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I have quit doing K because I am a crackhead


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Originally posted by ultracrzy:

cwm6.gif Hey man , not many people are able to kick addiction by themselves. You can be all storng about not doing it and shit, but then after a few months there is this depressing moment when you just...well, don't let it be you buddy. My girl is a PA and she says that there are 2 ways to kick the addiction, you either gotta go see a shrink or go to rehab...anyway good luck you are making a right choice, and congratulations on the coming out of the K hole

groups are good for support, but you dont need anyone to stop. I disagree to some extent, surrounding yourself with positive energy is important. When you get the urge there is usually no one else around and unless you have self control and will power than it happens. the key is if you want to stop DO IT FOR YOURSELF



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Thanx for all the love people. I feel great that I can help some of you. I have not touched the stuff all night long. Even after I have some my ex dealers come over and try to bump me up (they want me to stay there customer). But I am gonna be strong. The girl I wrote about has been reading your posts. I have already told her that I will not provide her or myself K ever again. She wants to be clean with me. But I am not only doing this for my love. I am also doing it for myself. You guys posting showing me how a bunch of strangers can care helps me so much! Thank you again! I am moved! Please keep the posts coming!


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Wow, I really hope you're ok in the long-run!! It's prob. going to be one of the hardest journeys of your life but you're going to have to stay strong. Don't be afraid to go for help - it won't make you a failure. I saw a friend lose everything she had in the world due to drugs and I'll never get over the last time I hung out with her. It was one of the most awful sights...this girl is now brain damaged and has seizures every now and then. She lost everything she ever worked hard to attain - a job on Wall Street, an apartment of her own in the city and the respect of her family. She's broken her parents' hearts and her brother is totally screwed up as a result. Just think of everything you have to lose if you continue with this habit (because the girl won't be the only loss you suffer) and think of everything you have to gain by quitting your habit.

Good luck!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Man,I wish You best of luck.

You are doing bravest thing possible.

Kicking the habit is incredibly tough

and same as ppl above, if You need help

please PM me.Just one thing.Ppl are right,

whatever you are doing you should do for yourself,not for anyone else,BUT ALONE


You need support structure as wide as possible and consisting of ppl not doing K.

Suppor groups,family,girl,board all are neaded.

Best of luck and we are all wishing you the best.

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OK... I had a little feaning attack at like 1:30 a.m., but I called my baby and she talked me though it. She is the BEST! Then usuaully when i wake up in the morning, I bump up before and after my morning shower, then bump up again for the walk to work. I resisted my demons and am still sober! I AM gonna do this!


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first off, admitting that you have a drug problem is probably the hardest part of getting off a bad habit. so you've already accomplished that much, there's no reason to stop now.

you're also going to experience the cycle of quitting anything bad: at first, it's smooth sailing, you're thinking, shit, i could do this, why didn't i quit earlier? and you feel confident about it all.

but after that is when the hardest part kicks in, and that's the "slump period". it's when your body, psychologically and physiologically, starts to feel withdrawal and your cravings kick in full gear. the way i see it, once you get over this slump, is when you'll truly be set to go. so good luck in fightin the vicious cycle of quitting.

in addition, i am not saying that i condone the use of K, but it is obvious that you were abusing K. after such an extreme use of K, it is natural to want to jump to the other extreme and do absolutely no K ever again.

but you know what? you're human. we're all inherently evil, you're going to want to enjoy life's evil pleasures. after you are clean, and if you feel like you know what it means to recreationally enjoy K, as long as it is in MODERATION, don't kill yourself over it and enjoy yourself. you've come a long way, bebe~!

i only say this after witnessing my boyfriend be put in the hospital for a bad E, listening to him say that he never wants to do E/K again, then he went through the cycle, and now, after counseling, realizes that moderation is key, and that he doesn't need to cut E/K out of his life completely. he just needed to rethink why he was doing it.

just being realistic here, don't criticize b/c i am not saying that you shouldn't stay clean, that's definitely the most optimum choice; but if you slip a little, it's ok!!



*turn it around baby*

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Originally posted by Evan:

OK... I had a little feaning attack at like 1:30 a.m., but I called my baby and she talked me though it. She is the BEST! Then usuaully when i wake up in the morning, I bump up before and after my morning shower, then bump up again for the walk to work. I resisted my demons and am still sober! I AM gonna do this!


you already made the first step....you said it out loud that you know about your problem....now...its all up to you....you gotta believe in yourself.....STAY STRONG!!!


GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Miss you

What courage it takes to see things from the outside in.

I have been down that road, and I have seen K destroy good friends. I remember looking

at my friend in his eyes you know, and he

wasn't looking back-he was changed-he was

different. He wasn't the kid I knew for years. He is still messed up doing K all

day and just living life in this HOLE.

I wish you luck baby, and you know if you

need ANYTHING drop me a line. I am here for you if you need an ear.





The music makes the people come together...

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I am glad u realized u have a problem, most ppl think they dont when they're addicted to anything. I agree you do have to do it for urself first, nobody else, but it does count wehn u have ppl who love u, sometimes like in ur case, u realize either lose someone u love , or end the addiction. I dont believe rehab works, I believe if u dont want to stop the addiction, then after u get out of the rehab , u'll be doing the same thing. If someone wants to stop , then they will, rehabs dont work in my own opinion. I am glad u stopped.

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So far, I've been clean 1 week, 1 day. Thanx again for all the support, and PMs u guys have been sending me. It was a hard last couple of days. I had taken Thursday and Friday off from work, so I had a 5 day weekend (I did the same for this week too), so I was really tempted. But my girl called me up every couple of hours to check up on me. She kept me strong. It was even harder on Saturday when i went to this party in this multi millionaires loft. It was one of those places you see in MTV's "Cribs". 50" LCD TVs, Huge decorations, Fish tanks all over, own private elevator, colored lights, Scluptured angels hanging from the ceiling, etc.. Trippiest mofo place I have been to yet. Meanwhile, everybody was bumping. And they kept offering it to me. I dealt with it by just smoking up some weed. (Hopefully I won't lose one addiction, and gain another!) My girl just offered encouragement all weekend long, telling me how proud of me she is, and how I'm doing so great. I love her dearly for that. Thanx babe!

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Originally posted by Evan:

So far, I've been clean 1 week, 1 day. Thanx again for all the support, and PMs u guys have been sending me. It was a hard last couple of days. I had taken Thursday and Friday off from work, so I had a 5 day weekend (I did the same for this week too), so I was really tempted. But my girl called me up every couple of hours to check up on me. She kept me strong. It was even harder on Saturday when i went to this party in this multi millionaires loft. It was one of those places you see in MTV's "Cribs". 50" LCD TVs, Huge decorations, Fish tanks all over, own private elevator, colored lights, Scluptured angels hanging from the ceiling, etc.. Trippiest mofo place I have been to yet. Meanwhile, everybody was bumping. And they kept offering it to me. I dealt with it by just smoking up some weed. (Hopefully I won't lose one addiction, and gain another!) My girl just offered encouragement all weekend long, telling me how proud of me she is, and how I'm doing so great. I love her dearly for that. Thanx babe!

dude - i admire your self-control but even though checking out that cool space sounds like a lot of fun - i reckon you'll make it easier on yourself if you avoid hanging with people who are bumping. good luck.


* i love sex always and forever *

and they tell me that women grow on trees

and if you catch them right they will land upon their knees

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