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Clubbing news : Including new E research

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Ecstasy Makes You Forget. Literally.

Ask Ecstasy users why they take the drug, and many will say that they take it as a form of escapism, to 'forget'. However, Ecstasy's potential to make its users 'forget' may be far more striking and literal than they realise ... Yet another study into the effects of Ecstasy has revealed further fears about the damage that it causes to users' cognitive health.

Researchers at The University of Northumbria conducted tests on 2 groups, each compiled of 40 adults. In the first group, all members take ecstasy at least 10 times every month. None of the members in the other group use the drug.

Researchers tested short-term memory in the subjects, by gauging their ability in memory tasks such as remembering to pass on messages to others or switch off their alarm clock in the morning. Tests were also carried out on weaknesses in the subjects' 'internally-triggered memory'. Internally-triggered memory weakness is characterised by instances such being unable to remember what you were going to say during a conversation.

The results, surprise surprise, revealed that memory functionality in regular ecstasy users was significantly impaired by the drug. Users' short term, long term and internally triggered memory suffered damage due to the drug, whereas non-users memories were shown to be in full working order, as it were.

The outcome of the experiment re-affirmed a belief, which has been established by previous Ecstasy studies: Ecstasy damages the frontal lobe system. The frontal lobe is the part of the human brain that is used to think and to solve problems ... in fact, the frontal lobe is widely recognised as the function that distinguishes the brain of humans from that of animals. This would seem to suggest that Ecstasy not only damages memory, but it also 'dehumanises' users by degenerating the very function that characterises them as 'human' beings.


Singapore Rave Revolution ...

Singapore is not known for being one of the great clubbing hotspots of the world ... in fact, it has a widespread reputation of being a sterile, synthetic and unwelcoming city. So, in a bid to overcome this image, Singapore officials gave their consent for the city's first ever all night rave, which was held on a man-made beach at a theme park in the city last weekend.

The event started at 5pm and lasted for 13hrs. The line-up included Dave Seaman, Chris Coco, Richie Hawtkin, Christian Smith, The Wiseguys, Livonia and Stoned Revivals. There were also food stalls, chill areas, flea markets and aromatherapy bars. However, this was not a traditional 'rave'...

... Typically, the notion of the 'rave' carries connotations of an underground, illegal event, in which recreational drug use is rampant. However, the Singaporean rave, entitled 'Zouk Out', was somewhat different to the type of underground 'anti-establishment' event that we have come to associate with rave parties elsewhere in the world. The party was flanked by a heavy police presence to ensure against drug use and underage entry. In recent years, a nightlife scene has begun to develop in the city but this event is being heralded as the most important step to date, towards a cultural revolution in Singapore.


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

The outcome of the experiment re-affirmed a belief, which has been established by previous Ecstasy studies: Ecstasy damages the frontal lobe system.

Duh! Big red truck! You didn't specify whether the subjects had used e shortly prior to the experiments or not. If shortly prior - then no shit Sherlock, e depletes serotonin and all functions of the brain that rely on serotonin will be diminished. Serotonin takes several months to replenish fully, so if you're really trying to prove permanent damage, design your experiments accordingly.

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Originally posted by resident:

Duh! Big red truck! You didn't specify whether the subjects had used e shortly prior to the experiments or not. If shortly prior - then no shit Sherlock, e depletes serotonin and all functions of the brain that rely on serotonin will be diminished. Serotonin takes several months to replenish fully, so if you're really trying to prove permanent damage, design your experiments accordingly.

God you are an arse, these people are scientists mate. Listen research in the UK into this has gone well past these minor issue. They were all discussed about 6 years ago, you are hanging on to beliveing E is the best thing for you since vitamins arn't you? The UK goverment are now (at last) spending real money on real experiments, you havn't got a clue what they need to test for or not.

What do you do are you a neurologist? Are you medicaly trained at all?

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A close girlfriend of mine rolls at least two or three times every week, and has been doing so for about five years. She's told me that she's had a lot of trouble remembering things for the past few years, and she's convinced it's the e (that's the only drug she uses). She's also mentioned feeling "a lot dumber" now... her thinking process isn't as quick as it used to be, etc... has anyone else noticed this?


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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Originally posted by happykittn:

A close girlfriend of mine rolls at least two or three times every week, and has been doing so for about five years. She's told me that she's had a lot of trouble remembering things for the past few years, and she's convinced it's the e (that's the only drug she uses). She's also mentioned feeling "a lot dumber" now... her thinking process isn't as quick as it used to be, etc... has anyone else noticed this?

Well i have to say i havent noticed it much (but i have always had a bad memory).

But i can name lots of people who have told me (way before any research came out), that they have had problems forgeting things mid sentance. I have read other reasarch into this and it's actually working memory loss, so fogeting what you say mid sentance (as if your stoned).

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I'm sure that the research is correct about the effects of X use. Nevertheless, I'd like to see a more controled environment. Most of these experiments compare users to non-users. What they rarely account for is that the X users might also simultaneously use other drugs (weed=bad memory) or that they might have a certain preexisting neurophysiology. I'd like to see a study where subjects are tested before they ever start using ANY narcotics (and alcohol for that matter) and then after they start using E exclusively.



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Originally posted by translucent:

I'm sure that the research is correct about the effects of X use. Nevertheless, I'd like to see a more controled environment. Most of these experiments compare users to non-users. What they rarely account for is that the X users might also simultaneously use other drugs (weed=bad memory) or that they might have a certain preexisting neurophysiology. I'd like to see a study where subjects are tested before they ever start using ANY narcotics (and alcohol for that matter) and then after they start using E exclusively.

Thats what i am saying, the multi drug issues have been known for a long time now. These people do a job why would they know this and still do an incoclusive experiment?

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iam wacked as it is.. my x use is miniamial maybe two or three a month if that.. but i do wana know more about it effects.. it cool to know that you are taking a drug that you know is going to FUCK YOU UP.. We still smoke cigaretts and there bad..LETS DO E..


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

...why would they know this and still do an incoclusive experiment?

I'm guessing it's hard to find test subjects who are initially completely clean and then only use X. Since X is classified on the same level as heroin, it's not like scientists can legaly do a controlled study. They have to be happy with the volunteers that they do get. Furthermore, many researchers are only compensated by grants and are pressed to find some dramatic results quickly.



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IMO, anyone dumb enough to take ecstasy 10+ times a month probably didn't have very good memory skills to being with. :P Like others have said, that's the main problem with these experiments - because of government controls, it's impossible to do a traditional, "proper" test that examines subjects both before and after drug use.

I do believe that ecstasy impairs memory to some extent, but I have yet to see a study that proves this in people who take it infrequently and in moderation. I mean, an alcoholic is obviously going to mess up his liver, but that doesn't mean that getting drunk once a month is going to hurt it - see what I mean?


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

God you are an arse, these people are scientists mate. Listen research in the UK into this has gone well past these minor issue. They were all discussed about 6 years ago, you are hanging on to beliveing E is the best thing for you since vitamins arn't you?

Actually no. But if you're going prove something to be dangerous, let's do it well.

But hey, I'd be psyched to see some good research on this myself. But let's face it, too much of this research is biased. And if it weren't biased to begin with, it is by the time the media interprets it.

Originally posted by back2basics-:

What do you do are you a neurologist? Are you medicaly trained at all?

I did go to medical school (on a scholarship actually) for two years, then did a year of research and decided that the whole thing wasn't for me. Too much skoolin'...

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undoubtedly almost any ecstasy user will tell you that e's made them "dumber." however THIS study leaves a lot to be questioned.

as anyone who has studied statistics will tell you...a sample of 40 people is WAY too small to make such conclusions. (the law of large numbers is not incorporated) also, although yes, there was a control group, you do not mention whether or not the memory skills of the subjects were tested before hand. one would assume that if the subjects agreed to this study voluntarily, the ones who were placed in the e taking group likely had done drugs in the past. their brains might have already been fucked up... who knows?!?! there is no mention of randomization to limit variation in any part of the experiment (neither in determining the initial subject selection or subject allocation) - this is a key element in experimental design that is lacking.

on a last note, years ago i did a research paper on how the brain stores memory... and although scientists may know more today- im sure that they still know VERY little. when different types of working, short term and long term memory evaluations were used on the SAME subjects in numerous experiments, results varied drastically.

there are several bias' in this experiment... i for one would not regard it as being one of any significant value.

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Its good to know the fact that finally the gov in the UK is puttin some money to real research... In the next 2 years we should have a lot more facts on this whole issue.

Keep it real guyz!!


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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Originally posted by ibelong2thenight:

undoubtedly almost any ecstasy user will tell you that e's made them "dumber." however THIS study leaves a lot to be questioned.

I freely admit that overdoing e has made me dumber temporarily. Keywords are "overdoing" and "temporarily". Overdoing alcohol has made me temporarily dumber as well.

Regardless, I just wanted to say that I wasn't trying to be the uber e advocate. I just picked on a few things in the study you've quoted.

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You can rationalize anyway you want, but E is still bad for you. Having hydrogen peroxide in your brain after you roll is not good for you. The only thing you can do is be responsible and moderate.


"I want my two dollars!"

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Happykitn, how about telling your close friends to seriously try moderation? I mean trying it isnt gonna be easy...being that she will suffer widthrawal like shit but still...

and for those of you trying to discredit experiements...this shit cant be good for you. Nothing in life is free..you cant take a pill feel great and better than ever and expect to have 0 downsides, its just the way shit works, im not being scientific or technical...i could be, but half of you are hell bent on discrediting everything that doesnt say what you wanna believe.


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