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Any last minute interviewing tips anyone has would be appreciated, thanks.

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oh your goin' for a job interview...well nice good luck...my advise is to take a long breath before you go...close your eyes and imagine a moment in your life where/when you were just doin' really good at whatever it was you were doin'

for example..before i go ahead on something that might make me nervous i just close my eyes and remember a moment in my past. it was i wrestled..i was down by 5pts. and only had 20 seconds left. I had to pin to win...and i was just so confident that day at that moment even though all my teamates looked down at me from the side line...I just looked at them and gave the thumbs up knowing that i could still win..well sure enough i won with a pin...i just try to capture how i felt that day and and apply it to whatever it is i'm doin'...

Another tip is to look and feel confident. Answer right away..don't hesitate to answer...answer with a question if you have to...

do research on the comany ..check their website...

be clear on what you want and ask alot of question to throw them off and the more question you ask the less they ask you...

Good luck and best wishes...just pretend that this is old school for you pretend that you've been goin' through so many interviews your just so sick of it...

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smile a lot, make direct eye contact, don't fidget. ask a few intelligent questions. read the interviewee's body language...if they are relaxed and slumped back in his/her chair, relax a little bit like that too but not too much. if they are rigid & formal, be the same without not being yourself

don't ramble with your answers to questions; be concise.

don't ask about benefits in the first interview

thank them for their time

ask for their business card so you can

write a thank you note even if you know you're not interested...you never know when you may encounter this person again and it will leave a lasting positive impression.

good luck!

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oh one more thing...

simply say

"i'm not gonna sit here and brag of what i can do...not one person knows it all and maybe i do lack some experience but i'm a fast learner..just show me once how to do something and you'll never have to show me again"....that line worked very well for..me...take care..

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Lots depend on the type of job you're going for, however remember you're selling yourself, your skill and your personality to the interviewer.

You never go wrong by asuming at first that the person who might be getting you the job is very traditional in their approach so be incredibly polite and professional. If they get more laid back then you can as well.

However, the interviewer who is the most laid back can often be the most difficult to impress. Watch for his/her methods of catching you off guard.

If they ask you for your top qualities and your worst qualities, try to twist the later into something positive.

Also, remember that the person interviewing you is simply that, a person. Use eye contact, speach patterns and body language to make yourself professionally appealing to them.

And most of all..Trust yourself!!!


"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

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smile a lot, make direct eye contact, don't fidget. ask a few intelligent questions. read the interviewee's body language...if they are relaxed and slumped back in his/her chair, relax a little bit like that too but not too much. if they are rigid & formal, be the same without not being yourself

don't ramble with your answers to questions; be concise.

don't ask about benefits in the first interview

thank them for their time

ask for their business card so you can

write a thank you note even if you know you're not interested...you never know when you may encounter this person again and it will leave a lasting positive impression.

good luck!

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shugabooga hit the nail on the head. Just be yourself and relax (although it's hard to do when you're on the spot). I work in Human Resources and I interview a lot of potential employees. Eye contact is key and a positive attitude can't hurt. You'll be fine! Good luck!

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Keep in mind that its not as much that they're not interviewing you as a potential employee, but rather that YOU'RE interviewing them as a potentiel employer. With today's market there are plenty of other jobs out there. Going into the interview with this mindset will help keep your confidence level up.


Don't ever mistake arrogance for confidence.



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Guys thanks alot for all your tips and suggestions, I know it's all about confidence-but not too much I know. The postion I'm going in for is an entry-level assiatant postion. I've been there a little before through temping so I'm not as nervous as I would have been other wise. I'll let you guys know how it went tommorow, thanks again.

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Originally posted by g-money:

A question to be ready for:

Where do you see yourself in five years?


I was always told to say in response to that question,

"Where ever my experince takes me."

Am I right? Cause you are right they are def gonna ask me that.

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also, make sure you ask insightful questions about the industry and the company you are interviewing with.

Not sure what kind of work you are applying for, but if it's consulting-based, watch out for questions that are too broad.

One of the things I do at work is usability engineering and testing. When I interviewed ,somebody asked me how I would plan and run a test. There are a million answers to that.

So, rather than try to cover everything, I told them to setup a scenario for me, and then I would answer based on those details.

So, if they say 'how would you do this', or 'what do you think of that', ask them for the context. it shows good consulting skills and makes answering the question much easier.


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All you have to do is sell yourself!!!!!!

Be honest!

Good Luck!!!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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Oooooopppppppppssssss cwm12.gif


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

[This message has been edited by glowgirl (edited 12-04-2000).]

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This is awsome,

I have read every suggestion that everyone has given me and tried to relate it to the position I'm going for and it has helped me tremendously. Thanks to you guys I have some answers in mind to possible questions that I wouldn't have even thought about otherwise.



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I just got out and think it went pretty well. It was over pretty quick (25 min or so), but in a good way. They asked me about what I had done in my past job experince and I tried to relate it to the them. The first question they asked me was where did I see myself in 5 years, you guessed it lol. I was a little nervous so I told them that, and that seemed to break the ice with them both laughing a little. See that, my interview goes pretty good and my new laser pointer was waitin for me in the mail when I got home. You can't beat it...

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