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Have you ever heard of anything more RIDICULOUS???

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Ok I dont really like poking fun at others but this is a little crazy if you ask my honest opinion.

A friend of mine has been dating this guy for a few months now and she is complaining about the sex. "It's good" she says.."the sex...but it's horrible foreplay"

Ok so they have NO foreplay. She goes down on him but thats about it. He doesnt touch nor go down. Pretty sad if u ask me. Not even a little touch...how on earth do u expect the girl to get remotely horny??? (he's not even big...I walked in by accident once)

Okay and here is the RIDICULOUS part...

He *ONLY* has sex after at least 8 beers! He refuses to have sex with any less in him or being sober.

I know people have complexes about their performance but this is a little too extreme in my opinion. But I have never heard of such a bizarre happening either.

Is this normal or should she be worried? I think this kid has issues and personally, I would either try to work with him to ease his fears if this was was me or drop him.

Anyone have an opinion or any ideas?? Ever heard of something similiar even? cwm13.gif



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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He just turned 22 in Ocotber. She will be 22 in March so its not like they havent had any experience.

I was told though that he does not like to go down on girls because he doesntlike the smell...must have had some bad experiences. I think its all an excuse though. cwm40.gif



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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Sounds like he thinks she is gross and just wants her to bang. If he usually just wants her to blow him then he def is grossed out by her and is hoggin. Are they actually dating, or is she the end of the night girl. Sorry, know that sounds mean, but I cant think of any other reason, unless he is amish or something and is afraid of a little nookie nookie. Tell to to yell out "whats my name bitch" during sex, I have head this sometimes helps these situations..

B cwm24.gif


"Fools cant see me thats how it is thats how I like it cause thats my biz"

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Hmmm...Guys with oddities and complexes about sex shouldn't be getting any.

Ive seen weird stuff like this before in people and it makes no sense. Either he should ship up or get tossed out. No room in this world for lunacy.... wink.gif




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Okay no it has nothing to do with her.

I happen to know a few other girls he has rumbled around with and same thing. No foreplay just sex.

So, now, what is ur response. If it happens with all of them then it cant be the girls. There has to be some other reason for this... cwm15.gif



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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hon, it's her problem, don't stress about it. if you don't want to hear about it (i wouldn't!) ask her in a nice way to stop sharing the intimate details of her relationship - you're not her therapist. they'll break up eventually and she'll find a better lover, and be sooooo much happier. he sounds selfish and has a drinking problem as well as performance issues!!!!

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Okay no it has nothing to do with her.

I happen to know a few other girls he has rumbled around with and same thing. No foreplay just sex.

So, now, what is ur response. If it happens with all of them then it cant be the girls. There has to be some other reason for this... cwm15.gif

Only way to handle this is a direct question to this fool....I mean guy. There are some things you just dont have time for and immaturity happens to be one of them.

Sex should be an open topic, only way it will be good, (weve had this conversation b4 hehe) and Im actually quite tired of people being so secretive and picky about it. Sure, some things stay private but stuff like this ridiculous.




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Sad story. I love giving oral to girls smile.gifsmile.gif...its my favorite....epp....did i say that out loud??


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Originally posted by eggmok:

i don't need the 8 beers to get the sex going . . .

i'm old fashioned . . .

i use a paper bag for her face . . .

i hope that you recycle those bags


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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I won't even let a girl TOUCH me until I've made her cum at least 3 times. This guy won't even go down? WTF? I'm sure im getting too personal here, but damn...that's my favourite thing to do. and 8 beers? 8? damn, i know im a lightweight then, because after 8 I can hardly get a cab, muchless anything else. This friend of your needs to move on....soon!!!

BTW....here's my email and phone number...have her call me anytime...hahaha.... = P




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I think the most rediculous thing is that he will only have sex after no less than 8 beers. This alone means that he doesnt care about her sexual (and most other) needs and is only out to fill his own. It also means he propably doesnt care much about any other of her fealings either. Your friend should get rid of this loser and find someone who will treat her a lot better, there are plenty of nice guys out there.

They are the ones not hitting on every girl they see. Any guy that is out and just hitting on any and every girl obviously has nothing to offer and is looking to fafill his own needs and wants. Any guy that has any fealings of self-worth or self-esteem knows that just any girl doenst deserve what he has, and he doest go out trying to give it to anybody, but is looking for someone special. You girls need to be careful of anyone who randomly tries to pick you up in a club, especially after about 4 in the morning. (they are only looking at you looks anyway) I dont know if the guy in the OG post was from a club or not, but you get the point.


Michael, who never goes out looking for girls


"Puff, Puff, Pass"

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Is this guy for reals?

i mean...sex isn't the ONLY reason why you should be with someone....BUT it's pretty much up there!!! in other words...it's pretty damn important!! hahaha

I couldn't handle being with someone who would make love only after 8 beers..that is just to crazy! i mean it's all fun while you are both drinking but if that's the ONLY way..then SEE YA...OUT THE DOOR!

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

Sad story. I love giving oral to girls smile.gifsmile.gif...its my favorite....epp....did i say that out loud??

well now i could have told u that much... not that i know right hehe


"He who laughs last didnt get it"

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Maybe she's so hot that he needs those brews to keep him going longer than 1 minute... That's just the positive take on the situation..


AIM: slimchezdy

I'm outta place

I'm in outer space

I've just vanished without a trace

I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow

I'll be back in an hour or so -- Eminem

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