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more explosions in london


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id say just blow up all the damn nations that harbour all those damn terrorist !! fuck it !! i know its harsh but its either them or us .

It is a harsh reality..but when you think of this, it makes you REALLY think:

these animals (yes, animals because I have no other word to describe it)

train their kids to be martyrs,..

it is the greatests honor for them to know their kid blew himself up or

died fighting a battle againts the "infidels, that oppose them and their belief"...

Fuck, if they're gonna blow themselves up anyways and possibly end up killing your mother, father, brother, sister, girlfriend, wife or best friend in

the act...

why not hurry up the process and blow them all up without killing our loved


:splat: :splat: :splat:

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It is a harsh reality..but when you think of this, it makes you REALLY think:

these animals (yes, animals because I have no other word to describe it)

train their kids to be martyrs,..

it is the greatests honor for them to know their kid blew himself up or

died fighting a battle againts the "infidels, that oppose them and their belief"...

Fuck, if they're gonna blow themselves up anyways and possibly end up killing your mother, father, brother, sister, girlfriend, wife or best friend in

the act...

why not hurry up the process and blow them all up without killing our loved


:splat: :splat: :splat:

i see it this way .. they are breeding for hate .. this means they are teaching their kids to hate and wanna kill "MY" kid .. so you know what ? fuck you !! nuke em and get all of this shit over with !!

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id say just blow up all the damn nations that harbour all those damn terrorist !! fuck it !! i know its harsh but its either them or us .
are all iraqis Saddam Hussein? are all afghans and saudis Bin Laden? is every Muslim a terrorist? we need to focus on the terrorists themselves and their cells, governments that decide to harbor terrorists,and leave the innocent people in these counties alone. the people who suffer the most in attacks on terrorists in the past; have been mostly innocent people, and not the terrorist and the governments that decide to harbor terrorist. IMO you pressure the leaders of these governments in question, if they fail to act remove them along with the f*cking terrorists..
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I wonder what would happen if all military forces were removed from Iraq and Afghanistan and that those countries and all their resources were given to Switzerland for full control. I wonder what would happen if the West Bank and Gaza were devoid of any settlements and refugee camps (Israeli and Palestinian) and that whole region was governed by Switzerland with zero intervention by the U.S. or anyone else. Would the Israelis and the Palestinians continue to fight? I wonder what would happen if all the oil in the Middle East was turned over to Switzerland. Would the US still have motive to help out the Iraqis? Would France? Would any country, for that matter, be willing to spend so much money to invade and destroy a country that has been battered by years of authoritative rule and then spend more money to rebuild it? Would terrorism continue to strike ever closer to home? Just a few thoughts… :(

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I wonder what would happen if all military forces were removed from Iraq and Afghanistan and that those countries and all their resources were given to Switzerland for full control. I wonder what would happen if the West Bank and Gaza were devoid of any settlements and refugee camps (Israeli and Palestinian) and that whole region was governed by Switzerland with zero intervention by the U.S. or anyone else. Would the Israelis and the Palestinians continue to fight? I wonder what would happen if all the oil in the Middle East was turned over to Switzerland. Would the US still have motive to help out the Iraqis? Would France? Would any country, for that matter, be willing to spend so much money to invade and destroy a country that has been battered by years of authoritative rule and then spend more money to rebuild it? Would terrorism continue to strike ever closer to home? Just a few thoughts… :(

...here's the greek national dish and STFU plz .....yalsarma.gif..............koky,dp ..also please refrain from talking about current events , stick to comedy . :)

thanx .

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I wonder what would happen if all military forces were removed from Iraq and Afghanistan and that those countries and all their resources were given to Switzerland for full control. I wonder what would happen if the West Bank and Gaza were devoid of any settlements and refugee camps (Israeli and Palestinian) and that whole region was governed by Switzerland with zero intervention by the U.S. or anyone else. Would the Israelis and the Palestinians continue to fight? I wonder what would happen if all the oil in the Middle East was turned over to Switzerland. Would the US still have motive to help out the Iraqis? Would France? Would any country, for that matter, be willing to spend so much money to invade and destroy a country that has been battered by years of authoritative rule and then spend more money to rebuild it? Would terrorism continue to strike ever closer to home? Just a few thoughts… :(
don’t know about Switzerland. Considering Switzerland, Argentina, and a host of other countries. allowed nazi war criminals, and their assets to move freely through their countries and financial institutions for years. however, I understand your point...

we (the US) will never admit to ourselves that we are partially responsible for the unstableness of the middle east. greed, our blind support for Israel, spreading of imperialism, etc are at the root of the problem... terrorists and terrorism have been around for decades. these terrorists did not wake up one morning and say, let’s attack all free countries. when you add fuel to a smoldering fire, the fire will eventually get bigger until it spirals out of control...

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...here's the greek national dish and STFU plz .....yalsarma.gif..............koky,dp ..also please refrain from talking about current events , stick to comedy . :)

thanx .

stick to talking about your homosexual past in portugal please .. its more you :D

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are all iraqis Saddam Hussein? are all afghans and saudis Bin Laden? is every Muslim a terrorist? we need to focus on the terrorists themselves and their cells, governments that decide to harbor terrorists,and leave the innocent people in these counties alone. the people who suffer the most in attacks on terrorists in the past; have been mostly innocent people, and not the terrorist and the governments that decide to harbor terrorist. IMO you pressure the leaders of these governments in question, if they fail to act remove them along with the f*cking terrorists..

this war thing is kind of getting old, almost like someone is nothing taking the right action to get rid or resolve it. almost like if they need this war to hang over our heads.

Alot of people make comment like "oh we should do this or that or just blow up the whole middle east".

The US government has a task force that works just like they do I guess u can call then the amreican terrorist, they are trained numb and to fullfill they missions.

why haven't they taken out this problem yet?

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don’t know about Switzerland. Considering Switzerland, Argentina, and a host of other countries. allowed nazi war criminals, and their assets to move freely through their countries and financial institutions for years. however, I understand your point...

we (the US) will never admit to ourselves that we are partially responsible for the unstableness of the middle east. greed, our blind support for Israel, spreading of imperialism, etc are at the root of the problem... terrorists and terrorism have been around for decades. these terrorists did not wake up one morning and say, let’s attack all free countries. when you add fuel to a smoldering fire, the fire will eventually get bigger until it spirals out of control...

Yeah I wasn't talking about the confidentiality of their numbered bank accounts or anything. I chose Switzerland cause it has a very stable economy (in part because it has made great efforts in declaring neutrality during the vast majority of the twentieth century). :D

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i get depressed when i hear people infer that the united states or its allies "deserve" in some way terrorism. i had a conversation today with a friend that believes that due to our involvement in Iraq, we have encouraged the terrorists to target us. long before iraq, the u.s has been a target.

George Bush had been in office 9 months before 9/11. 9/11 took place long before the latest iraq war. it has already been proven that the planning for 9/11 took place during clinton's administration. The WTC was bombed in 1994. In 1997, the FBI uncovered a terrorist cell in N.Y. that were planning to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge.

whats the point?---

whether there is a republican or democratic president, the united states is hated by much of the muslim world. THIS HATRED EXISTED LONG BEFORE IRAQ. Unfortunately, much of the muslim world is based on extremism. Yes, there are many peace loving muslims, however, many are not. To many muslims, the united states is despised for its support to Israel. We are "infidels" for supporting the muslim's mortal enemy.

They say "nobody likes the boss"...and its true. To many, the United States is hated simply because its the greatest, most wealthy country in the world. And its sad, because, although being far from perfect, the U.S. has done so much for so many. The U.S gives billions in aid to many countries, and yet seems only to be recognized for what it doesnt do or what it may do wrong.

yeah....i can understand the Iraq war argument and I can understand that to many, the war is wrong...and i can understand how it has only increased hatred from the muslim world....but...

what about before the war?.... did we deserve the 94 bombing?..did we deserve 9/11........?

ask yourself this question-

if your mother or your sister were raped and killed...how much would you sympathize with the killer's political or sociological reasons for the crime?

its important for us to understand the mind of the terrorist, so we can catch them. should we understand them and sympathize with them.....absolutely not.

heres something else to think about-

every day, thousands pass into this country from mexico. how soon will it be before al quaeda learns spanish and comes in posing as a mexican?


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All your points are valid, Greg, but like someone mentioned earlier, a Muslim doesn't just suddenly wake up one morning and decide to strap SemTec or C4 to his/her waist and walk into a church, gas station, subway to blow himself/herself to smithereens while possibly taking the lives of others. If that were the case, then you would see suicide bombers in such obvious places as a flower shop in the Maldives or a funeral parlor in Surinam. The most anticipated effect that they want to create is psychological. And they aren't going to do that by blowing up a market in Ethiopia or a bicycle shop in Tahiti. :D

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i get depressed when i hear people infer that the united states or its allies "deserve" in some way terrorism. i had a conversation today with a friend that believes that due to our involvement in Iraq, we have encouraged the terrorists to target us. long before iraq, the u.s has been a target.

George Bush had been in office 9 months before 9/11. 9/11 took place long before the latest iraq war. it has already been proven that the planning for 9/11 took place during clinton's administration. The WTC was bombed in 1994. In 1997, the FBI uncovered a terrorist cell in N.Y. that were planning to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge.

whats the point?---

whether there is a republican or democratic president, the united states is hated by much of the muslim world. THIS HATRED EXISTED LONG BEFORE IRAQ. Unfortunately, much of the muslim world is based on extremism. Yes, there are many peace loving muslims, however, many are not. To many muslims, the united states is despised for its support to Israel. We are "infidels" for supporting the muslim's mortal enemy.

They say "nobody likes the boss"...and its true. To many, the United States is hated simply because its the greatest, most wealthy country in the world. And its sad, because, although being far from perfect, the U.S. has done so much for so many. The U.S gives billions in aid to many countries, and yet seems only to be recognized for what it doesnt do or what it may do wrong.

yeah....i can understand the Iraq war argument and I can understand that to many, the war is wrong...and i can understand how it has only increased hatred from the muslim world....but...

what about before the war?.... did we deserve the 94 bombing?..did we deserve 9/11........?

ask yourself this question-

if your mother or your sister were raped and killed...how much would you sympathize with the killer's political or sociological reasons for the crime?

its important for us to understand the mind of the terrorist, so we can catch them. should we undertand them and sympathize with them.....absolutely not.

heres something else to think about-

every day, thousands pass into this country from mexico. how soon will it be before al quaeda learns spanish and comes in posing as a mexican?


very good points.....and i read all of it...usually i just skim through long posts.

i was trying to give you a positive rep for this but it said i had to spread some reputation around before giving it to sgtfury again.......i guess it's too soon since i give you the neg one... :)

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...i was trying to give you a positive rep for this but it said i had to spread some reputation around before giving it to sgtfury again.......i guess it's too soon since i give you the neg one... :)

This post has just been reported to the site administrator. I recommended that you be banned! :finger:

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This post has just been reported to the site administrator. I recommended that you be banned! :finger:

your effort is futile wenchie.....if you want to moderate the fashion forum and wmc 2006 u'll have to find another way to derail me......first thing you need to do is get big boobs and become a blonde....on top of that you need to start listening to other genres (including trance) and wear pink.

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Yeah I wasn't talking about the confidentiality of their numbered bank accounts or anything. I chose Switzerland cause it has a very stable economy (in part because it has made great efforts in declaring neutrality during the vast majority of the twentieth century). :D
their economy has always been somewhat stable. however, their past actions would leave me a bit weary of their neutrality with so much at stake.
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the US is hated in a majority of the Muslim world, because of its attempts to employ its imperialistic ways, for a people that for the most part don’t want a change amongst other things. know one deserves to be attacked by terrorist, and the terrorists that participate in attacks deserve to be punished. however you don’t punish, nor condemn a group of people who’s history or religion you don’t fully understand; for the actions of a radical sector.

simply because one believes that the actions of particular country, may have contributed to an act of terrorism. does not mean you believe they deserved to be attacked, to think otherwise IMO shows a level arrogance which in itself is rather depressing.it’s rather interesting that polls and interviews taken after the first attacks in the Great Britain; indicated that a majority of the people believed the attacks came as a result of Great Britain’s participation in Iraq.

the US is not the boss of ANYTHING... we are country with a history that includes oppressing it’s own people, sponsoring civil wars, removing leaders from their own countries, etc. oh yes, we are not perfect... our greatnesses is rather subjective when you consider ,there are other countries with more stable economies, better educational systems, more advanced technology, etc.

US Politicians and American journalists play into the emotions of the american people; while tip toeing around the obvious causes for the escalation of terrorism. time and time again people buy right into this; which is rather sad. 9/11 seemed to me, to be wakeup call which we completely missed.

IMO to defeat your enemy your must understand them, not necessarily sympathize with them. clearly we still have not fully understood this concept as country, as we continue to live in denial... “you play with fire, you are going to get burnedâ€... :(

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i must say that regardless of whether i agree with you or not, i always enjoy your political point of view.

i did study religious philosophy while in college, however, that does by far not make me a expert. I did study the principles of Islam, and, it is by far not peaceful in some of its teachings. I should note that niether is the Bible.

By your post, you are agreeing that the U.S is hated by the majority of the Muslim world. the only group that i am condemming is that majority of the muslim world that hates me, an american.

while i understand, it saddens me a little to hear your negative view of this country. yes, we have many dark spots on our history,however, i guess i see things with a more optimistic eye.

i completely agree with you that ALL aspects of american politics are essentially based on manipulation. American politicians have been manipulating the public since the birth of this country.

in this regard, is there any true difference between democrats and republicans? no.

when it comes to the american media, i really dont understand how you can infer that they have tip toed around the causes of the escalation of terrorism. if anything, the american media is partly responsible for the escalation of terrorism. think about the irresponsiblity shown by newsweek in the "desecration" of the koran and how much focus the american media has placed on the prisoner "abuse", while downplaying attrocities commited by the insurgents in iraq. Think about how the american media has been resoundingly anti Bush.

I completely agree with you that 9/11 should have been a wake up call. It was a wake up call that should have reminded us that to many, we are the infidels that should be destroyed....that we should protect ourselves at all costs.

Unfortunately, you cannot rationalize the irrational. Should we negotiate with terrorists?

Understanding terrorist philosophy should not equate justifying thier actions in any way.

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the US is hated in a majority of the Muslim world, because of its attempts to employ its imperialistic ways, for a people that for the most part don’t want a change amongst other things. know one deserves to be attacked by terrorist, and the terrorists that participate in attacks deserve to be punished. however you don’t punish, nor condemn a group of people who’s history or religion you don’t fully understand; for the actions of a radical sector.

simply because one believes that the actions of particular country, may have contributed to an act of terrorism. does not mean you believe they deserved to be attacked, to think otherwise IMO shows a level arrogance which in itself is rather depressing.it’s rather interesting that polls and interviews taken after the first attacks in the Great Britain; indicated that a majority of the people believed the attacks came as a result of Great Britain’s participation in Iraq.

the US is not the boss of ANYTHING... we are country with a history that includes oppressing it’s own people, sponsoring civil wars, removing leaders from their own countries, etc. oh yes, we are not perfect... our greatnesses is rather subjective when you consider ,there are other countries with more stable economies, better educational systems, more advanced technology, etc.

US Politicians and American journalists play into the emotions of the american people; while tip toeing around the obvious causes for the escalation of terrorism. time and time again people buy right into this; which is rather sad. 9/11 seemed to me, to be wakeup call which we completely missed.

IMO to defeat your enemy your must understand them, not necessarily sympathize with them. clearly we still have not fully understood this concept as country, as we continue to live in denial... “you play with fire, you are going to get burnedâ€... :(

Big ups to Tony , dude parties like a rockstar and yet lays the smack down on current events ...

..i subscribe totally to the post above .

People gotta start thinking out of the GIJOE/America the Best fuck the rest mentality .

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