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is anyone else having....

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a hard time keeping the eyes opened...and the attention focused?

Holy crap my eyed feel weighted, I hate being sick!

Doe anyone else miss "nap time" ? do you rememeber when you had to have nap time durring school......those were the days.

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i've been getting like that lately and i think it's because it's the end of the semester, not to mention my classes are at night and i work at night.. and in the morning... plus i'm up at like 7 am so by the time 9 pm rolls around and i'm sitting staring at my professor.. my eyes start to droop too..

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ahh im gonna miss college, nothing better than to blow off a class and just take a nice long nap in the middle of the day.

but im a money whore, fuck naps, work here i come.

I remeber my days as a young sales rep, goin home for my afternoon naps, or pulling over and parkin under a tree on a nice day and boy I made alot of $$$ back then...fuck this computer shit, i need to be back in the field

Lecy - maybe u need to discover Dunkin Donuts

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I need an afternoon nap so bad...I pretty much crash from about 3pm-5:30 when I realize I need to get my work done. I think I'm going to need to start drinking coffee in the afternoon. College naps were the best (sigh)

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I remeber my days as a young sales rep, goin home for my afternoon naps, or pulling over and parkin under a tree on a nice day and boy I made alot of $$$ back then...fuck this computer shit, i need to be back in the field

Lecy - maybe u need to discover Dunkin Donuts

Caffine really effects me...

I was hoping my second wind would kick in, and it did - just not that its 12:30, near lunch...I'm starving, and I know about 3 I'll start to crash again. I hate sleepless night.. especially when its not sleepless due to having too much fun...at least then I could sit here and say- damn last night was fun...as I tape my eye lids open...

Speaking of D&D

what coffee taste best....

D&D Vs. SB's

now thats a pll just waiting to happen


Fraps' Vs. Latte's Vs. Cup of Joe

ok.. whats the best Coffee remedy to get me going? (w/o making me sick to my tummy and bouncing all over the place like Tigger)

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I believe that they should eliminate nap time from kindergarden, motherfuckers set you up to behave a certain way during your youth and then rape you of this sweet lil intermission of bliss...

Now the spainards have it down a science .. SIESTA .. and ibiza is a hop skip and a shit away! That little area of the world is where happiness was birthed!

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one thing i hate about work is work coffee, i swear corporate america all gets its coffee from the same shitty distributor, and it always tastes like absolute ASS.

i used to make starbucks runs just to get out of the building for lunch and get some kick for the afternoon.

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Now the spainards have it down a science .. SIESTA .. and ibiza is a hop skip and a shit away! That little area of the world is where happiness was birthed!
not only there...almost every country except for usa live by a 3 hr lunch...aka eat/get drunk & then nap time.
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I've been suggestion SIESTA time for years...nobody listens....soemtimes I go into the cafeteria and see coworkers passed out cold...real sad

as far as coffee...a cup a day wont kill ya, i prefer DDs, its tastes good and kill your wallet either, unlike SB

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having heavy lids is torturous. all i can imagine is my head resting on a pillow all snuggled under my duvet..

I read somewhere that if you're seriously in trouble staying awake that you should focus your eyes on something red.. the bright color is supposed to trigger something in your eyes and brain that will make you feel more awake. sadly, i've resorted to to this method several times at work. still not too sure if it works, but at least it gets you moving.. hehe

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