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I have quit doing K because I am a crackhead


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Sup Kiddo,

I heard about that crazy trip down to Philly, I could not believe about those obscene amounts of refreshments y'all did. But sticking to the topic I think you made the right choice because we ( all her friends) wouldnt like her to go down into the abysse of Kland. I hope you are stong nuff to pull this one out.


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Evan, i wish you luck and congratulations on making this decision. i can't even imagine how hard it must be, but because you know what you want and what it will take, you'll do it. and you'll be stronger and smarter because of it. (i don't mean to sound like a Hallmark.)

i'd been playing with some little addictions and problems for several years, and just this year had a wake-up call. realized the extent and level of consequence at which i was involved were not such that i wanted to fuck with. there are things more important than having fun and experiencing different states of mind. for some people, this has to make an all-or-nothing choice. i'm glad for you that you're calling it done with K.

good luck, and take care, Evan. things will be good...

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damn dude....well at least you are strong/smart enough to realize you have a problem. Keep that girl in mind....don't lose your goal...stay strong brother. cwm1.gif


"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

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Originally posted by back2basics:

Yeh sorry to here about all that, there is a very fine line between abuse and use. I have been there not with K but with other things i can relate.





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I just wanted to wish you the best of luck on staying clean. You can do it. You are going through the worst part right now. Just hang on. And when you are clean for a while... re-read the post you sent in and don't get stuck in that trap again.

Best of luck, you'll be in my prayers.


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cwm23.gif K SUCKS. i have seen it do terrible things to people. i HATE it. cwm23.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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I agree with Zoya...You are your FIRST priority .. Always remember that...it's good to have a positive influence in your life that will aid you in your decision making but do it for yourself...I am happy for you sweetie.. Good luck.. I myself have stopped partying.. I missed having that natural high..Clubbing sober.. I'm not making promises but we'll see how it goes..


AIM vampie

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K definitely is extremely addictive and it is a horrible drug. I have been down that road myself, I used to sell it and we would cook up so many licks there were just plates everywhere, it was gross! I am so glad I am over that phase! Good luck to you and I am sure you will make it!

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Thanks for sharing your story. Not only have you been able to learn something from your exploits, but you are sharing it with us in a way that is very convincing. Much more effective than any of those 'public service announcements' that we see on TV. If I'm ever confronted with the chance to do K, the story you told will keep me from doing it. Thank you. I don't know you, but I'm pulling for ya just as if I did.

but, the flipside is this. . .

If I was someone who knew and cared about a girl and learned some guy got her fucked up on drugs, I would be after him - in a big way. And, I'd make for damn sure he kept his distance.

It's one thing to fuck yourself up (we've all done that before), but to drag other people into it is shit. I know it wasn't your intention, but it happened. If she can't pull herself out of the hole, what are you going to do?

This subject is on the top of my mind because I used to date a girl who I think is recently deep into drugs and unsavory things. I'd love to call her and see how she's doing, but I'm petrified that she might confirm my biggest fears - that she became a fuckup hooked on drugs. I guess I'll have to deal with not knowing. For all I know, your story could be about her.

So, focus on yourself for the time being and get stable and clean. don't pressure the girl and let her straighten up too. If you guys are both recovering, what kind of relationship and love can you grow? Not one as good and strong as when you both have your heads on straight.

now, with all that said, peace and strength.


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Guest cosmicgirl

wow evan...good luck honey! be strong and just focus--fill yourself with love for people and most importantly, yourself--i wish you all the best and my thoughts are with you!


What goes on?!?!

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I am glad you finally woke up to the sliver of reality left in your life.

As mysteriousss said, it is extremely important that you do this for yourself.

Please try and stay strong.... YOU CAN DO THIS!!

I'm sure there are people around you that love, care and will support you- But the first step had to be because you want it.

No one can make a person do something they don't whole-heartedly want to do, and admitting and realizing there's a problem is the first step. That is something you had to accomplish on your own- which deserves praise in itself.

I thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your life...and maybe your words will actually help someone out there heading in that same direction.

Whenever you do go through a rough period...pull up this thread and read what you just wrote, realize you have a whole life ahead of you waiting to unfold.

Be strong- and know it is ok to ask for help and feel weak at times- it's only natural.

I wish you the best of luck, Evan. You can and will get through this!!!

...and if you ever need an incouraging word- feel free to pm me!



*~**~*~**~~ No man/woman is worth your tears... and the only one who would be- would never make you cry ~~**~*~**~*

AIM MissIncognito13

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Good luck Evan.....hey, anybody can do bumps or drop pills but it takes a real strong and honest person to be able to admit to themselves they have a serious problem......you passed step one......stick it out now....it'll be downhill soon.....


"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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feel for you, i hate the shit, did it once and almost killed myself.also was on 8 hits, a gram of c than did a whole jar. all drugs to me become habit. if you have been clean than you have already broken the habit. its never easy, just train yourself and the best thing said is do it for yourself. in the end you are always by yourself, know one is in you head but you, so be positive, surround yourself with positive people and when it all seems to be going the wrong way, you should try and change your environment. if you love yourself and look deep inside, you will do it. i am positive about that.



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Congratulations on your strength -- it takes a lot of courage to admit you need to take control... but I agree with the others in that this is about YOU. Not some girl. Support is a beautiful thing, but realize that regardless of anyone else, that strength is coming from inside yourself. Continue to be strong -- you owe it to yourself.

- Meli -



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cwm6.gif Hey man , not many people are able to kick addiction by themselves. You can be all storng about not doing it and shit, but then after a few months there is this depressing moment when you just...well, don't let it be you buddy. My girl is a PA and she says that there are 2 ways to kick the addiction, you either gotta go see a shrink or go to rehab...anyway good luck you are making a right choice, and congratulations on the coming out of the K hole
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