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Broccoli & bloating

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Has anyone else experience bloat after eating broccoli?

Since I'm trying to eat healthier & shed some pounds, I've been eating broccoli with lunch & dinner, but afterwards my belly feels/looks so bloated - can it be the broccoli causing it? What can I do to stop this.

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remembered reading this a while back, pasted from a health site

"Your body will learn to digest the fiber and after awhile your intestine will develop the Micro flora that will allow the high fiber foods to be more easily digested. Thus the side effects of gas and bloating should subside to a large degree. "

i'd stick it out, you're getting lots of fiber that you should be anyway, and a whole shitload of other nutrients.

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I guess I'll stick it out.

When I eat broccoli it's with a grilled chicken sandwich for lunch & with grilled chicken for dinner. For breakfast I eat oatmeal with egg beaters & I snakc on Zone Perfect bars, so I don't think my sodium intake is too high.

I just started taking Taraxatone to see if that helps with bloat.

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How is Tommy Armani doing these days? Is he the one that put you up to losing a few pounds?...tell him to come back to CP

Tommy's doing good, but his job blocked CP & he finds it pointless to post on the weekend when the board is dead.

As for losing a few, that was all my doing, especially with the summer here.

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saw on a cooking show if u eat alot of beans and dont wanna deal with te gas those can give u, one should soak them in water overnight (this one mentioned to use some lemon juice in the water). Not sure if the same thing works for Broccoli or not..may be worth a shot if u eat it alot

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Any time you eat fiber, this will happen. Humans much like many other mammals can NOT properly digest fiber. In order to digest fiber humans have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria in our digestive tract. These bacteria digest the cellulose in order for our system to be able to absorb the nutrients.

The biproduct of the bacteria's digestion of cellulose (fiber) is methane. The natural flora mentioned above is bacteria (mostly E coli) the numbers of these will grow with increased intake of fiber - but the methane will still be a biproduct - there will only be more bacteria to create the methane.

As far as soaking beans or other methods it does not neccessarily work. Obviously the more digested the fiber is before it reaches the digestive tract, the less the bacteria will have to digest, therefore, the biproduct will be less.

If you females would quit worrying about your boyfriends hearing you FART, then you could let the gas out and bloating would not be an issue.

Good luck


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