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to the one whos talking shit about old school and this and that why dont you mind your business ...it's a free country people can talk what they wanna talk about and refer to things the way they want.... damnnnnnn go get a hobby :gang:

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to the one whos talking shit about old school and this and that why dont you mind your business ...it's a free country people can talk what they wanna talk about and refer to things the way they want.... damnnnnnn go get a hobby :gang:

thanks rev. sharpton

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the messageboards out there are better..

actually... i have to decide today whether im moving or not...

[begin serious post] im stuck in the best possible job right now for someone with a psych degree and im only making like 40g's base... more after overtime and everything... but i'm just going nowhere with it and i can't really take nursing classes while working fulltime... so i've been taking one class a semester.. so i just wanna move out there and see what happens.. maybe get a bs job but go to nursing school fulltime... we'll see.. [End serious post]

yo old.. become a broker.. like me =]~

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You assume wrong . When do I ever say that I want you to leave? I made a few jokes at your expense, however nothing caustiic nor detrimental. I apologize if you were offended - but truthfully I can't see why.

The only person who really needs to leave CP is Lutizdara. She's way past her expiration date. After reading his/her/its posts, blindness doesn't seem to be such a bad thing.

my bust... i tend to overreact here..

arg... i could never do that... i have the persuasion skills of a mute..

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You're entitled to your opinion, I'm sure there are plenty of DJs you like that I do not, but saying Porter 'stole' anything from Digweed is just plain false, I'm sorry, you couldn't be more wrong. Their styles are worlds apart...WORLDS. Their taste in music, their production, even the way they mix, nothing alike. Steve plays and produces funky house, and only plays the 'meat' of each track, the middle 4 minutes. That's why his hour long mixes boast 15-20 tracks. Digweed, on the other hand, plays and produces deep progressive, and prefers longer drawn out mixing. Listen to recent Kiss100 mixes by both, it's readily apparent. True Steve was more progressive back 3 years ago when he was involved with the Bedrock crew, but that was a long time ago, try to keep up. That comment just shows you don't really know what you're talking about. Again, it's fine to just not like someone, but don't use some wholly inaccurate basis as a justification.

If you love Digweed so much, why don't you marry him?

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So easy too talk shit when your hiding behind a screen. I would like to say this discourages me to ever support this page but you haters would like that. To all you "club gods" you should know better, its bad enough your hatin on eachother where the real hatred should be focused on the fucked up policing and targeting in the industry. Do you remember how save the robots, the old nells, red zone, limelight, tunnel, the building, warsaw, etc. days were like? wasnt about poppin bottles and everyother song was a 50 cent song. it was about havin a great time without havin to be judged. so in closin FUCK ALL YOU POSERS!!!

this is simply my opinion but to me its a sign of the times, i think life is like a pendulum and it swings from one extreme to another then as time goes on it balances out in the middle... that can be applied to anything in life, ill use here about clubbing, back then it was about something new, something bold, a way to express yourself something different... but now its about showing off, spending "cheese" etc. music is background shit to most ppl who arent "industry" or into DJ's so clubs and promotors tend to sell an image over a party... when its not a big name dj... (IMO) whatever, (eventually it will balance once, crowds change their taste, ppl promote what draws crowds crowds dictate popularity... blah blah blah blah im going off on a tangent but i hope you see what im getting at...) more importantly you come off with this attitude and say ppl hide behind sn's and point fingers and judge when most of your posts are calling ppl names and passing judgement not to mention that you said you had a previous name on here... i dont know who you are or where you came from but i hope things work out for you slim... good luck with your party in bk...

:laugh: Soundfactory and twilo were as mainstream as you could get in NYC club land :laugh: hate when people refer to these places as "underground" or "old school"

EXIT! (or before that when it was carbon/mirage) or any other big scale shit club...

and not everyone likes techno either..

nodoby listens to technoooooooooooo~!


Anyone rememeber these places? Lets share old stories!!!

i got a handjob from one chick while another bitch from turkey made out with me at limelight...

true another reason why this board sucks... bc people are wannabe jerry seinfelds and kenny banya's.. noone comes up with anything new/interesting.. ie: remember sf? remember arc? people's idea of funny is to take a serious post made my somebody and mock the shit out of it... hardly funny..

your buddy that youre defending started off this whole thread with that...

i like it here .. and i like all of you ... i hope you all like me too ..

youre alright... youre no mahalomenehune but youre cool.


but seriously though..if u hate it here so much..why not go somewhere else?

isnt that your line??? but i never understood that, ppl say shit is wack but they dont bounce... lol whatever...

Stop over analyzing things and taking Clubplanet so seriously.

wait~!? we dont have to take this seriously? i thought thats what the "terms of agreement" stated...

all my life really consists of is sex, drugs, and Porter. the rest is minor details

you forgot one major detail... "clubplanet" banana... then second place ME!

all this thread needs is you doing one of your house ballerina poses and we'll be good to go

photo of him in the forest as well doing karate...


This is hilarious, really it is.

Sorry that you dont know what little acronym's like idgi and gfys means. Those are secret little codes :rolleyes:

When do I get angry about other peoples responses to my posts?

Oh and are you threatening to fight me at "a little outing?" I'd love to see this happen.

I am not different then anyone else who posts on this board. Before yesterday I dont think I have ever really responded to one of your posts, but apparently you know an awful lot about me, or you seem to think you do and are basing my personality on one thread.

Dont be jealous that no one really likes you on this message board and you cant make many friends here. Everyone thinks your a joke and you sabataged yourself after bringing your pathetic love life to the board. And I need to grow up. Please.

I have nothing more to say to you. I dont know you, and I dont like you. End of story.

lol this from the person who said earlier dont take this seriously...

City Crab is the bomb, i used to bang this hotttt hostess from there.

actually i heard, you got crabs when you were in the city from some hostess...

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