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does anyone take vitamins on a regular basis and if so....

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...do you think they really make a difference? I know of people that take tons of vitamins every day. I guess what I'm wondering is if they really make a difference. I try to take certain vitamins every day but I'm good for a while and then I stop. The one thing I really believe in is goldenseal and echinacea when I'm getting a cold. That stuff always chases my cold away. So, anyone a vitamin junkie???


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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I am. I buy a "Men's Pack Four" every morning at Kung Fu's across the street from me. I don't eat much so I probably don't get my daily vitamin and mineral allowance. Makes me pee florescent yellow, too, which is fun when I'm tripping.


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AIM: crackorn71

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Originally posted by Crackorn:

I am. I buy a "Men's Pack Four" every morning at Kung Fu's across the street from me. I don't eat much so I probably don't get my daily vitamin and mineral allowance. Makes me pee florescent yellow, too, which is fun when I'm tripping.

Ya mean when you can get the pee to flow, right?? ha ha


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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I do, i have done for years. You dont really notice what good they are doing until yu stop.

They definaley help my concentration an alertness. Stop me getting columbian flu wink.gif, more energy.

I would recomend them to everybody. I dont bother with the expensive ones, cheap multi's are just as good.

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Originally posted by evovr6:

Yeah I take a centrum and an extra Vitamin C pill

Hey me too!

But I just ran out of that Centrum stuff this morning.

Nikki I just started taking 3 weeks ago this stuff and I feel so smart... for real! LOL

And I haven't gotten a cold since... which is good cuz this cold weather sucks big fat hairy monkey balls...


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i agree with the consensus, a decent multi and an extra C and/or E will do you justice. i dabbled with the expensive packets for a while, and turned out to be what my trainer at the time was quoted as calling "expensive urine"



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what about ginko boloba (sp?)...isn't that supposed to help memory??? i need some of that since i have the memory of an 80 yr old. as for fighting off colds - i'm the queen of that domain!! vitamin b gives me a rash for some reason....


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

this cold weather sucks big fat hairy monkey balls...

i don't even want to begin about the visual i just got from that ...


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Originally posted by peeps:

i don't even want to begin about the visual i just got from that ...



Nikki - I heard that that ginko whatever thing is not that good after all it causes something bad ...


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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Go with the multi's, I also take Glucosamine Sulfate (for connective tissue)

Yeah, I've heard that Ginko Biloba is supposed to help memory, but you may want to research side effects (as per Rachel's post).




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Originally posted by uknjx2:

...do you think they really make a difference? I know of people that take tons of vitamins every day. I guess what I'm wondering is if they really make a difference. I try to take certain vitamins every day but I'm good for a while and then I stop. The one thing I really believe in is goldenseal and echinacea when I'm getting a cold. That stuff always chases my cold away. So, anyone a vitamin junkie???

not for like a year... I just bought some the other day---- spurred on by being sick with a cold.... Vitamin shop's 3 a day is the best... and I also got 1000mg vitamin C pills from teh same place.... taking at least 3 a those a day....

I'd be taking more shit... low on funds...

Vitamins etc========= less likely to get sick... when you do it don't last long... yay!!!



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I'm telling you guys that at the first sign of a cold if you take echinacea and goldenseal (you can buy it in a combination form) your cold either goes away or the duration is less!! I swear by it. The thing is you shouldn't take echinacea every day or it isn't effective when you get sick. Also, for a cold, that coldeze stuff really works, it just tastes like shit. Zinc, which is in coldeze works too, but you can't take it on an empty stomach b/c it'll make you nauseas, or at least it does that to me- make me hurl.....

I think I'm going to start taking that Centrum Silver or Geritol, ha ha!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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I used to take vitamins everyday , centrum and extra zinc, but forgot one day and since that day haven't taken any, which this post reminded me that i should start taking them again,but i didnt feel any difference in taking them or not taking them


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by uknjx2:

...do you think they really make a difference? The one thing I really believe in is goldenseal and echinacea when I'm getting a cold. That stuff always chases my cold away. So, anyone a vitamin junkie???

Golden seal is great but be carful about the echinacea take it for a 2 weeks and stop for a week and start back up. It works much better then. Try vit C too that helps boost your immune system also.


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affirmative on the echinacea - it's most effective if you DON'T take it all the time. i've been taking it when i've had a long weekend or i know my immune system has taken a beating (i.e. dancing for 10 hours).

5-HTP: 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) helps the nervous system by encouraging the production of serotonin.

Supplement with vitamin C, vitamin B6, and magnesium to maximize benefits.

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