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I arrived at the door to Cielo a little bit after midnight. Doorman asks me if I'm on the guestlist. I say no. He deadpanly tells me "Sorry, you have to be on the guestlist tonight for this party."

I just turn around and leave. I'm not going to beg in plead that I haven't seen Derrick Carter 3 years ago at Centro-Fly. I take it this is a sign I should not enter this party cause I have work in the morning.

2 trains and a bus back and forth for this bullshit?! That doorman gets da :bigfinge:

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sounds like nick, the doorman who has turned cielo from 1 of nyc's best clubs to one of the worst.

I suggest youir e mailing cielo & complaining about his rudeness.

last time he wouldn't let me in unless I spent $200-300 on bottle service.

basically Im boycotting cielo at this point until they have a booking i really really want to go to.

ps I was on the list for derrick tonight also but i blew it off cos Im not giving cielo any more money on drinks when nick pulls his rude arrogant bullshit.

tell cielo & hopefully they'll fire him.

he's pulled this on many people I know.

save cielo, fire nick.

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Yeah. I had received the guest list treatment in the past too by that fellow - I can empathize. Hit or miss I guess. Always an trembling experience walking up to that rope, and not knowing if you are going to be let in or not - and once I had gotten the shaft, felt like an ass for wasting that time. Luckily, I had to work tonight - so that prevented any attempt on my part to get into Cielo - and inevitable rejection as well. The worst thing is that I would sacrifice my pride and hard earned money to try to get into these clubs for great music.

Anway, for those who did go tonight, what are the reviews?

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First a few things bout NICK hes a great cool guy doing his job. You think hes bad how bout STEFAN n HENRY when cielo first started, now that was even tougher than nick ever was or is. As for complaining go right ahead and waste your time, NICHOLAS MATAR the owner has full trust in nick and chooses not to get involve with the door policies, he likes it that way. NICKS say is final no matter what, had many conversations bout this with nicholas and mamadu. And cielo is not the ONLY club to drop THE GUESTLIST ONLY LINE, that basically just means your not looking right for the night. Which i think for a sunday party is not really necessary but what can you do. Try goin to other clubs and you will hear the same thing besides the usual of crobar,shelter,spirit,sullivan room. Where anyone gets in. Also cielo is hit or miss with the door as well. Ive walked in so many people b4 so NICK can get to know them and at the same time they get turned down if their solo or even if some people are with me, sadly i dont know what to say. Yo shaggie damn man you wouldveloved it inside,sorry bout that,next time goin to cielo give me a pm. Also theres no DOOR policy on MON n WEDS just so ya know.

Now time for a review AMAZING MUSIC thrown down the whole night. HONEY DIJON was just sweeeeeeettttttt with her beats from beginning of the night around 1030 till she gott off around 230ish. A mix of alltypes of beat ad the crowd was feeling eating it up and loving every min of it. dERRICK WAS A NO SHOW FOR ALONG TIME BUT FINALLY WALK THRU THE DOORS AROUND 230 OR SO, then he took it up another level with the music as well. So much dancing so much sweat so many smiles,like a party should be. Nice meeting ya stereolab hope you had fun.Dman i wish i was betterat describing the music but i will let the djs who wereat that party saywhat they were. everything form house to techno was covered last night, and with CIELOS soundsystem that equals MAGIC.

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First a few things bout NICK hes a great cool guy doing his job. You think hes bad how bout STEFAN n HENRY when cielo first started, now that was even tougher than nick ever was or is. As for complaining go right ahead and waste your time, NICHOLAS MATAR the owner has full trust in nick and chooses not to get involve with the door policies, he likes it that way. NICKS say is final no matter what, had many conversations bout this with nicholas and mamadu. And cielo is not the ONLY club to drop THE GUESTLIST ONLY LINE, that basically just means your not looking right for the night. Which i think for a sunday party is not really necessary but what can you do. Try goin to other clubs and you will hear the same thing besides the usual of crobar,shelter,spirit,sullivan room. Where anyone gets in. Also cielo is hit or miss with the door as well. Ive walked in so many people b4 so NICK can get to know them and at the same time they get turned down if their solo or even if some people are with me, sadly i dont know what to say. Yo shaggie damn man you wouldveloved it inside,sorry bout that,next time goin to cielo give me a pm. Also theres no DOOR policy on MON n WEDS just so ya know.

Now time for a review AMAZING MUSIC thrown down the whole night. HONEY DIJON was just sweeeeeeettttttt with her beats from beginning of the night around 1030 till she gott off around 230ish. A mix of alltypes of beat ad the crowd was feeling eating it up and loving every min of it. dERRICK WAS A NO SHOW FOR ALONG TIME BUT FINALLY WALK THRU THE DOORS AROUND 230 OR SO, then he took it up another level with the music as well. So much dancing so much sweat so many smiles,like a party should be. Nice meeting ya stereolab hope you had fun.Dman i wish i was betterat describing the music but i will let the djs who wereat that party saywhat they were. everything form house to techno was covered last night, and with CIELOS soundsystem that equals MAGIC.

Hey, how do you manage to party all night long, and yet have enough strength to post after that? :working: That's amazing man! Anyway, thanks for the review and glad you had a great time there.

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First a few things bout NICK hes a great cool guy doing his job. You think hes bad how bout STEFAN n HENRY when cielo first started, now that was even tougher than nick ever was or is. As for complaining go right ahead and waste your time, NICHOLAS MATAR the owner has full trust in nick and chooses not to get involve with the door policies, he likes it that way. NICKS say is final no matter what, had many conversations bout this with nicholas and mamadu. And cielo is not the ONLY club to drop THE GUESTLIST ONLY LINE, that basically just means your not looking right for the night. Which i think for a sunday party is not really necessary but what can you do. Try goin to other clubs and you will hear the same thing besides the usual of crobar,shelter,spirit,sullivan room. Where anyone gets in. Also cielo is hit or miss with the door as well. Ive walked in so many people b4 so NICK can get to know them and at the same time they get turned down if their solo or even if some people are with me, sadly i dont know what to say. Yo shaggie damn man you wouldveloved it inside,sorry bout that,next time goin to cielo give me a pm. Also theres no DOOR policy on MON n WEDS just so ya know.

You only say that cause he lets you in......

look at it from the other side of the picture.

This guy is an ASSHOLE that i have dealt with many times.

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first time i ever went to cielo was on thurs, may 12th when roger sanchez was suppose to be there . . . walked to the door with about 8 of my friends all guys mind u . . . and the doorman asked us how many are of us and we basically told him who we were gunna c and we knew roger wasnt showing up 2night but wanted check out cielo anyways . . . he let us right in and comped all of us . . . Astro and Glyde played really well and Cielo vibe was soo great . . . can't wait to go back . . . i hope i dont ever have that trouble of getting in . . . in the future

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Thanks guys for the response. Now I know it wasn't just me. I knew that guestlist line was total BS because there was no clipboard in sight. He couldn't call me on a dress code; I was wearing a button down shirt, slacks and shoes. I thought he didn't like my afro :afro: which people tell me they either love or hate.

I also thought if I got there earlier it wouldn't have been a problem because even though I've never actually entered Cielo, I know its a small club. I visited their website yesterday (very impressive I might add) and it showed their floorplan; the dancefloor only holds 300 and its smaller than their restrooms! So I told myself it was prolly packed inside and this was his way to shoo me off. If that WAS the case, I would've respected that he'd have told me that.

The funny thing is I was going to email for that guestlist SB put up but decided against it because I thought $15 was worth it. (Is that crazy WANTING to spend more money?) heh heh. Now I've learned my lesson, ALWAYS get on the guestlist if you can. :cool:

In the long run, it worked out because I told myself I would leave at 3. I'd miss Derrick anyway.


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I got there at 1:15am and told nick I was on the guestlist that silverbull told me about, but he said that DJ Boo had no guestlist of his own and that my name wasn't on the list (there was a list by the way - I saw it), but he let us (me+girl) in anyway.

Anyway, the party was awesome. Honey Dijon played really groovy house and then Derrick Carter went crazy with some really funky shit! Some of it sounded really oldskool, like almost disco, but with hard house beats. Was great to meet you silverbull - we should dance more next time.

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hey fwilson i was on the other many times b4 and still am at certain venues once in a while. Sadly it comes with the territory nowadays where just being a music fan isnt enough to go and party at some of these venues. Door guys form what i notice tend to be a certain way at times until they regonize your face again n again then it wont matter. So times groups of 8 guys are allowed sometimes no more than a group of 2 it all depends on certain nights. Dont know what else to say, imagine how i feel goin to CAIN or PINK ELEPHANT to hear one of the first djs that i started listening to in late 80's early 90's DJ DISCIPLE . And the door guy gives me shit, i just go with another game plan, and tell disciple when i get home what happened.

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You only say that cause he lets you in......

look at it from the other side of the picture.

This guy is an ASSHOLE that i have dealt with many times.

the guestlist routine always posed a dilemna for me. on one hand, from a music lover standpoint, it is a cause of much misery - being rejected after traveling long distances to hear your favorite musicians ( i traveled 3 hours to hear willie graf before getting the guestlist treatment btw). on the other hand, from a business standpoint, would I - as a clubowner - want my club to be overrun with geeks ( which I am among with ), thugs, and other undesirables? My economic lifeline is constantly being jeopardized by the competition around me, so i would do everything I can do to keep my club in good standing and reputation so I can survive.

But seriously, the majority of people getting in have no clue about the greatness of the music anyway. i saw this one couple ass bumping/grinding all night long to the sublime beats of dj collete the other night. crazy shit man.

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so derrick played til 4? or later?

2:30-4 is a 90 min set....as great as he is a 2 hour set is really the minimum...

derrick might be my fave dj ever, heard him bang in many spots fro viyl to blu in miami to centrofly to the boat party and crobar

dont underrate his crobar set with yousef. that was hard funk house from midnight- 4-5 am.

bring back derrick soon & please not on a sunday at cielo- I am boycotting the venue ever since nick held me up for $200-300 to enter the dj heather party.

with so many people complaining about nick's door policy & rudeness, cielo is no longer the best club in nyc or usa. its now on the list of NYC's WORST clubs.

the 2 sanchez parties in 2004 were awesome. perhaps i will leave that as my cielo memories as I doubt im coming back to spend ONE DOLLAR to be abused by nick and his arrogant rude superior attitude.

go to a real club where they treat the paying customers with respect. [im on lists every week at much more successful clubs- comped]

meat packing lounges suck & cielo is way over-stepping the attitude. fuuck emm

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