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I've tried 2c-t-7. IT is legal and available from certain online suppliers. It isnt the new designer drug, in fact..with the popularity its gaining, im sure you can look for it to be scheduled soon. In fact, in Amsterdam, the 2c-t-7 is being sold in 10 mg pills under the name Blue Mystic. The common effects are like tripping but Less intense mindwise and more intense visually...it isnt much of a club drug, you can become easily scared, the body load is also too intense to enjoy at a party type location. Vomiting is common with the average dose of 25 mg.

If you do order this stuff from somewhere, please read up on it before just trying it, a death was reported just recently due to to 2c-T-7. Go to www.erowid.org PLEASE!!!

Good luck finding 2-CB by the way



AIM:Turbo SC300



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I was on a blue mystic at twilo on friday night. I must say that it is no club drug. Everything was very confusing, and when dancing I felt fine but as soon as I would stop to cool down, I would have to puke, total tally for the night = 9times. It is a visual drug, probably a good combination with X in the club but not by itself.

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only some visuals? i would put the visuals at or better than high quality acid...but this is the wrong forum for all that...aside from that i think 20-30 mg is the average dose, but people are dumb and take a lot more..or insufflate that much...

if the nausea wasnt so persistent, i think it might be a cool experience while going out actually...


AIM:Turbo SC300



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oh yeah...you dont need a connection...its a legal substance, email me and we can talk more about it if you want..i follow Bluelight's guide for not posting suppliers online.

you risk getting stuff thats been adulterated by buying from a dealer of some sort....the same stuff that will get this scheduled...


AIM:Turbo SC300



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Who da hell can remember 2CT7, sounds like an equation... just remembering the name gives me a headache... I can picture it, uh, I need some 2 something or other... you know the stuff that makes you puke...


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Who da hell can remember 2CT7, sounds like an equation... just remembering the name gives me a headache... I can picture it, uh, I need some 2 something or other... you know the stuff that makes you puke...

it's great in a candyflip.haha

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Guys...i never said i was emailing people..you wanna leave me a msg thats fine. do 2 things and youll have all the info you need. I am simply trying to keep sources private, so that they may in fact remain sources.

Go to www.erowid.org click on the drugs link, and click the 2c-t-7 tab and read up on it.

Go to www.bluelight.nu and click the other drugs link for the other drugs forum. Go to the search button at the top of the page, its there. Type in 2c-t-7 and read up on it..it will return boatloads of results.

To find the supplier, take the chemical name of 2c-t-7 and type it into a search engine, it should bring back certain sources with 3 initials in the name and one that rhymes with sneezing. if you read up on bluelight,nu, you will also understand why it is a good idea to keep the sources private. I appreciate anyone NOT posting suppliers here.

By the way, be real careful with this substance if you do try it...tho it is legal, hence no reason to find a dealer for it, its probably the most powerful thing short of really good acid that you could fuck with.



AIM:Turbo SC300



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I agree. no more than 15 mg, orally for your first dose. It is a very powerful substance and doses can be mistaken. You have no idea how small 15 mg is until you see that it will probably be as much powder as can fit inside the O on your keyboard, a little more...read up on it and be careful.


AIM:Turbo SC300



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