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ATT. CP Photographers!!! PLEEEAAASE!


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PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSE try and take some pics of hot girls! Please stop focusing on the ugly ones! Ugly girls went out of style like 2 yrs ago! Keep up with the times!

Click on the links below for examples of ugly girls. :yuck:




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Im glad to see you judge someone by one picture goes to show just how ignorant you really are, hey wait were'nt you the one that said I reminded you of a female Bling!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh, no wonder........thats explains alot, you know what go here so you can see how ugly I really am, http://www.myspace.com/ingridgmz!!!!


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oh ok i knew i never called u that :laugh:

they are on the butt side tho IMO, but im sure they are nice people :aright:

Ummmmmmmmmmmm, well if you look closely the one with the Vodka Bottle is yours truly, not my best pic yeah but damn to say im just rounded out ugly!!!!

Come on,am I going to have to post more half naked pics of myself:tongue:!!!!

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only looked at the first 2 pics and thats how i gave my verdict. didnt even notice it was you....you look fuckin wasted lmao

and yes thats def. not your best pic vamp.......u can do better than that :laugh:

everyone got awful pics tho.....dont sweat it.

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only looked at the first 2 pics and thats how i gave my verdict. didnt even notice it was you....you look fuckin wasted lmao

and yes thats def. not your best pic vamp.......u can do better than that :laugh:

everyone got awful pics tho.....dont sweat it.

Dude, you have NOOOOOOOO Idea how wasted I was...........HELLO I was drinking straight from the vodka bottle!!!

I think I actually almost puked after that pic :yuck: !!!!!

Exactly, so yeah not my best pic I agree...............Justin we have to have a TALK Mr :hat: !!!! Actually I think Justin is doing a great job with the pics considering he is just starting out!!!!

So yeah mr joey, these are amateur pics so take that into consideration before you go out and criticising :nono:!!!

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its hard to take good pics in clubs. your hot, drunk, sweaty from dancing, coked up, rolling, in a k hole, high, whatever......i personaly dont like taking pics in clubs unless im spinning for those very reasons
Dammit see I can be all of these things your hot,sweaty from dancing, coked up, rolling, in a k hole, high and still come out fine in Pics.............it's the ALCOHOL I TELL YA, it's EVIL, LMAO!!!!!!
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