronological record of the events in my head. That is apparently not the case.

I sat at my computer at one point and could not shake the feeling that the timeline I was experiencing was scripted like a movie. I must have sat in the chair doing nothing for up to 10 minutes watching the "movie" unfold and wondering what was going to happen next. Very strange feeling.

Throughout the trip there were instances where I felt like the effects were almost dissociative in nature rather than hallucinogenic. I have no better way to describe the feeling, other than to say it wasn't frightful or troubling, just much more dissociative than I was expecting.

I have a couple of more doses left in the stash and I plan on doing a daytime trip with it this summer sometime. I'll post the results at that time.

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For those interested in the psychedelic experience (i.e. not just doing it to get fucked up), 2c-t-7 is a real gem. However, it requires care and respect and is not for those who can not do their research before dosing. My rules for this substance are 30mg max dose, no snorting and no mixing with ANY other drug.

As for it being like PMA, it is not. PMA causes death by either causing extreme hyperthermia or, like rollrgrll222 said, causing the subject to overhydrate which dilutes electrolytes and leads to heart failure. I'm not sure the mechanism of death in 2c-t-7 OD cases is known, but the cases I've read do not follow the PMA pattern.

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All the cases of death i read about on erowid were people who snorted it, and the death was due to heart failure...I was curious about it thinking that it was going to be like ecstasy, but i dont think i would want to take something that psychedelic

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the problem, at least back when you could order most of this shit freely online from research companies, is that stupid people don't do their research and read up on erowid and assume that because something isn't illegal that it must not be strong--"Hey, I've rolled on three pills before, I can handle 100 mg of AMT... or maybe I should just eyeball it..."

another problem is that e is BARELY psychedelic and is almost always a guaranteed good mood drug. Most psychedelics tend to be more volatile, which makes them more interesting if you know what you are doing.

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The problem still exists because they're still available online, although much more difficult to find nowadays. X is a wonderful substance and I absolutely love every experience I have with it, but it is doing the world of related psychedelics no favors. I can't count how many people I've seen asking how various research chems compare to ecstasy. Each once that I like, I have liked for a different reason and I am still in the process of cataloging which experiences are good with what activities and at what time of day.

I like a lot of them, but I like them all for different reasons, and I use them to attain a specific effect. But most importantly, I research the hell out of them before I try new substances and once I've found my sweet spot (in dosage), I rarely deviate from it.

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2-CB, one of the most potent hallucinogenics i've taken. SO much so, that we don't even refer to it as 2-CB, we simply call it BEAUTIFUL

My first beautiful trip was fourth of july some 3 years ago.

Took it at like 6pm, and it dosen't kick in for two hours. I was drinking up a storm, and i started to get a alittle nauseous on the on set of the drug, very numbing body buzz. I even puked. The funny part was, my friend goes, OH NO i hope you didn't puke it out.

And i looked at the ground where i just puked, and my puke was bubbling like a witches cauldron. ANd i said, "oh trust me, its already in me, brotha"

I would lean back on my car and stare at the other cars in this parking lot, and they would all just BEND AWAY FROM ME.

When it gets darker, its like everything around you has this natural shimmer around it, ya know a shimmer

Once the fireworks started, (remember it was the 4th) WOW, i'm so ashamed to admit this, but the visual stimuli from the drug, and the spectacular fireworks display, coupled with patriotic songs, was enough to bring tears to my eyes. MORE or less probably cause of the amazing visuals.

You'll hear peeps refer to 2-CB as nexus too!

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While there might be dealers out there who purchase the raw materials and press them into pills, my feeling is that they are very rare. Most of the people I know who have tried the phenethylamines and tryptamines have purchased the raw material from various chemical supply sources. Some of them are legit chemical companies, others are strictly in the business of selling psychedelics. In any case, online sources are my only way I can acquire such things and I suspect that is the case for the vast majority of users.

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